|  | Quarter | Year ended |
 |  | June 2011 | September 2011 | September 2010 | September 2011 |
Number of disputes |  |  |  |  |
 | Commenced in period (no.) | 43 | 53 | 221 | 190 |
 | Total (no.) | 53 | 66 | 233 | 197 |
Employees involved |  |  |  |  |
 | Newly involved ('000) | 12.8 | 63.9 | 58.8 | 102.3 |
 | Total ('000) | r14.7 | 66.4 | 60.7 | 104.1 |
Working days lost ('000) | 66.2 | 101.3 | 144.1 | 214.4 |
r revised |
Working days lost

|  |
- For the September quarter 2011, there were 66 disputes, 13 more than in the June quarter 2011.
- The number of employees involved in industrial disputes in the September quarter 2011 was 66,400, an increase from 14,700 in the June quarter 2011.
- There were 101,300 working days lost due to industrial disputation in the September quarter 2011, an increase from 66,200 in the June quarter 2011.
- The combined Education and training and Health care and social assistance industries accounted for 49,200 (49%) of the total number of working days lost in the September quarter 2011. The Coal mining industry had the highest number of working days lost per thousand employees (155.8) for the quarter.
- In the September quarter 2011, New South Wales accounted for 52,900 (52%) of working days lost. New South Wales also had the highest number of working days lost per thousand employees (16.8) for the quarter.
- During the year ended September 2011, there were 197 disputes, 36 fewer than in the year ended September 2010.
- During the year ended September 2011, there were 214,400 working days lost compared with 144,100 in the year ended September 2010.
ISSUE (QUARTER) | Release Date |
December 2012 | 8 March 2012 |
March 2012 | 7 June 2012 |
Revisions have been made to the total number of employees involved in disputes in the June quarter 2011 (from 14,600 to 14,700), and in the 12 months ending in June 2011 (from 54,500 to 54,700). These revisions have been reflected in Table 1 in the Main Features and the relevant time series spreadsheets.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.