Every month the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) delivers new insights into the Australian labour market from its monthly labour force survey.
While the main focus of the major publications of labour force data is usually change to the unemployment rate or the level of employment or unemployment, there are numerous other aspects which are of interest. More detailed information is available in a variety of media, including Statistics Weekly - an ABS publication which summarises the highlights of ABS recent releases.
Over a series of issues, Statistics Weekly presents many summary articles on the nature and the dynamics of the labour market. They describe the results of the Monthly Labour Force Survey and associated supplementary surveys. This publication presents a compilation of those articles, published during 1992 or early in 1993. They illustrate the wide range of information available from the ABS labour statistics program.
The topics covered are many and varied. They range over the state of the labour market; the demographic characteristics of the working age population; the nature of employment; job search experience of the unemployed; a comparison of the Australian unemployment rate to that of other OECD countries and several other dimensions of the labour market and the characteristics of people in it.
Continued by: Australian Labour Market Statistics (cat. 6105.0) and Labour Force, Australia (cat. 6203.0)
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