This Bulletin, which will be issued monthly, is the first of a new series containing statistics of employment and unemployment. It replaces the Monthly Bulletin of Employment Statistics, the last issue of which, No. 257, was published for April, 1963.
Section I of this Bulletin contains a new series of estimates of wage and salary earners employed. This new series replaces entirely the previously published series for all periods from June 1954, derived from the population censuses of June 1954 and June 1961.
Sections II and IV bring up to date the continuing series "Employment in Larger Private Factories"; "Persons Registered for Employment with Commonwealth Employment Service"; and "Numbers receiving Unemployment Benefit".
Section III contains a series, completely new, of estimates of' the civilian work force in the six state capital cities. These estimates are derived from sample household surveys which are currently being extended to non-metropolitan areas.
Continued by Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6203.0), Employed Wage and Salary Earners, Australia (cat. 6248.0) and Job Vacancies, Australia (cat. no. 6354.0)
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