| Jun Qtr 2006 | Mar Qtr 2007 | Jun Qtr 2007 |  |
CONSOLIDATED ASSETS | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
Superannuation funds | 609 893 | 721 718 | 780 735 |  |
Public unit trusts | 226 359 | 255 418 | 266 980 |  |
Life insurance offices(a) | 203 215 | 216 845 | 224 546 |  |
All other managed funds | 53 013 | 55 296 | 62 411 |  |
Total | 1 092 480 | 1 249 277 | 1 334 673 |  |
|  |
(a) Investments by superannuation funds which are held and administered by life insurance offices are included under life insurance offices. |
See note on consolidation in Explanatory Notes, paragraph 10. |
Consolidated assets,
Type of institution

| Consolidated assets,
Type of asset

- Total consolidated assets of managed funds institutions was $1,334.7b at 30 June 2007, an increase of $85.4b (6.8%) on the revised March quarter 2007 figure of $1,249.3b.
- Consolidated assets of superannuation funds increased by $59.0b (8.2%), public unit trusts were up by $11.6b (4.5%), life insurance offices up by $7.7b (3.6%), cash management trusts up by $5.9b (14.5%), and common funds up by $1.0b (9.6%). Consolidated assets of friendly societies increased $0.2b (4.6%) on the March quarter figures.
- Investment in equities and units in trusts increased by $27.2b (5.3%). Other increases were recorded in cash and deposits, up $20.0b (18.8%), assets overseas, up $14.8b (5.6%), land and buildings, up $5.8b (4.4%) and short-term securities, up $4.6b (5.2%). During the June quarter 2007, the S&P/ASX 200 rose 4.7%, the price of foreign shares (represented by the US S&P 500) rose 5.8% and the $A appreciated against the $US by 5.2%. In addition, the 5 year Treasury Bond yield, averaged over the three months within the quarter, increased from 6.00% to 6.19%.
- Investment managers had $1,226.0b in funds under management at 30 June 2007, up $62.6b (5.4%) on the revised March quarter 2007 figure of $1,163.4b. They managed $852.1b (63.8%) of the consolidated assets of managed funds institutions.
ISSUE (QUARTER) | Release Date |
September 2007 | 29 November 2007 |
December 2007 | 28 February 2008 |
March 2008 | 29 May 2008 |
June 2008 | 28 August 2008 |
September 2008 | 27 November 2008 |
There have been revisions in some series back to June quarter 2003 as a result of quality assurance work undertaken with data providers and the receipt of revised administrative data.
Legislation changes announced in 2006 made it favourable for people over 50 to contribute up to $1m to their superannuation before 1 July 2007. The superannuation estimates presented in this publication measure the assets of superannuation funds at the end of each quarter. These assets can increase or decrease for a number of reasons including market price changes and net contribution and benefit payments.
New contributions made to superannuation funds reporting to the Australian Prudential regulation Authority (regulated superannuation funds) or the ABS Survey of Financial Information should be captured in the quarterly estimates of total assets included in this publication. A significant increase in assets of superannuation funds has been recorded in June quarter 2007 estimates. The self-managed funds regulated by Australian Taxation Office (ATO) report annually and compilation methods are used to create quarterly estimates. This is likely to result in an underestimate for these funds in the current quarter. These compilation methods may not fully reflect the increase until new annual data become available in 2008.
Discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals due to rounding.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Fiona Tetley on Canberra (02) 6252 5332.