| Dec Qtr 2006 | Sep Qtr 2007 | Dec Qtr 2007 |  |
CONSOLIDATED ASSETS | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
Superannuation funds | 680 563 | 801 893 | 802 409 |  |
Public unit trusts | 254 533 | 280 533 | 278 536 |  |
Life insurance offices(a) | 205 966 | 224 424 | 220 764 |  |
All other managed funds | 53 346 | 62 414 | 61 399 |  |
Total | 1 194 409 | 1 369 265 | 1 363 108 |  |
|  |
(a) Investments by superannuation funds which are held and administered by life insurance offices are included under life insurance offices. |
See note on consolidation in Explanatory Notes, paragraph 10. |
Consolidated Assets, Type of Institution

| , Type of asset

- Total consolidated assets of managed funds institutions were $1,361.6b at 31 December 2007, a decrease of $7.7b (1%) on the revised September quarter 2007 figure of $1,369.3b. This was the first fall since March 2003.
- Consolidated assets of superannuation funds increased by $0.5b (0.1%), while life insurance offices decreased by $3.7b (2%), public unit trusts decreased by $3.5b (1%), cash management trusts decreased by $0.8b (2%), common funds decreased by $0.1b (1%), and friendly societies remained virtually unchanged.
- Investment in equities and units in trusts decreased by $14.5b (2%) and cash and deposits decreased by $3.0b (3%) . Other decreases were recorded in land and buildings, down $1.8b (1%) and long-term securities, down $1.7b (2%). Increases occurred in assets overseas, up $12.0b (4%), and short term securities, up $1.2b (1%). During the December quarter 2007, the S&P/ASX 200 fell 3.5%, the price of foreign shares (represented by the US S&P 500) fell 3.8% and the A$ remained static against the US$.
- Investment managers had $1,258.0b in funds under management at 31 December 2007, down $11.6b (1%) on the revised September quarter 2007 figure of $1,269.5b. They managed $874.8b (64%) of the consolidated assets of managed funds institutions.
ISSUE (QUARTER) | Release Date |
March 2008 | 29 May 2008 |
June 2008 | 28 August 2008 |
September 2008 | 27 November 2008 |
December 2008 | 26 February 2009 |
There have been significant revisions back to March 2006 to the superannuation fund data, as a result of a review of compilation methods used by the Australian Taxation Office in determining the estimates of self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs).
In addition there have been revisions in some series as a result of corrections to previous period data reported by surveyed funds and the receipt of revised administrative data. Specifically, investment managers data has been revised back to September 2004; cash management trusts data back to September 2006; public unit trusts data back to March 2007; and life insurance offices data back to June 2007.
Discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals due to rounding.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Judy Sykes on Canberra (02) 6252 5222.