This publication presents government finance statistics (GFS) on an accrual accounting basis for each jurisdiction for general government, the non-financial public sector and the total public sector as follows:
- Operating statements for 2006-07;
- Cash flow statements for 2006-07; and
- Balance sheets at 30 June 2007.
Data for public non-financial corporations and public financial corporations are available on the ABS web site along with other time series tables.
Users interested in quarterly GFS data for the current financial year should refer to Government Finance Statistics, Australia, Quarterly (Cat. no. 5519.0.55.001).
Within GFS the consolidated total of the general government and the public non-financial corporations sectors is referred to as the 'non-financial public sector'. The consolidated total of the general government, the public non-financial corporations and the public financial corporations sectors is referred to as the 'total public sector'
In this publication, the term 'state' includes the two territories. Therefore 'state' refers to 'state and territory' and 'state and local' refers to 'state, territory and local'.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Glynis Orrell on Canberra (02) 6252 5735.
The GFS net operating balance for all levels of government in 2006-07 was $29,002 million for the general government sector and $33,805 million for the total public sector.
GFS net lending in 2006-07 was $16,804 million for the general government sector and $10,037 million for the total public sector.
The following table shows 2006-07 GFS operating statement aggregates by sector across the various levels of government.
Operating Results - 2006-07 |
|  |
 |  | General Government | Non-Financial Public Sector | Total Public Sector |  |
 |  | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
All levels of Government |  |  |  |  |
 | GFS Revenue | 389 729 | 431 363 | 443 088 |  |
 | GFS Expenses | 360 728 | 399 407 | 409 283 |  |
 | GFS Net Operating Balance | 29 002 | 31 956 | 33 805 |  |
 | Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 12 198 | 23 641 | 23 768 |  |
 | GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 16 804 | 8 315 | 10 037 |  |
Commonwealth Government |  |  |  |  |
 | GFS Revenue | 277 830 | 289 408 | 293 743 |  |
 | GFS Expenses | 258 551 | 271 045 | 274 799 |  |
 | GFS Net Operating Balance | 19 279 | 18 362 | 18 944 |  |
 | Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 2 207 | 3 053 | 3 102 |  |
 | GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 17 071 | 15 309 | 15 842 |  |
State and Local Government |  |  |  |  |
 | GFS Revenue | 173 924 | 203 575 | 211 003 |  |
 | GFS Expenses | 163 978 | 189 852 | 196 012 |  |
 | GFS Net Operating Balance | 9 946 | 13 724 | 14 991 |  |
 | Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 9 241 | 19 830 | 19 908 |  |
 | GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 705 | -6 106 | -4 917 |  |
Multi-jurisdictional(a) |  |  |  |  |
 | GFS Revenue | 15 783 | 16 380 | 16 380 |  |
 | GFS Expenses | 14 588 | 15 090 | 15 090 |  |
 | GFS Net Operating Balance | 1 195 | 1 290 | 1 290 |  |
 | Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 750 | 759 | 759 |  |
 | GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 445 | 532 | 532 |  |
|  |
(a) The multi-jurisdictional sector contains units where jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. The main types of units currently falling into this category are the public universities. |
In 2006-07 the general government sector and total public sector, for all levels of government, recorded surpluses of $15,777 million and $6,750 million respectively.
The following table presents the 2006-07 surplus/deficit results by sector for each jurisdiction.
Cash Operating Results - 2006-07 |
|  |
 |  | General Government | Non-Financial Public Sector | Total Public Sector |  |
 |  | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
Commonwealth government | 19 264 | 17 505 | 17 255 |  |
State and Local Government |  |  |  |  |
 | New South Wales | -7 505 | -8 984 | -8 546 |  |
 | Victoria | 693 | 110 | -686 |  |
 | Queensland | 2 071 | -1 881 | -1 817 |  |
 | South Australia | -84 | -108 | 136 |  |
 | Western Australia | 1 550 | 248 | 513 |  |
 | Tasmania | 191 | 199 | 255 |  |
 | Northern Territory | 185 | 128 | 182 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | 270 | 261 | 261 |  |
 | Total | -2 627 | -10 033 | -9 706 |  |
Multi-jurisdictional | 286 | 343 | 343 |  |
Total | 15 777 | 6 675 | 6 750 |  |
|  |
GFS net worth reflects the contribution of governments to the wealth of Australia. The consolidated net worth as at 30 June 2007 for all levels of government was $708,729 million.
The following table presents 30 June 2007 balance sheet aggregates by sector for the various levels of government.
Balance Sheet Results - At 30 June 2007 |
|  |
 |  | General Government | Non-Financial Public Sector | Total Public Sector |  |
 |  | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
All Levels of Government |  |  |  |  |
 | Total assets | 1 076 642 | 1 156 328 | 1 285 652 |  |
 | Total liabilities | 367 914 | 447 599 | 576 923 |  |
 | Shares and other contributed capital | - | - | - |  |
 | GFS Net worth | 708 729 | 708 729 | 708 729 |  |
Commonwealth Government |  |  |  |  |
 | Total assets | 215 362 | 218 027 | 295 426 |  |
 | Total liabilities | 212 166 | 214 832 | 292 230 |  |
 | Shares and other contributed capital | - | - | - |  |
 | GFS Net worth | 3 196 | 3 196 | 3 196 |  |
State and Local Government |  |  |  |  |
 | Total assets | 828 971 | 905 316 | 962 427 |  |
 | Total liabilities | 152 907 | 229 252 | 286 363 |  |
 | GFS Net worth | 676 064 | 676 064 | 676 064 |  |
Multi-jurisdictional(a) |  |  |  |  |
 | Total assets | 40 183 | 42 628 | 42 628 |  |
 | Total liabilities | 10 714 | 11 867 | 11 867 |  |
 | GFS Net worth | 29 470 | 29 470 | 29 470 |  |
|  |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
(a) The multi-jurisdictional sector contains units where jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. The main types of units currently falling into this category are the public universities. |
GFS revenue for the general government sector across all levels of government increased by $26,530 million (7.3%) from $363,199 million in 2005-06 to $389,729 million in 2006-07. Over the same period GFS expenses have increased by $26,050 million (7.8%) from $334,678 million to $360,728 million. This resulted in an increase of $481 million in the GFS net operating balance from $28,521 million to $29,002 million.
Between 30 June 2006 and 30 June 2007 GFS net worth for all levels of government increased by $83,622 million from $625,107 million to $708,729 million.
The following tables show a time series of major aggregates for the general government across different levels of government.
Major aggregates, General Government, All levels of Government |
|  |
 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 262 773 | 286 317 | 310 332 | 335 559 | 363 199 | 389 729 |  |
GFS Expenses | 261 626 | 274 840 | 295 199 | 315 990 | 334 678 | 360 728 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 1 147 | 11 477 | 15 132 | 19 569 | 28 521 | 29 002 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 4 015 | 3 481 | 5 054 | 5 514 | 8 555 | 12 198 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | -2 868 | 7 997 | 10 078 | 14 055 | 19 966 | 16 804 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 3 100 | 11 104 | 15 032 | 22 007 | 26 055 | 15 777 |  |
Total assets | 713 948 | 769 315 | 830 809 | 909 590 | 989 209 | 1 076 642 |  |
Total liabilities | 308 414 | 323 604 | 321 535 | 336 405 | 364 102 | 367 914 |  |
GFS Net worth | 405 523 | 445 712 | 509 274 | 573 185 | 625 107 | 708 729 |  |
|  |
Major Aggregates, General Government, Commonwealth |
|  |
 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 190 156 | 206 620 | 221 910 | 241 885 | 260 592 | 277 830 |  |
GFS Expenses | 194 042 | 200 482 | 214 374 | 229 978 | 242 582 | 258 551 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | -3 886 | 6 139 | 7 536 | 11 907 | 18 010 | 19 279 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | -371 | -218 | 726 | 154 | 1 434 | 2 207 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | -3 515 | 6 357 | 6 810 | 11 753 | 16 577 | 17 071 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | -1 112 | 7 404 | 8 125 | 13 505 | 15 720 | 19 264 |  |
Total assets | 142 173 | 146 075 | 159 484 | 174 544 | 196 662 | 215 362 |  |
Total liabilities | 186 542 | 193 237 | 189 386 | 199 358 | 206 849 | 212 166 |  |
GFS Net worth | -44 369 | -47 162 | -29 901 | -24 814 | -10 187 | 3 196 |  |
|  |
MAJOR AGGREGATES, General Government - State Government |
|  |
 |  | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 |  |
 |  | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 106 724 | 113 824 | 124 031 | 131 922 | 142 577 | 152 768 |  |
GFS Expenses | 103 256 | 109 664 | 117 618 | 125 337 | 134 616 | 145 992 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 3 468 | 4 160 | 6 413 | 6 585 | 7 962 | 6 776 |  |
 | New South Wales | 1 569 | 1 801 | 1 126 | 695 | 1 033 | 774 |  |
 | Victoria | 2 573 | 1 479 | 942 | 797 | 810 | 1 413 |  |
 | Queensland | -902 | 12 | 3 335 | 3 919 | 3 716 | 1 861 |  |
 | South Australia | -97 | 448 | 387 | 156 | 219 | 227 |  |
 | Western Australia | 198 | 253 | 807 | 1 191 | 2 265 | 2 303 |  |
 | Tasmania | 143 | 170 | 62 | 147 | 20 | 14 |  |
 | Northern Territory | 24 | -2 | -45 | -30 | 29 | 145 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | -40 | -1 | -202 | -297 | -134 | 31 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 3 011 | 2 244 | 2 288 | 2 483 | 3 955 | 5 777 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 456 | 1 916 | 4 125 | 4 102 | 4 007 | 999 |  |
 | New South Wales | 569 | 639 | 6 | -202 | -484 | -1 040 |  |
 | Victoria | 1 719 | 590 | 197 | 586 | 326 | 505 |  |
 | Queensland | -1 609 | -144 | 2 835 | 2 866 | 2 480 | -206 |  |
 | South Australia | -125 | 413 | 435 | 51 | 79 | 71 |  |
 | Western Australia | -25 | 130 | 570 | 898 | 1 846 | 1 534 |  |
 | Tasmania | 167 | 212 | 126 | 118 | -16 | 49 |  |
 | Northern Territory | -279 | -73 | -27 | -57 | -62 | 74 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | 39 | 150 | -19 | -163 | -166 | 5 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 4 206 | 4 532 | 7 264 | 8 145 | 10 490 | -2 568 |  |
 | New South Wales | 2 551 | 2 336 | 1 444 | 1 312 | 2 087 | -7 462 |  |
 | Victoria | 1 324 | 33 | 529 | 815 | 935 | 530 |  |
 | Queensland | 196 | 646 | 3 493 | 4 629 | 4 649 | 2 308 |  |
 | South Australia | -45 | 659 | 531 | 191 | 188 | -25 |  |
 | Western Australia | -31 | 259 | 554 | 859 | 2 301 | 1 460 |  |
 | Tasmania | 213 | 300 | 370 | 244 | 209 | 167 |  |
 | Northern Territory | -273 | 34 | 38 | 53 | 38 | 183 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | 263 | 257 | 299 | 35 | 76 | 270 |  |
Total assets | 387 082 | 430 246 | 465 745 | 514 785 | 552 294 | 601 081 |  |
Total liabilities | 113 412 | 121 784 | 122 737 | 126 721 | 144 444 | 141 631 |  |
GFS Net worth | 273 670 | 308 462 | 343 008 | 388 064 | 407 850 | 459 450 |  |
 | New South Wales | 98 879 | 121 473 | 124 649 | 129 053 | 127 818 | 134 980 |  |
 | Victoria | 48 812 | 50 619 | 61 187 | 75 018 | 75 488 | 84 627 |  |
 | Queensland | 58 087 | 64 896 | 77 722 | 96 433 | 105 033 | 117 832 |  |
 | South Australia | 15 012 | 15 740 | 16 159 | 16 721 | 20 291 | 22 746 |  |
 | Western Australia | 36 016 | 38 012 | 43 741 | 50 212 | 57 941 | 75 709 |  |
 | Tasmania | 6 883 | 7 200 | 8 004 | 9 008 | 9 107 | 9 653 |  |
 | Northern Territory | 2 165 | 1 892 | 2 166 | 2 353 | 2 727 | 2 721 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | 7 815 | 8 629 | 9 380 | 9 265 | 9 445 | 11 182 |  |
|  |
For the total public sector across all levels of government, GFS revenue increased by $22,709 million (5.4%) from $420,379 million in 2005-06 to $443,088 million in 2006-07. GFS expenses increased by $17,599 (4.5%) from $391,684 million to $409,283 million. As a result GFS net operating balance increased by $5,111 million from $28,694 million in 2005-06 to $33,805 million in 2006-07
Between 30 June 2006 and 30 June 2007 GFS net worth across the total public sector increased by $116,933 million from $591,796 million to $708,729 million.
The following tables show a time series of major aggregates for the total public sector across different levels of government.
Major Aggregates, Total Public Sector, All Levels of Governments |
|  |
 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 312 649 | 336 176 | 360 774 | 390 713 | 420 379 | 443 088 |  |
GFS Expenses | 309 645 | 323 430 | 342 454 | 366 710 | 391 684 | 409 283 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 3 004 | 12 746 | 18 320 | 24 002 | 28 694 | 33 805 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 6 645 | 6 091 | 7 434 | 11 080 | 16 790 | 23 768 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | -3 640 | 6 655 | 10 886 | 12 922 | 11 904 | 10 037 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 2 905 | 11 288 | 16 339 | 21 640 | 20 374 | 6 750 |  |
Total assets | 851 083 | 906 797 | 969 482 | 1 074 074 | 1 172 259 | 1 285 652 |  |
Total liabilities | 464 256 | 475 087 | 478 253 | 519 535 | 558 393 | 576 923 |  |
GFS Net worth | 356 653 | 403 072 | 460 051 | 524 194 | 591 796 | 708 729 |  |
|  |
For the Commonwealth Government total public sector, GFS revenue increased by $7,994 million (2.8%) from $285,749 million in 2005-06 to $293,743 million in 2006-07. GFS expenses increased by $5,806 (2.2%) from $268,993 million to $274,799 million. As a result GFS net operating balance increased by $2,188 million from $16,756 million in 2005-06 to $18,944 million in 2006-07
Between 30 June 2006 and 30 June 2007 GFS net worth across the total public sector increased by $46,693 million from $-43,497 million to $3,196 million.
The data for 2006-07 has been impacted by the privatisation of Telstra on 20 November 2007.
Major Aggregates, Total Public Sector, Commonwealth Government |
|  |
 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 212 292 | 228 038 | 243 115 | 266 649 | 285 749 | 293 743 |  |
GFS Expenses | 216 167 | 221 001 | 234 882 | 252 318 | 268 993 | 274 799 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | -3 875 | 7 037 | 8 233 | 14 331 | 16 756 | 18 944 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | -636 | -741 | 606 | 466 | 2 089 | 3 102 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | -3 239 | 7 778 | 7 628 | 13 865 | 14 667 | 15 842 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | -1 291 | 7 893 | 9 245 | 15 171 | 14 656 | 17 255 |  |
Total assets | 202 128 | 200 035 | 215 325 | 245 245 | 275 688 | 295 426 |  |
Total liabilities | 265 217 | 261 151 | 263 274 | 288 705 | 297 116 | 292 230 |  |
GFS Net worth | -93 238 | -89 801 | -79 125 | -73 804 | -43 497 | 3 196 |  |
|  |
Major Aggregates, Total Public Sector, State Government |
|  |
 |  | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 |  |
 |  | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 135 311 | 142 692 | 153 825 | 162 886 | 175 076 | 190 285 |  |
GFS Expenses | 130 007 | 138 327 | 144 970 | 154 370 | 165 742 | 178 486 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 5 304 | 4 365 | 8 855 | 8 516 | 9 334 | 11 798 |  |
 | New South Wales | 2 409 | 1 768 | 1 283 | 987 | 1 654 | 3 298 |  |
 | Victoria | 3 300 | 1 626 | 2 612 | 1 499 | 970 | 2 271 |  |
 | Queensland | -767 | 147 | 3 494 | 4 279 | 4 138 | 2 785 |  |
 | South Australia | -116 | 169 | 496 | 253 | 172 | 342 |  |
 | Western Australia | 363 | 360 | 1 140 | 1 675 | 2 605 | 2 758 |  |
 | Tasmania | 232 | 235 | 89 | 188 | 54 | 47 |  |
 | Northern Territory | -27 | -18 | 1 | 22 | 70 | 227 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | -57 | 86 | -232 | -386 | -334 | 66 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 5 916 | 5 361 | 4 798 | 7 556 | 11 247 | 16 173 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | -612 | -996 | 4 056 | 960 | -1 912 | -4 375 |  |
 | New South Wales | 89 | -471 | -936 | -1 497 | -2 036 | -1 752 |  |
 | Victoria | 1 772 | -113 | 886 | 316 | -353 | 55 |  |
 | Queensland | -1 837 | -875 | 3 383 | 1 732 | 162 | -4 016 |  |
 | South Australia | 8 | 88 | 478 | 93 | 107 | 61 |  |
 | Western Australia | -348 | 64 | 390 | 631 | 630 | 964 |  |
 | Tasmania | -16 | 196 | 17 | 96 | -153 | 69 |  |
 | Northern Territory | -321 | -78 | -14 | -97 | -74 | 82 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | 43 | 226 | -119 | -313 | -201 | 159 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 4 190 | 4 072 | 7 415 | 6 315 | 6 075 | -9 395 |  |
 | New South Wales | 2 308 | 2 109 | 849 | 190 | 1 067 | -8 503 |  |
 | Victoria | 1 882 | 327 | 1 423 | 1 080 | 896 | -850 |  |
 | Queensland | 13 | 387 | 3 710 | 4 422 | 2 140 | -1 323 |  |
 | South Australia | 151 | 391 | 622 | 406 | 540 | 194 |  |
 | Western Australia | -134 | 39 | 149 | 37 | 1 069 | 423 |  |
 | Tasmania | 42 | 396 | 336 | 256 | 178 | 227 |  |
 | Northern Territory | -279 | 98 | 58 | -5 | 80 | 181 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | 233 | 290 | 252 | -88 | 79 | 261 |  |
Total assets | 468 933 | 521 614 | 557 358 | 616 660 | 663 850 | 737 769 |  |
Total liabilities | 195 262 | 213 162 | 214 347 | 228 594 | 256 000 | 278 319 |  |
GFS Net worth | 273 670 | 308 461 | 343 009 | 388 064 | 407 849 | 459 450 |  |
 | New South Wales | 98 877 | 121 472 | 124 646 | 129 053 | 127 818 | 134 980 |  |
 | Victoria | 48 812 | 50 619 | 61 187 | 75 018 | 75 488 | 84 627 |  |
 | Queensland | 58 087 | 64 896 | 77 722 | 96 433 | 105 032 | 117 832 |  |
 | South Australia | 15 012 | 15 740 | 16 159 | 16 721 | 20 290 | 22 746 |  |
 | Western Australia | 36 017 | 38 012 | 43 741 | 50 213 | 57 941 | 75 709 |  |
 | Tasmania | 6 883 | 7 200 | 8 004 | 9 008 | 9 107 | 9 653 |  |
 | Northern Territory | 2 165 | 1 892 | 2 166 | 2 354 | 2 727 | 2 721 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | 7 815 | 8 629 | 9 380 | 9 265 | 9 445 | 11 182 |  |
|  |