This publication presents government finance statistics (GFS) on an accrual accounting basis for each jurisdiction for general government, the non-financial public sector and the total public sector as follows:
- Operating statements for 2004-05;
- Cash flow statements for 2004-05; and
- Balance sheets at 30 June 2005.
Users interested in quarterly GFS data for the current financial year should consult Government Finance Statistics, Australia, Quarterly (Cat. no. 5519.0.55.001).
This issue contains data for general government, the non-financial public sector and the total public sector. Due to space constraints, tables relating to public non-financial corporations and public financial corporations are not included. Time series data for all institutional sectors can be accessed from the ABS web site.
From 2002-03 NSW state insurance expenses are allocated across all government purpose classification (GPC) categories. NSW Treasury is unable to re-allocate insurance expenses from Other Economic Affairs for the years prior to 2002-03. Within the GPCs for Education, exact expenditures for Special Education in NSW were unknown for the years prior to 2002-03. In years prior to 2002-03 expenditure on Special Education will have been included in Primary and Secondary Education.
The Victorian Treasury has been reviewing its historic GPC allocation. Some revisions have already been made to the time series data and further revisions are expected to be incorporated in the release of the 2005-06 GFS data in 2007. Pending this review, Victorian GPC data in this release are ABS estimates, based on previously reported data.
Within government finance statistics (GFS), the consolidated total of transactions of the general government, public non-financial corporations and public financial corporations sectors is referred to as the 'total public sector'.
In this publication, the term 'state' includes the two territories. Therefore 'state' refers to 'state and territory' and 'state and local' refers to 'state, territory and local'.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Jonathan Sim on Canberra (02) 6252 5735.
The GFS net operating balance for all levels of government in 2004-05 was $19,419 million and $24,776 million for the general government sector and total public sector respectively. In the same year, GFS net lending was $13,666 million and $13,431 million for the two sectors respectively.
The following table shows these two measures and other GFS operating statement major aggregates across the various levels of government by sector in 2004-05.
|  |
 |  | General
Government | Non-
Sector | Total
Sector |  |
 |  | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
All levels of government |  |  |  |  |
 | GFS Revenue | 335 680 | 380 934 | 391 555 |  |
 | GFS Expenses | 316 260 | 358 245 | 366 779 |  |
 | GFS Net Operating Balance | 19 419 | 22 689 | 24 776 |  |
 | Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 5 754 | 11 355 | 11 345 |  |
 | GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 13 666 | 11 335 | 13 431 |  |
Commonwealth Government |  |  |  |  |
 | GFS Revenue | 241 885 | 262 965 | 266 649 |  |
 | GFS Expenses | 230 788 | 250 095 | 253 122 |  |
 | GFS Net Operating Balance | 11 097 | 12 870 | 13 527 |  |
 | Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 154 | 457 | 466 |  |
 | GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 10 942 | 12 413 | 13 061 |  |
State and local governments |  |  |  |  |
 | GFS Revenue | 150 113 | 174 088 | 181 168 |  |
 | GFS Expenses | 141 418 | 164 077 | 169 721 |  |
 | GFS Net Operating Balance | 8 695 | 10 011 | 11 447 |  |
 | Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 5 159 | 10 330 | 10 312 |  |
 | GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 3 536 | -319 | 1 135 |  |
Multi-jurisdictional(a) |  |  |  |  |
 | GFS Revenue | 13 305 | 13 729 | 13 729 |  |
 | GFS Expenses | 12 819 | 13 206 | 13 206 |  |
 | GFS Net Operating Balance | 486 | 523 | 523 |  |
 | Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 441 | 568 | 568 |  |
 | GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 45 | -45 | -45 |  |
|  |
(a) The multi-jurisdictional sector contains units where jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. The main types of units currently falling into this category are the public universities. |
In 2004-05 the general government sector and total public sector, for all levels of government, recorded surpluses of $20,632 million and $21,017 million respectively.
The following table presents the surplus/deficit results for each jurisdiction for 2004-05 for general government, the non-financial public sector and the total public sector.
|  |
 |  | General Government | Non-financial Public Sector | Total Public Sector |  |
 |  | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
Commonwealth Government | 13 505 | 15 055 | 15 171 |  |
State and local governments |  |  |  |  |
 | New South Wales | 1 192 | 242 | 831 |  |
 | Victoria | 188 | -422 | 387 |  |
 | Queensland | 4 766 | 3 742 | 4 489 |  |
 | South Australia | -20 | 53 | 193 |  |
 | Western Australia | 804 | 6 | - |  |
 | Tasmania | 256 | 160 | 249 |  |
 | Northern Territory | -17 | -111 | -71 |  |
 | Australian Capital Territory | 35 | -88 | -88 |  |
 | Total | 7 182 | 3 551 | 5 958 |  |
Multi-jurisdictional(a) | 574 | 350 | 350 |  |
Total | 20 632 | 18 481 | 21 017 |  |
|  |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
(a) The multi-jurisdictional sector contains units where jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. The main types of units currently falling into this category are public universities. |
GFS net worth reflects the contribution of governments to the wealth of Australia. The consolidated net worth as at 30 June 2005 for the general government sector for all levels of government was $572,347 million. The consolidated net worth for the total public sector was $523,549 million.
The following table presents selected balance sheet aggregates for the general government, the non-financial public sector and the total public sectors as at 30 June 2005 across the various levels of government.
|  |
 |  | General
Government | Non-financial Public Sector | Total
Sector |  |
 |  | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
All levels of government |  |  |  |  |
 | Total assets | 909 641 | 965 868 | 1 075 049 |  |
 | Total liabilities | 337 293 | 411 165 | 520 333 |  |
 | Shares and other contributed capital | - | 31 159 | 31 166 |  |
 | GFS Net worth | 572 347 | 523 543 | 523 549 |  |
Commonwealth government |  |  |  |  |
 | Total assets | 174 544 | 176 571 | 245 242 |  |
 | Total liabilities | 200 189 | 220 862 | 289 534 |  |
 | Shares and other contributed capital | - | 30 344 | 30 344 |  |
 | GFS Net worth | -25 645 | -74 635 | -74 635 |  |
State and local governments |  |  |  |  |
 | Total assets | 708 213 | 760 730 | 807 262 |  |
 | Total liabilities | 136 490 | 189 009 | 235 529 |  |
 | GFS Net worth | 571 722 | 571 722 | 571 727 |  |
Multi-jurisdictional(a) |  |  |  |  |
 | Total assets | 33 061 | 34 949 | 34 949 |  |
 | Total liabilities | 6 791 | 7 675 | 7 675 |  |
 | GFS Net worth | 26 270 | 26 457 | 26 457 |  |
|  |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
(a) The multi-jurisdictional sector contains units where jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. The main types of units currently falling into this category are public universities. |
The following graph shows the total public sector GFS net worth as at 30 June 2005 as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) for all levels of government. The negative Net Worth of the Commonwealth arises largely due to unfunded superannuation and other employee entitlement liabilities carried on its books.

The following tables show a time series of major aggregates for the general government and total public sector.
|  |
 | 1999-2000 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 243 123 | 257 110 | 263 053 | 286 736 | 310 840 | 335 680 |  |
GFS Expenses | 227 035 | 249 604 | 262 876 | 275 198 | 295 180 | 316 260 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 16 089 | 7 506 | 178 | 11 538 | 15 660 | 19 419 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 2 460 | 2 963 | 4 115 | 3 353 | 5 470 | 5 754 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 13 629 | 4 543 | -3 938 | 8 185 | 10 190 | 13 666 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 15 032 | 8 581 | 3 650 | 11 704 | 14 669 | 20 632 |  |
Total assets | 671 526 | 683 458 | 714 191 | 769 710 | 831 549 | 909 641 |  |
Total liabilities | 302 312 | 300 426 | 308 338 | 323 611 | 321 951 | 337 293 |  |
GFS Net worth | 369 214 | 383 032 | 405 852 | 446 098 | 509 598 | 572 347 |  |
|  |
|  |
 | 1999-2000 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 166 926 | 185 716 | 190 156 | 206 620 | 221 910 | 241 885 |  |
GFS Expenses | 156 338 | 181 054 | 194 042 | 200 448 | 214 778 | 230 788 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 10 588 | 4 662 | -3 886 | 6 173 | 7 132 | 11 097 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | -1 226 | -1 174 | -371 | -218 | 726 | 154 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 11 814 | 5 836 | -3 515 | 6 391 | 6 406 | 10 942 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 12 944 | 5 906 | -1 112 | 7 404 | 7 971 | 13 505 |  |
Total assets | 149 974 | 145 678 | 142 173 | 146 075 | 159 484 | 174 544 |  |
Total liabilities | 190 751 | 188 342 | 186 542 | 193 237 | 189 806 | 200 189 |  |
GFS Net worth | -40 776 | -42 664 | -44 369 | -47 162 | -30 322 | -25 645 |  |
|  |
|  |
 | 1999-2000 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 95 226 | 101 269 | 106 833 | 113 838 | 124 021 | 131 915 |  |
GFS Expenses | 90 853 | 99 654 | 104 185 | 109 611 | 117 328 | 125 171 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 4 373 | 1 615 | 2 648 | 4 226 | 6 693 | 6 745 |  |
New South Wales | 2 036 | 1 545 | 1 569 | 1 800 | 1 126 | 695 |  |
Victoria | 1 793 | 1 196 | 1 648 | 1 508 | 946 | 797 |  |
Queensland | 1 062 | -856 | -895 | 17 | 3 337 | 3 924 |  |
South Australia | -329 | -298 | -97 | 448 | 387 | 225 |  |
Western Australia | -28 | 200 | 229 | 289 | 832 | 1 201 |  |
Tasmania | 123 | 102 | 143 | 170 | 315 | 241 |  |
Northern Territory | -330 | -79 | 61 | - | -40 | -26 |  |
Australian Capital Territory | 48 | -55 | 8 | 12 | -197 | -291 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 2 649 | 2 970 | 3 094 | 2 235 | 2 620 | 2 741 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 1 724 | -1 356 | -447 | 1 992 | 4 073 | 4 004 |  |
New South Wales | 1 431 | 667 | 569 | 638 | 6 | -202 |  |
Victoria | 1 159 | 543 | 728 | 614 | -117 | 339 |  |
Queensland | -123 | -1 669 | -1 602 | -139 | 2 837 | 2 871 |  |
South Australia | -466 | -385 | -125 | 413 | 425 | 120 |  |
Western Australia | -267 | -387 | 7 | 188 | 597 | 908 |  |
Tasmania | 165 | 130 | 167 | 212 | 379 | 210 |  |
Northern Territory | -304 | -166 | -251 | -71 | -21 | -54 |  |
Australian Capital Territory | 131 | 51 | 79 | 154 | -19 | -167 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 1 833 | 2 761 | 4 205 | 4 393 | 6 817 | 7 803 |  |
New South Wales | 1 926 | 1 825 | 2 550 | 2 327 | 1 444 | 1 253 |  |
Victoria | 1 808 | 635 | 1 371 | 33 | 217 | 563 |  |
Queensland | -1 571 | 353 | 196 | 645 | 3 492 | 4 628 |  |
South Australia | -239 | -106 | -44 | 659 | 522 | 193 |  |
Western Australia | -378 | -127 | -30 | 174 | 459 | 858 |  |
Tasmania | 218 | 147 | 214 | 302 | 370 | 242 |  |
Northern Territory | -64 | -6 | -242 | 25 | 38 | 53 |  |
Australian Capital Territory | 188 | 241 | 263 | 257 | 300 | 35 |  |
Total assets | 352 017 | 363 331 | 386 212 | 429 431 | 465 019 | 514 053 |  |
Total liabilities | 105 082 | 105 337 | 113 446 | 121 818 | 122 734 | 126 721 |  |
GFS Net worth | 246 935 | 257 994 | 272 767 | 307 612 | 342 285 | 387 333 |  |
New South Wales | 88 068 | 91 810 | 98 431 | 121 039 | 124 283 | 128 690 |  |
Victoria | 39 878 | 43 343 | 48 812 | 50 619 | 61 187 | 75 018 |  |
Queensland | 57 775 | 57 623 | 58 092 | 64 893 | 77 724 | 96 433 |  |
South Australia | 12 500 | 14 789 | 14 564 | 15 306 | 15 793 | 16 357 |  |
Western Australia | 31 691 | 32 198 | 35 995 | 38 016 | 43 747 | 50 207 |  |
Tasmania | 6 274 | 6 473 | 6 883 | 7 200 | 8 004 | 9 008 |  |
Northern Territory | 3 537 | 4 407 | 2 165 | 1 910 | 2 166 | 2 353 |  |
Australian Capital Territory | 7 214 | 7 351 | 7 825 | 8 629 | 9 380 | 9 265 |  |
|  |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
|  |
 | 1999-2000 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 293 527 | 311 672 | 313 604 | 337 176 | 362 459 | 391 555 |  |
GFS Expenses | 277 746 | 299 893 | 310 798 | 323 519 | 342 754 | 366 779 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 15 781 | 11 779 | 2 806 | 13 657 | 19 705 | 24 776 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 4 004 | 4 121 | 6 494 | 6 036 | 9 266 | 11 345 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 11 777 | 7 657 | -3 688 | 7 621 | 10 439 | 13 431 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 14 888 | 10 836 | 4 282 | 12 714 | 16 571 | 21 017 |  |
Total assets | 777 147 | 825 929 | 850 852 | 908 091 | 971 134 | 1 075 049 |  |
Total liabilities | 456 317 | 464 233 | 463 826 | 475 043 | 478 616 | 520 333 |  |
GFS Net worth | 294 103 | 324 815 | 356 982 | 403 581 | 460 525 | 523 549 |  |
|  |
|  |
 | 1999-2000 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 187 875 | 208 880 | 212 292 | 228 038 | 243 115 | 266 649 |  |
GFS Expenses | 179 076 | 201 906 | 216 167 | 220 967 | 235 284 | 253 122 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 8 799 | 6 975 | -3 875 | 7 071 | 7 831 | 13 527 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 839 | -567 | -636 | -741 | 606 | 466 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 7 960 | 7 541 | -3 239 | 7 812 | 7 225 | 13 061 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 8 995 | 7 524 | -1 291 | 7 893 | 9 091 | 15 171 |  |
Total assets | 186 350 | 204 002 | 202 113 | 200 030 | 215 310 | 245 242 |  |
Total liabilities | 275 399 | 267 944 | 265 201 | 261 146 | 263 680 | 289 534 |  |
GFS Net worth | -115 887 | -100 871 | -93 238 | -89 801 | -79 546 | -74 635 |  |
|  |
|  |
 | 1999-2000 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 |  |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
GFS Revenue | 125 477 | 133 597 | 136 114 | 143 280 | 154 820 | 163 493 |  |
GFS Expenses | 119 549 | 129 846 | 130 841 | 137 999 | 144 920 | 154 046 |  |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 5 928 | 3 751 | 5 273 | 5 281 | 9 900 | 9 447 |  |
New South Wales | 2 433 | 1 886 | 2 240 | 1 612 | 1 308 | 999 |  |
Victoria | 1 569 | 1 030 | 2 388 | 1 653 | 2 628 | 1 555 |  |
Queensland | 1 180 | -538 | -759 | 157 | 3 503 | 4 283 |  |
South Australia | -232 | -149 | -116 | 169 | 496 | 322 |  |
Western Australia | 317 | 465 | 411 | 489 | 1 209 | 1 699 |  |
Tasmania | 193 | 131 | 213 | 214 | 322 | 277 |  |
Northern Territory | -299 | -75 | 70 | -8 | 9 | 27 |  |
Australian Capital Territory | 47 | 1 | 57 | 161 | -151 | -377 |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 1 751 | 3 347 | 5 729 | 5 423 | 6 547 | 7 851 |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 4 178 | 404 | -456 | -142 | 3 353 | 1 596 |  |
New South Wales | 556 | 873 | -55 | -667 | -948 | -1 501 |  |
Victoria | 405 | -83 | 793 | -90 | 96 | 79 |  |
Queensland | -567 | -2 022 | -1 829 | -865 | 2 802 | 1 736 |  |
South Australia | 3 206 | 959 | 8 | 88 | 468 | 162 |  |
Western Australia | -214 | -459 | -45 | 136 | 113 | 655 |  |
Tasmania | 246 | 190 | -35 | 176 | 250 | 184 |  |
Northern Territory | -291 | -212 | -228 | -68 | -7 | -92 |  |
Australian Capital Territory | 142 | 106 | 156 | 300 | -35 | -304 |  |
Cash Surplus (+)/Deficit (-) | 5 985 | 3 627 | 4 993 | 4 604 | 7 305 | 6 589 |  |
New South Wales | 1 631 | 1 283 | 2 165 | 1 542 | 883 | 103 |  |
Victoria | 1 434 | 857 | 1 943 | 313 | 1 339 | 763 |  |
Queensland | -1 918 | -316 | 13 | 387 | 3 120 | 4 422 |  |
South Australia | 3 858 | 1 468 | 152 | 392 | 613 | 406 |  |
Western Australia | -188 | -661 | -141 | -53 | 49 | 48 |  |
Tasmania | 300 | 147 | 43 | 398 | 315 | 228 |  |
Northern Territory | -49 | -106 | -233 | 100 | 61 | -3 |  |
Australian Capital Territory | 180 | 162 | 231 | 283 | 248 | -88 |  |
Total assets | 427 699 | 452 548 | 467 871 | 520 811 | 556 599 | 615 875 |  |
Total liabilities | 180 763 | 194 555 | 195 101 | 213 195 | 214 312 | 228 531 |  |
GFS Net worth | 246 935 | 257 994 | 272 770 | 307 613 | 342 286 | 387 338 |  |
New South Wales | 88 068 | 91 810 | 98 431 | 121 040 | 124 281 | 128 690 |  |
Victoria | 39 878 | 43 343 | 48 812 | 50 619 | 61 187 | 75 018 |  |
Queensland | 57 775 | 57 623 | 58 092 | 64 891 | 77 724 | 96 433 |  |
South Australia | 12 500 | 14 788 | 14 564 | 15 306 | 15 793 | 16 357 |  |
Western Australia | 31 691 | 32 197 | 35 996 | 38 016 | 43 747 | 50 208 |  |
Tasmania | 6 274 | 6 473 | 6 887 | 7 200 | 8 004 | 9 013 |  |
Northern Territory | 3 537 | 4 408 | 2 165 | 1 910 | 2 166 | 2 354 |  |
Australian Capital Territory | 7 214 | 7 351 | 7 825 | 8 629 | 9 380 | 9 265 |  |
|  |