| | 2009–10 | 2010–11 | 2011–12 | 2010–11 to 2011–12 % change |
Number of Exporters (No.) | | | | |
| Total goods exporters | 42 652 | 42 734 | 43 080 | 1 |
| Total services exporters | 3 124 | 3 264 | 2 937 | –10 |
| Total exporters(a) | 44 581 | 44 766 | 44 751 | – |
Value of Exports ($m) | | | | |
| Total goods exporters | 200 720 | 245 724 | 264 027 | 7 |
| Total services exporters | 51 311 | 50 310 | 50 814 | 1 |
| Total exporters | 252 031 | 296 034 | 314 841 | 6 |
– nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
(a) The count of total exporters includes once only those businesses which export both goods and services. There is no accurate methodology to calculate the overlap between goods and services exporters so these data are a careful estimate and should be used with caution. |
Total Number of Exporters
| |
- The total number of exporters of goods and services was 44,751 in 2011–12, almost unchanged from 2010–11 (44,766).
- There was a decrease in the number of service exporters, down 327 (10%) to 2,937. The number of goods exporters increased slightly, by 346 (1%) to 43,080.
- The decrease in the number of service exporters was largely due to a fall in the number exporting services exports valued at 'Less than $1m', down 298 (13%) to 2,076.
- While the value of goods exports by each industry increased, the number of exporters decreased in 'Agriculture, forestry and fishing' by 87 (9%), 'Manufacturing' by 241 (3%) and 'Wholesale trade' by 64 (1%).
- There was no change to the number of 'Large' goods exporters (steady at 4,207). The number of 'Medium' goods exporters decreased by 177 (1%) while the number of 'Small' goods exporters increased by 523 (3%).
- The number of services falls in almost all categories, with the largest decreases being in 'Manufacturing and repair n.i.e' down 217 (39%) and 'Construction services' down 102 (21%).
This publication presents an analysis of the characteristics and international trading activities of Australian exporters in 2010–11. The information is compiled as a by–product of producing regular monthly and quarterly statistics on Australia's merchandise trade and international trade in services. The first table presents an overview covering exporters of both goods and services. Tables 2 to 9 present more detailed information on goods exporters and Table 10 presents additional information on services exporters. These tables are available for free from the "Downloads" tab of this publication on the ABS website.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact Andrew Gibbs on Canberra (02) 6252 5409.