International Investment Position, Australia: Supplementary Statistics (cat. no. 5352.0) presents statistics on Australia’s international investment position by counterpart countries and supplements the quarterly publication, Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia (cat. no. 5302.0). For foreign investment in Australia (liabilities) it includes, details of country of investor, investment stocks (level of investment), flows (transactions) and associated income. For Australian investment abroad (assets), similar detail is provided in respect of country of investment. The non-transaction changes which contribute to the change in levels of these assets and liabilities such as, exchange rate effects, price effects and other changes are not presented in this publication but do contribute to the overall change in levels of investment.
The statistics are presented as time series for the calendar years 2001 to 2013 inclusive and are consistent with those published in the December quarter 2013 issue of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia (cat. no. 5302.0).
Estimates of the assets and liabilities of persons permanently changing residency (migrants) were included in the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position as part of the introduction of Balance of Payments and International Investments Position Manual, Sixth Edition (BPM6) in the September quarter 2009 issue of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (cat. no. 5302.0). At that time, data sources and a methodology to estimate the assets and liabilities of persons changing residency long-term (but not permanently) were not available. Data sources and methodologies have now been developed for long-term migrants, and methodologies for permanent migrants have been improved. This has resulted in revisions for periods back to calendar year 2001. These revisions impact the financial account, primary income and international investment position.
Royalties withholding tax data has been removed from the secondary income account and reclassified as Other Taxes on Production and Imports within the primary income account, in line with international standards. This has resulted in revisions to primary income back to calendar year 2001.
Incorporation of new estimates for persons permanently changing residency, royalties withholding tax and the latest survey and administrative data has resulted in revisions to International Investment data back to calendar year 2001.
Discrepancies may occur between totals in this publication and the same aggregates from other sources. Discrepancies may also occur between sums of component items and totals due to rounding.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Charles Kauye on Canberra (02) 6252 7812.