Please note that the following time series spreadsheets have not been included in the release of this information paper (19 October 2009) - they will be released at a later date in October 2009.
- Table 35. Financial accounts summary of financial assets and liabilities of private non-financial sector
- Table 36. Financial accounts summary of financial assets and liabilities of households and unincorporated enterprises
- Table 37. National capital account by sector and subsector
- Table 38. Financial accounts summary of consolidated public non-financial corporations, general government and the non-financial public sector
- Table 39. Financial accounts summary of bank deposits and lending split by household subsectors
- Table 40. Financial accounts summary of loan outstandings to households for housing by type of lending institution
- Table 41. Nominal value of short term loans and placements
- Table 42. Nominal value of long term loans and placements