Data item label | SAS name | State/Territory CURF availability | State/Territory by ASGC Remoteness Structure CURF availability |
State or Territory | STATEC | X |  |
State/Territory of usual residence by ASGC Remoteness Area(a) | REMSTAT |  | X |
ASGC Remoteness Structure(b) | ARIAC |  | X |
Age standardised weights – State | AS_ST_WT | X |  |
Age standardised replicate weights – State (Indigenous) | AS_ST001 – AS_ST250 | X |  |
Age standardised replicate weights – State (non-Indigenous) | AS_STN01 – AS_STN60 | X |  |
Age standardised weights – Remoteness | AS_RE_WT |  | X |
Age standardised replicate weights – Remoteness (Indigenous) | AS_RE001 – AS_RE250 (Indigenous) |  | X |
Age standardised replicate weights – Remoteness (non-Indigenous) | AS_REN01 – AS_REN60 (non-Indigenous) |  | X |
Whether has more than one job last week | MULTJOB |  | X |
Status in employment | EMPTYPEC |  | X |
Working arrangements | WORKARRC |  | X |
Sources of personal cash income | INCSRCFA – INCSRCFF |  | X |
Sources of cash income of income units | INCSRCJA – INCSRCJF |  | X |
Main source of personal cash income | MSRCINII |  | X |
Arthritis status: Rheumatoid arthritis | NHPARTHB |  | X |
Arthritis status: Osteoarthritis | NHPARTHA |  | X |
Type of Arthritis ever had(c) | TARTHER |  | X |
Whether has written asthma action plan | ASTHQ3C |  | X |
Source of written asthma action plan | ASPLANC |  | X |
Whether has a standard written asthma action plan | ASTHQ7 |  | X |
All purpose/s for using pharmaceutical medication for asthma | ASTHQ13C |  | X |
Diabetes/HSL status history(d) | NHPADIAR |  | X |
Whether influenza vaccination was free of charge | ADIMMQ5C |  | X |
Breastfeeding status including complimentary feeding | BFCOMPFD |  | X |
Whether ever been given solid food | CHBRS418 |  | X |
Age at which solid food first given regularly | BFSLDAGI |  | X |
Total time (exclusively or partially) breastfed - weeks | BFTOTPRT |  | X |
Whether breastfed when came home from hospital | CHBRSQ3C |  | X |
Whether ever been given infant formula (regularly) | CHBRSQ4C |  | X |
Age at which infant formula first given (regularly) | BFINFAGI |  | X |
Whether ever been given cows milk (regularly) | CHBRSQ8C |  | X |
Age at which cows milk first given (regularly) | BFMILAGI |  | X |
Whether ever been given any other type of milk substitute (regularly) | CHBRQ12C |  | X |
Age at which milk substitute first given (regularly) | BFSUBAGI |  | X |
Total time fully breastfed | BFFULLY |  | X |
Total time partially breastfed | BFPRTIAL |  | X |
Main reason stopped breastfeeding | CHBRS26C |  | X |
Type of product first given | BFFSTPRC |  | X |
Age at which anything other than breast milk first given (including solids) | BFOTHANI |  | X |
Type of breast milk substitute first given (excluding solids) | BFALLSUB |  | X |
Other sources of food received (apart from breastfeeding) in last 24 hours | BFOTHERA – BFOTHERL |  | X |
Whether completed full course of adolescent hep b vaccinations | CITEENHB |  | X |
Whether records/cards produced at interview | KIDIMQ2C |  | X |
Reported immunisation level | KIDIMREP |  | X |
Factors influencing decision to immunise | KIDIMQ9A – KIDIMQ9I |  | X |
Whether ever received a pneumococcal vaccination | KIDIMQ31 |  | X |
Number of pneumococcal vaccinations received | KIDIM32C |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started | STATCOMC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started MMR | KDIMSMMC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started Diphtheria | KDIMSDIC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started HEPB | KDIMSHEC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started HIB | KDIMSHIC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started Polio | KDIMSPOC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started Tetanus | KDIMSTEC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started Pertussis | KDIMSWHC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started CDT | KDIMSCDC |  | X |
Immunisation status for schedule started DTP | KDIMSDTC |  | X |
Immunisation status for 1998 schedule | STAT98C |  | X |
Immunisation status for 2000 schedule | STAT00C |  | X |
Immunisation status for 2004 schedule | STAT04C |  | X |
Whether identifies with tribal group, language group or clan | SEWBQ24C |  | X |
Whether recognise area as homelands or traditional country | SEWBQ25 |  | X |
Whether currently live in homelands/traditional country | SEWBQ26 |  | X |
Whether allowed to visit homelands or traditional country | SEWBQ27 |  | X |
Stressors for respondent, family, friends | SEWBSALA – SEWBSALR |  | X |
Usual daily serves of vegetables | DIETQ2 |  | X |
Usual daily serves of fruit | DIETQ3 |  | X |
Total time spent walking for sport, recreation and fitness – minutes (in last 2 weeks) | EXWLKIIC |  | X |
Whether did any moderate exercise (in last 2 weeks) | EXERQ6 |  | X |
Number of times undertaken moderate exercise | EXMODNOC |  | X |
Total time spent doing moderate exercise in last 2 weeks | EXMODMCC |  | X |
Whether did any vigorous exercise (in last 2 weeks) | EXERQ11 |  | X |
Number of times vigorous exercise undertaken (in last 2 weeks) | EXVIGNOI |  | X |
Total time spent doing vigorous exercise in last 2 weeks | EXVIGMCC |  | X |
Type of exercise | EXTYPE |  | X |
Level of exercise | EXLEVEL |  | X |
Total time spent exercising – minutes (in last 2 weeks) | EXWKTIIC |  | X |
Whether ever used substances | SUBSWTR |  | X |
Type of substances ever used | SUBTYPA – SUBTYPQ |  | X |
Whether substances used in the last 12 months | SUBWT12M |  | X |
Type of substances used in the last 12 months | SUB12MXA – SUB12MXG |  | X |
Type of action taken (in the last 2 weeks) | ACTTAKEA – ACTTAKEL |  | X |
Whether visited casualty or emergency ward | CASUQ1 |  | X |
Number of times visited casualty/emergency ward | CASUQ2CB |  | X |
Whether visited day clinic | DAYCLQ1 |  | X |
Number of times visited day clinic | DAYCLQCB |  | X |
Patient type (most recent admission) | HDCPATYC |  | X |
Hospital type at most recent admission | HOSPQ9 |  | X |
Whether visited outpatients | OUTQ1 |  | X |
Number of times visited outpatients section | OUTQ2CB |  | X |
Whether most recent visit to outpatients was related to admission | OPTADMBC |  | X |
Whether consulted a general practitioner | DOCQ1 |  | X |
Number of times consulted a GP in last 2 weeks | DOCQ2C |  | X |
Whether copayment required at last GP consultation | COPAYGPC |  | X |
Whether consulted a specialist | DOCQ3 |  | X |
Number of times consulted a specialist in last 2 weeks | DOCQ4C |  | X |
Whether copayment required at last specialist consultation | COPAYSP |  | X |
Whether copayment required at any OHP consultation in last 2 weeks | COPAYO |  | X |
Whether currently covered by private health insurance | HEALIQ1C |  | X |
Type of private health insurance cover | HICVRTYC |  | X |
Reasons for private health insurance | RPHICVRA – RPHICVRM |  | X |
Reasons not covered by private health insurance | RNCPHIA – RNCPHIK |  | X |
Whether currently has Government health concession card (excl. DVA) | HIGOVCOI |  | X |
Sources of cash income of households | INCSRCKA – INCSRCKF |  | X |
Time since last mammogram | WHTSMAC |  | X |
Time since last pap smear test | WHTSPAC |  | X |
Main reason for currently taking contraceptive pill | WHQ21C |  | X |
Condom use | CONDOM |  | X |
Reasons contraception are not currently used | CONNOTCA – CONNOTCK |  | X |
Combined contraceptive practices | COMBCOCA – COMBCOCR |  | X |
(a) New item. Replacement of STATREM. See Table 2 for new categories. |
(b) New item. Replacement of RA2001I. See Table 1 for new categories. |
(c) New item. Data restricted to non-remote only and is replacement of TARTHEH. Categories are as per identified for TARTHEH in data item list in the CURF Technical Manual (cat. no. 4715.0.55.002). |
(d) New item. Data restricted to non-remote only and is replacement of NHPADIAF. Categories are as per identified for NHPADIAF in data item list in the CURF Technical Manual (cat. no. 4715.0.55.002). |