The text below was previously contained in a preview file on the details tab. It has been moved to be more accessible.
23/07/2004 Note: Some of the data provided in tables 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 20 of this data cube have been revised since the release on 23 June 2004. Revised data are annnotated with an 'r'.
The data cube in this document contain information from the 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey on the demographic, social and economic characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in South Australia. These twenty two (22) tables have been published at the national level in the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2002, (cat. no. 4714.0).
Table 1. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, summary indicators by remoteness, South Australia, 2002
Table 2. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, summary indicators by state/territory and Australia, 2002
Table 3. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, summary indicators by age by sex, South Australia, 2002
Table 4. Persons aged 18 years or over, selected characteristics by remoteness and Indigenous status, South Australia, 2002
Table 5. Persons aged 18 years or over, age standardised rates for selected characteristics by remoteness and Indigenous status, South Australia, 2002
Table 6. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected characteristics, South Australia, 1994 and 2002
Table 7. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over no longer at school, non-school qualification by highest year of school completed by selected characteristics, South Australia, 2002
Table 8. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, labour force status by selected characteristics, South Australia, 2002
Table 9. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, mean weekly equivalised gross household income (second and third deciles, and quintiles) by selected characteristics, South Australia, 2002
Table 10. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, disability status by selected characteristics, South Australia, 2002
Table 11. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, whether formally charged by sex by selected characteristics, South Australia, 2002
Table 12. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected family, community and cultural characteristics by remoteness, South Australia, 2002
Table 13. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected health and disability characteristics by remoteness, South Australia, 2002
Table 14. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected education characteristics by remoteness, South Australia, 2002
Table 15. Employed Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, employment sector by selected employment characteristics, South Australia, 2002
Table 16. Unemployed Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected unemployment characteristics, South Australia, 2002
Table 17. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over with primary responsibility for children age 12 years or under, whether employed by selected child care characteristics, South Australia, 2002
Table 18. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected income characteristics by remoteness, South Australia, 2002
Table 19. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected law and justice characteristics by sex and remoteness, South Australia, 2002
Table 20. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected transport characteristics by remoteness, South Australia, 2002
Table 21. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, selected mobility indicators by remoteness, South Australia, 2002
Table 22. Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, access to telephone and information technology use by remoteness, South Australia, 2002