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DESTINATIONS AND OUTCOMES OF TASMANIAN EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS STUDENTS NOT ENROLLED IN YEAR 12(a), BY YEAR 9 NAPLAN READING BANDS, BY SEX (a) Data is for students in a Tasmanian government school in 2008. Source: Integrated Tasmanian Education and Census Dataset. Indigenous status Just over one in ten Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students (11%) scored below the national minimum standard for Year 9 reading in 2008 compared with 7% of non-Indigenous students. As with non-Indigenous students, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students were less likely to continue on to Year 12 if they had lower NAPLAN results. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students were less likely than non-Indigenous students to continue on to Year 12, even if their NAPLAN scores were similar. Amongst those students that had a NAPLAN reading score in Band 9 or above in Year 9, 40% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students left school before Year 12 compared with only 12% of non-Indigenous students. STUDENTS NOT ENROLLED IN YEAR 12(a), BY YEAR 9 NAPLAN READING BANDS, BY INDIGENOUS STATUS (a) Data is for students in a Tasmanian government school in 2008. Source: Integrated Tasmanian Education and Census Dataset. Socioeconomic factors Students living in more advantaged areas tended to have higher NAPLAN scores than those living in more disadvantaged areas. Students from the most disadvantaged areas were more likely than those from the most advantaged areas to leave school before Year 12 across all except the lowest band of NAPLAN scores. For example, for students with scores in Band 6 for reading in Year 9, less than half (43%) of students from the most advantaged areas left before Year 12 compared with 58% of students from the most disadvantaged areas. STUDENTS NOT ENROLLED IN YEAR 12(a), BY YEAR 9 NAPLAN READING BANDS, BY SEIFA(b) (a) Data is for students in a Tasmanian government school in 2008. (b) Based on the 2011 Socio Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage (IRSAD). Source: Integrated Tasmanian Education and Census Dataset. WHAT ROLE DOES STUDENT PERFORMANCE PLAY IN THE TRANSITION OF EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS INTO EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT? Early school leavers have lower engagement rates than Year 12 graduates Students who graduated from Year 12 in 2010 were more likely to be engaged in work or study than their former classmates who left before completing Year 12. Early school leavers were around twice as likely as those who completed Year 12 in 2010 to not be engaged in work or study in 2011 (29% compared with 15%). NAPLAN results are associated with engagement in work or study for early school leavers Early school leavers that had higher Year 9 NAPLAN reading scores were more likely to be engaged in work or study. Forty percent of early leavers with NAPLAN reading scores below the national minimum standard in Year 9 (in 2008) were not engaged in work or study in 2011, compared with 12% of those who were in Band 9 or above. Young women who had left school early were less likely to be engaged in work or study than their male counterparts. EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS NOT ENGAGED IN WORK OR STUDY IN 2011(a), BY YEAR 9 NAPLAN READING BANDS (a) Data is for students in a Tasmanian government school in 2008. Source: Integrated Tasmanian Education and Census Dataset. WHAT ARE THE DESTINATIONS AND OUTCOMES FOR EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS? Higher NAPLAN scores usually relate to better employment outcomes for early school leavers Most early leavers who were engaged in work or study were working rather than studying. In 2011, 49% of male early leavers were working full time along with 22% of female early leavers. In general, better NAPLAN reading results in Year 9 in 2008 were associated with a higher proportion of early leavers in full-time work in 2011. However, the highest NAPLAN results (Band 9 or above) bucked this trend, as higher proportions of these early leavers were instead engaged in full-time study. Of those that scored below the national minimum standard for reading when they were in Year 9 in 2008, only 32% of early school leavers were working full time in 2011 compared with 54% of those that scored at Band 8. Young men were more likely to be employed in full-time work in 2011, regardless of their reading NAPLAN score in Year 9, with 40% of males in Band 5 or below employed full time, compared with 15% of females. Almost half (47%) of the young women with NAPLAN reading scores below the national minimum standard in Year 9 were not engaged in work or study in 2011, while 19% were engaged in part-time employment only. Of male early leavers in Band 8 for NAPLAN reading results, 66% were employed full time in 2011, compared with only 29% of females within the same NAPLAN band. Just over a quarter (28%) of female early leavers with relatively high NAPLAN results (Band 8) were not engaged in work or study in 2011, and 20% were engaged in part-time employment only. EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS IN FULL-TIME WORK IN 2011(a), BY YEAR 9 NAPLAN READING BANDS, BY SEX (a) Data is for students in a Tasmanian government school in 2008. Source: Integrated Tasmanian Education and Census Dataset. About a quarter of early school leavers were enrolled in further study Overall, almost a quarter (24%) of early school leavers were enrolled in further study (either full-time or part-time) with the vast majority in a Technical or Further Educational institution (including TAFE Colleges). More than twice as many students with a Year 9 NAPLAN reading score in Band 9 or above were continuing their studies compared with those who were below the national minimum standard (45% compared with 20%). Female early school leavers are more likely to do unpaid carer work, whilst males are more likely to do volunteer work About one in five early school leavers (21%) who were not engaged in work or study did some form of unpaid work in 2011, with:
EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS NOT ENGAGED IN WORK OR STUDY IN 2011, BY UNPAID WORK(a), BY SEX (a) People can be engaged in more than one type of unpaid work. Source: Integrated Tasmanian Education and Census Dataset. LOOKING AHEAD The Census provides a wealth of information on post school outcomes. Combining Census data with Tasmanian school enrolments data using data integration techniques allows the examination of outcomes by particular cohorts or groups of students without the additional burden, complexity and expense of having to conduct a separate data collection. The further integration of NAPLAN data provides additional insights into the role academic achievement plays in outcomes for different groups. Using Tasmanian government school data, this article has demonstrated that student destinations and outcomes, including Year 12 retention, are related to student achievement in high school. The likelihood of staying on to Year 12 is closely related to Year 9 NAPLAN results. For those that left school early, Year 9 NAPLAN results were also strongly related to the likelihood of being engaged in work or study in the period directly after leaving school. Longer term outcomes for early school leavers and the impact of school achievement and socioeconomic characteristics over time is a natural extension of this analysis and would be possible with additional years of NAPLAN and Census data. ENDNOTES 1. Australian Government Department of Education, School to Work Transitions, <> (Accessed 15 July 2014) 2. Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, Standards <> (Accessed 15 July, 2014) Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.