Two thirds (66%) of all migrants aged 15–64 years in 2010–11 had a qualification compared with 56% of those born in Australia. (Table 1)
In this section the term "adult migrants" refers to people aged 15–64 years at the time of the survey who were at least 15 years of age when they arrived in Australia.
The proportion of adult migrants who held no qualification on arrival decreased from 64% for those who arrived before 1991 to 37% for those arriving after 2006. The proportion of adult migrants who had a Bachelor degree or higher on arrival has increased from 15% of people who migrated before 1991 to 44% of those who migrated after 2006. (Table 12.1)
Almost one third of adult migrants (32%) attained a qualification after arrival in Australia. (Table 12.2)
Adult migrants who arrived after 2006 were more likely than those who arrived before 1991 to have a Bachelor degree as their highest qualification (34% compared with 18%). Conversely, adult migrants who arrived before 1991 were more likely than those who arrived after 2006 to have a Certificate III/IV as their highest qualification (14% compared with 7.5%). (Table 12.3)
Adult migrants who arrived in or after 2001 were more likely than those arriving before 2001 to have their highest qualification in the fields of Management and commerce (23% compared with 17%) and Information technology (6.2% compared with 2.7%). The proportion of adult migrants with their highest qualification in Engineering and related technologies showed no significant change (10.9% for migrants arriving before 2001 compared with 10.3% for those arriving in or after 2001) as was the case for the remaining fields. (Table 13)
More than one half (57%) of adult migrants stated their highest qualification was relevant to their current job. (Table 14.3)
MIGRANTS AGED 15–64 YEARS WHO WERE AT LEAST 15 YEARS OLD ON ARRIVAL, Level of highest qualification attained before arrival by year of arrival(a)