The 2010–11 MPHS asked 13,366 respondents across Australia about Learning and Work including how many qualifications they had and the relevance of their qualification to their current job.
Responses to each of these questions, along with a range of socio-demographic data are included on the TableBuilder file. This microdata has been allocated to one of two levels:
1. Socio–demographic and Learning and Work Data Items
2. Qualification Level
The two levels are hierarchical as the first level relates to people and people can have one or more qualifications which are shown in the second level. Visually, the file has one row of data containing all the Socio-demographic and Learning and Work Level Data Items for a respondent followed by up to 10 rows of data for each of their Qualifications.
Person 1
Qualification 1
Qualification 10
Person 2
Qualification 1
Qualification 10
Person 13,366
Qualification 1
Qualification 10
The Socio–demographic and Learning and Work Data Items level contains characteristic data about each respondent including their age, sex, marital status, employment, and educational status including the number of non–school qualifications completed and the level and field of highest educational attainment. This level also has some information about the households in which respondents live including the number of children present aged less than 15 and the overall household income. In addition, the Socio–demographic and Learning and Work Data Items level includes broad locational data items such as the respondent's state or territory of usual residence.
The Qualification Level contains details about each episode or completed qualification that each respondent has reported. The types of details available about each qualification include the level and field of the qualification, the year each qualification was started and completed, whether the qualification was completed in Australia and the main impact of each qualification on the respondent's working life in the first six months after completion.
The following image depicts the two levels including the sub–categories under which the individual data items have been grouped. A complete data item list can be accessed from the Downloads page.