December 2008
Information Paper: Data Gaps in Early Childhood: Identifying and bringing together available information (cat. no. 4105.0.55.001)
This information paper will report on a data mapping pilot project undertaken by the ABS, in collaboration with several other agencies. The aim of the project is to consider ways of improving the evidence base on early childhood, through better use of existing data held by government agencies. The project will investigate the existing range of data sources relevant to identified high priority policy questions in the area of early childhood learning and care. This will include ascertaining how the existing data sources relate to the key information requirements, where gaps exist and what access arrangements are in place. Recommendations for improving the evidence base for policy development and evaluation will be proposed, from considering ways to better access existing information, or the creation of new information from existing data sources.
Australian Demographic Statistics, June 2008 (cat. no. 3101.0)
The latest estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. The most recent estimates of the population in five year age groups; numbers (and some rates) of births, deaths, infant deaths, interstate and overseas movements.
Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories, June 2008 (cat. no. 3201.0)
Estimates of population for each state and territory classified by sex and single years of age (0 to 84); also grouped ages, sex ratios, median and mean ages of the population.
Labour Force, Australia: Labour Force Status and Other Characteristics of Families, November 2008 (cat. no. 6224.0.55.001)
The monthly datacubes contain detailed information about labour force status and other characteristics of families using data collected in the Labour Force Survey.
January 2009
A Picture of the Nation: The Statistician's Report on the 2006 Census (cat. no. 2070.0)
This publication will provide a comprehensive overview of the 2006 Census, summarising a large volume of Census data, as well as providing more detailed analysis and commentary on a number of current topical issues. It is aimed at all users of Census data who are interested in stories from the Census. The commentary covers a wide range of issues which can help readers gain a better understanding of Australia and its people. Topics to be included with relevance to children and youth include: Families with young children: A Sydney case study; Living Arrangements of Children and Caring.
Criminal, Courts, Australia, 2007-08 (cat. no. 4513.0)
Nationally comparable data showing the number of defendants dealt with by the Higher (Supreme and Intermediate), Magistrates' and Children's criminal courts. Details on the characteristics of defendants (such as age and sex), and outcomes associated with adjudicated defendants (including sentence type) by the type of principal offence committed. Information will be presented for each state and territory (including the aggregate total for Australia) and for each of the three court levels.
Job Search Experience, Australia, July 2008 (cat. no. 6222.0)
Estimates of unemployed persons classified by difficulties in finding work, duration of current period of unemployment, active steps taken to find work, whether looking for full-time or part-time work, educational attainment, and number of spells of looking for work in the previous 12 months. Estimates can also be cross-classified by demographic information such as state, sex, age, marital status and country of birth. Data on youth aged 15-24 years will be included.
Labour Force, Australia: Labour Force Status and Other Characteristics of Families, December 2008 (cat. no. 6224.0.55.001)
The monthly datacubes contain detailed information about labour force status and other characteristics of families using data collected in the Labour Force Survey.
February 2009
Labour Force, Australia: Labour Force Status and Other Characteristics of Families, January 2009 (cat. no. 6224.0.55.001)
The monthly datacubes contain detailed information about labour force status and other characteristics of families using data collected in the Labour Force Survey.
Schools, Australia, Preliminary (cat. no. 4220.0)
Preliminary summary statistics of primary and secondary schools, students and staff, classified by state or territory, type and category of school.
March 2009
Australian Demographic Statistics, September 2008 (cat. no. 3101.0)
The latest estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. The most recent estimates of the population in five-year age groups; numbers (and some rates) of births, deaths, infant deaths, interstate and overseas movements.
Causes of Death, Australia, 2007 (cat. no. 3303.0)
Statistics and indicators for deaths, including perinatal deaths and youth suicide, registered in Australia in 2007.
Labour Force, Australia: Labour Force Status and Other Characteristics of Families, February 2009 (cat. no. 6224.0.55.001)
The monthly datacubes contain detailed information about labour force status and other characteristics of families using data collected in the Labour Force Survey.
April 2009
Census of Population and Housing: Australia's Children and Youth, 2006 (cat. no. 2059.0.55.001)
This publication will draw on data from the 2006 Census of Population and Housing to provide an overview of the children and youth population aged 0–24 years. Topics to be covered include population characteristics, living arrangements, education, working life and transitions to independent living. The publication will also profile specific target populations such as children and youth who are Indigenous, live in remote areas, are culturally and linguistically diverse and those who have a core activity need for assistance.
Labour Force, Australia: Labour Force Status and Other Characteristics of Families, March 2009 (cat. no. 6224.0.55.001)
The monthly datacubes contain detailed information about labour force status and other characteristics of families using data collected in the Labour Force Survey.
For information on other upcoming ABS releases see the Release advice for ABS publications for the next six months.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
December 2008
Australia's Mothers and Babies, 2006
Australian children and youth: changes in health service utilisation and expenditure since 1993-94