Are you a user of Census data?
If so, we'd like to invite you to preview our plans for the 2011 Census output program. We are committed to releasing the results of the Census through a wide range of products and services designed to make it easy for you to access the data you need. |
Information sessions will be held in each capital city in Australia from late September until early November.
The format of the sessions will be a 1 hour presentation outlining our plans for the 2011 Census output program, followed by a 1 hour Question and Answer discussion.
The sessions will also provide an opportunity for you to learn more about the new geography standards to be used for the 2011 Census. We believe this will be of particular interest to users, and would like to hear from you first hand.
You may also like to access the discussion paper that has already been released on 9th March, 2010 or visit the ABS Geography home page for further information about classifications and boundaries.
For general enquiries about the information sessions, please email census.software@abs.gov.au or telephone 1800 676 646.
To RSVP or obtain details about information sessions in your particular region, please use the contact details in the national timetable. |