 |  | Main Features
Includes: Migration in context, Net overseas migration (NOM), Australia's diverse population, Interstate migration, Household Mobility in Australia
A summary of key points from each chapter. |
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 |  | Migration in Context
Includes: Introduction, Migration and population growth, Immigration and the states and territories, International comparison
In 2008-09, net overseas migration contributed 65% of Australia's population growth. |
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 |  | Net Overseas Migration
Includes: Introduction, NOM arrivals and NOM departures, NOM and population growth, NOM by age and sex, NOM and the states and territories, Traveller characteristics from final NOM, The Travellers' Characteristics Database
Net overseas migration has doubled from 146,800 persons in 2005-06 to 298,900 persons in 2008-09. |
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 |  | Improving net overseas migration estimation — Recent changes
Includes: Summary, Background, Current methods for estimating NOM, Improvements to preliminary NOM estimation, Changes to preliminary and revision timetables, Future directions
This chapter provides an overview of changes undertaken to improve preliminary net overseas migration estimation. |
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 |  | Australia's Diverse Population
Includes: Introduction, History of overseas-born in Australia, Regions of birth, Main countries of birth, Australia-born and overseas-born, Major age groups and the overseas-born, State and territory composition by country of birth
One quarter (5.8 million people) of Australia's estimated resident population at 30 June 2009 (22.0 million people) were born overseas. |
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 |  | Interstate Migration
Includes: Introduction, Trends in net interstate migration(NIM), Net interstate migration 2008–09, Population Flows 2008-09, Population turnover 2008-09, Age structure of interstate migrants
In 2008-09, Queensland recorded the largest net gain from interstate migration with 18,400 persons. |
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 |  | Housing Mobility in Australia
Includes: Introduction, Australians on the move, Characteristics of movers, Mobility across Australia, Further Information
In the five years leading to 2007-08, 43% of Australia's population moved their place of residence. |
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