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*main Causes of Death for age groups. 13 Tables 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3 and 4.1 present statistics at the ICD Chapter level with further disaggregation for major causes of death. Background on this summary classification is given in Volume 1 of the ICD. 14 Tables 1.2 and 1.4 present data for main causes of death for age groups. For each age group, a summary classification of the main causes of death relevant to the age group has been used. These consist of causes of death significant in that age group, at the Chapter level, with further disaggregation below the Chapter level where appropriate. 15 To enable the reader to see the relationship between the various summary classifications used in this publication, all tables show in brackets the ICD codes which constitute the causes of death covered. 16 As ICD-9 did not directly accommodate the coding of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related deaths, cases where AIDS was the underlying cause were coded to ICD-9 deficiency of cell-mediated immunity (279.1), from 1988 to 1995. In 1996, ABS adopted ICD-9 Clinically Modified (CM) for coding of AIDS and AIDS-related deaths. Hence, for 1996 to 1998, all AIDS-related deaths (i.e. deaths where AIDS was mentioned in any place on the death certificate) were coded to HIV infection (042-044). ICD-10 adopted from 1999 allows for the coding of AIDS and AIDS-related deaths (B20-B24). 17 All data in this publication refer to AIDS-related deaths rather than only those deaths where AIDS is the underlying cause. Hence in table 1.1 and 1.3, AIDS-related deaths differ from the data provided for all other causes in that table since for all other causes, only data for underlying cause are given. Perinatal statistics 18 For perinatal deaths, both the main condition in the fetus/infant, and the main condition in the mother are coded to the full four-digit level of the tenth revision of ICD. Causes selected for publication in this issue are those categories which were responsible for a significant proportion of perinatal deaths. DATA QUALITY 19 In compiling these statistics, the ABS employs a variety of quality control measures to ensure that the statistics are as reliable as possible. These measures include: seeking further information where necessary to enable accurate classification of the underlying cause of death; check-coding of cause of death; detailed computer editing of data; and checks on the statistical output, at the individual record and aggregate levels. 20 To assist certifiers in providing accurate and comprehensive information for mortality coding, the ABS provides certification booklets for guidance in the completion of medical certificates of cause of death. Indigenous deaths 21 This publication includes Indigenous deaths data for all states and territories with the exception of Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory, where there are comparatively small numbers of Indigenous deaths. While all states and territories have provision for the identification of Indigenous deaths on their death registration forms, the coverage of Indigenous deaths varies greatly from state to state. Detailed information on coverage of Indigenous deaths is provided in Appendix 6. POPULATIONS 22 Appendix 2 provides details of the number of live births registered and the estimated age population which have been used to calculate the rates shown in this publication. Appendix 3 provides data on adjusted births used for calculating perinatal death rates. These also enable further rates to be calculated. ACKNOWLEDGMENT 23 The ABS publications draw extensively on information provided freely by individuals, businesses, governments and other organisations. Their continued cooperation is very much appreciated: without it, the wide range of statistics published by the ABS would not be available. Information received by the ABS is treated in strict confidence as required by the Census and Statistics Act 1905. RELATED PRODUCTS 24 Other available ABS products which may be of interest include: AusStats - electronic data (see Explanatory Note 25) Australian Social Trends cat. no. 4102.0 - issued annually Births, Australia cat. no. 3301.0 - issued annually Causes of Infant and Child Deaths, Australia, 1982-96 cat. no. 4398.0 - issued irregularly - discontinued Deaths, Australia cat. no. 3302.0 - issued annually Deaths due to Diseases and Cancers of the Respiratory System, Australia, 1979-1994 cat. no. 3314.0 - issued irregularly Drug Induced Deaths - A Guide to ABS Causes of Death Data cat. no. 4809.0 - issued irregularly Firearms Deaths, Australia, 1980-1995 cat. no. 4397.0 - issued irregularly - discontinued Suicides, Australia, 1921-1998 cat. no. 3309.0 - issued irregularly Trends in Mortality by Causes of Death in Australia, the States and Territories during 1971-1992 and in Statistical Divisions and Sub-divisions during 1991-1992 cat. no. 3313.0 - issued irregularly - discontinued Women's Health, 1994 cat. no. 4365.0 - issued irregularly - discontinued 25 AusStats is a web based information service which provides the ABS full standard product range on-line. It also includes companion data in multidimensional datasets in SuperTable format, and time series spreadsheets. 26 Current publications and other products released by the ABS are listed in the Catalogue of Publications and Products (cat. no. 1101.0). The Catalogue is available from any ABS office or this site. The ABS also issues a daily Release Advice on the web site which details products to be released in the week ahead. 27 As well as the statistics included in this and related publications, additional information is available from this site by accessing Themes/Health. DATA AVAILABLE ON REQUEST 28 More detailed cause of death information is available upon request from the ABS. This information can comprise standard tables (see Appendix 1) or customised tabulations (by hardcopy or electronic media). Unit record files are available to approved users upon application. Generally, a charge is made for providing information upon request. 29 Perinatal tabulations for Australia based on WHO national (see Explanatory Notes, paragraph 5) and international definitions are available upon request. The WHO international definition comprises all fetuses and infants (who die within seven days of birth) weighing at least 1,000 g or (when birthweight is unavailable) having the corresponding gestational age (28 weeks) or body length (35 cm crown-heel). A charge is made for providing this information. 30 For more information about cause of death statistics or data concepts contact Peter Burke on 1800 620 963. EFFECTS OF ROUNDING 31 Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between totals and sums of the component items. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.