Aggregate statistics have been provided in summary tables in the data cubes for the Australian Health Survey: Usual Nutrient Intakes, 2011-12. Information on how these statistics have been calculated and how they may be used is outlined below.
The prevalence of inadequacy, intakes above the UL, and intakes outside of AMDR bounds, were output from the NCI method by NRV age and sex group. The number of persons with inadequate intakes was calculated from this as follows:
Proportion of people with inadequate usual intake x number of persons in age and sex group1
= number of persons with inadequate intakes in age and sex group
The number of males and females with inadequate intakes in each age and sex group are presented in each nutrient table (with an applicable EAR) in the data cubes. Following a similar approach, the numbers of males and females with intakes above the UL, and intakes outside the AMDR bounds, have also been presented where applicable. All figures presented for females, including the total number of females in each age group, are for females who are not pregnant or breastfeeding.
Aggregate figures (for groups composed of multiple NRV age groups) in the summary tables were then calculated as follows:
Total number of males with inadequate intakes / total number of males aged two years and over1
= total prevalence of inadequate intakes for males aged two years and over
Using the above approach, the prevalence of inadequate intakes in any desired aggregate group can be calculated. In the summary tables, the prevalence of inadequate intakes, intakes above the UL, and intakes outside of the AMDR bounds, have been provided for the aggregated age groups: 2-18, 19 and over, and total 2 years and over, by sex.
1 At the time of the survey (2011 population counts used)