The ABS invites members of the Australian public to use the following resources to better appreciate the benefits of the 2006 Census.
Radio Advertisments
In order to play the audio files you will need to have Windows Media Player or compatible software.
Thank you for filling out your form ( .wma format, 30 seconds, 469kb)
General ( .wma format, 30 seconds, 496kb)
Privacy and Confidentiality ( .wma format, 30 seconds, 502kb)
Time Capsule ( .wma format, 30 seconds, 499kb)
Use of Census data ( .wma format, 30 seconds, 462kb)
Vision impaired assistance ( .wma format, 30 seconds, 496kb)
Indigenous ( .wma format, 30 seconds, 488kb)
Indigenous Community Service Announcement ( .wma format, 30 seconds, 482kb)
Print Advertisments
In order to view these files you will need to have a PDF viewer.
Tonight is Census Night ( .pdf format, 481kb)
General ( .pdf format, 297kb)
Time Capsule ( .pdf format, 385kb)
Frequently Asked Questions ( .pdf format, 250kb)
Indigenous ( .pdf format, 240kb)
Supporters ( .pdf format, 124kb)