Archived content. This page is no longer actively maintained and may not function as intended. For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.
The Commonwealth Electoral Division Profiles provide a statistical overview for each electorate in Australia. These reflect the changes to electoral division boundaries since 2016 by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).
To understand more about these changes, see Boundary changes since 2016.
PDFs can be found on the Electoral Profiles page or in the Downloads tab.
They include information on:
estimated resident population counts
age groups
family structure
household tenure
median household income
median household rental payment
median household mortgage payments
cultural diversity
engagement in education and/or work
educational qualifications.
A profile for every electorate is available in the relevant state or territory link.
An interactive map showcasing some of the data from the profiles can be found on the Interactive Map page.
Population and age groups
Estimated resident population (ERP) is the official estimate of the Australian population, which links people to a place of usual residence within Australia. The estimated resident population and age group data are as of 30 June 2017. This data can be found in Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2016-17 (cat. no. 3218.0).
Person, family and household characteristics
Characteristics of persons, families and households are from the 2016 Census of Population and Housing. These are expressed as percentages of the Census population and are not directly comparable to the ERP counts. They are intended as an indicator of the size of a group in an electorate.
Geographic boundaries
The ABS approximates the Australian Electoral Commission's (AEC's) electoral boundaries using the Australian Statistical Geographic Standard (ASGS) boundaries for Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1). More information can be found in our Australian Statistical Geographic Standard (ASGS): Vol 3 - Non-ABS structures, July 2018 (cat. no. 1270.0.55.003) publication.
You can see the differences between ABS' 2016 and the most recent commonwealth electoral boundaries on ABS Maps.
Exact electoral boundaries can be found on the AEC's website at Maps and spatial data.