1. For users interested in the details and in-depth discussion of the index creation process, please refer to the Technical Paper
2. For a brief overview of SEIFA 2011 as well as its uses and mapping, please refer to SEIFA Basics
3. For more information about the individual data cubes, please refer to the explanatory notes of the particular data cube of interest. These are available under the Downloads tab.
Please note these spreadsheets have been optimised for use in Microsoft Excel and may lose some functionality in other spreadsheet packages.
4. The areas that did not receive a SEIFA score appear transparent in the Google Earth® thematic mapping tool. Users wishing to identify these no score areas can use either the contextual information available through the satellite imagery comprising the Google Earth® software, or they can use the ASGS Boundaries Online product released on the ABS website through BetaWorks.
5. Deciles used in the KMZ mapping files and SA1 Distribution Data Cubes are national deciles.