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QUEENSLAND Among almost all of the Queensland Statistical Subdivisions (SSDs), both the unemployment rate and full-time employment rate were lower in 2001 than in 1996. The lower unemployment is associated with part-time employment, which increased within every SSD. The Far North SD Bal SSD recorded one of the largest decreases in the proportion of full-time workers since 1996 (to 55.8% from 61.1%) and also one of the largest increases in part-time employment (to 33.7% from 28.3%). The Off-Shore Areas & Migratory SSD also recorded a large decrease in full-time employment (to 67.5% from 75.9%) and a large increase in part-time workers (to 25.1% from 15.8%). Alternately, the SSD of Central West experienced the only increase in full-time workers, as a proportion of persons in the labour force (to 69.6% in 2001 from 69.3% in 1996), and also the smallest increase in part-time workers (to 23.8% from 22.0%). In 2001, the highest proportions of full-time workers, as a proportion of persons in the labour force, were recorded in the Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) of Bulloo (85.0%), Unincorp. Islands (80.0%), McKinlay (79.8%), Nebo (78.1%) and Ilfracombe (77.9%). The highest concentrations of part-time workers, as proportions of persons in the labour force, were recorded in the SLAs of Mornington (62.3%), Cook (excluding Weipa) (43.8%), St Lucia (43.7%), Torres ( 41.7%), and Carpentaria (40.8%). Occupation In 2001, the largest occupation groups were Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers (265,751 persons or 16.9%), Professionals (251,273 persons or 16.0%), Tradespersons and Related Workers (200,665 persons or 12.8%), Associate Professionals (187,910 persons or 12.0%), and Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers (158,222 persons or 10.1%). These proportions are similar to 1996. Of the Brisbane SLAs, the highest proportions of persons employed as Professionals were recorded in Taringa (40.5%), City - Inner (39.7%), St Lucia (39.5%), Indooroopilly (38.7%), and Bardon (38.6%). Outside Brisbane, the SLAs of City (30.2%) in Townsville City Part A SSD, Toowoomba - North-East (29.1%), North Ward-Castle Hill (29.0%) and Pallarenda Shelley Beach (27.6%) had high proportions of persons employed as Professionals. Outside the Brisbane metropolitan area, high proportions of persons employed as Managers and Administrators were recorded in the SLAs of Taroom (42.6%), Warroo (42.5%), Bungil (42.3%), Bendemere (41.0%) and Wambo (40.6%). The highest proportion within Brisbane were City - Inner (24.5%) and City - Remainder (21.7%). The SLAs of Garbutt (27.2%), Millmerran (26.4%), Vincent (25.5%), Murray (21.7%) and Willawong (21.4%) recorded the highest proportions of persons working as Tradespersons and Related Workers. The SLAs with the highest proportions of persons employed as Intermediate Production and Transport Workers were Nebo (31.9%), Broadsound (27.6%), Duaringa (27.0%), Peak Downs (25.3%) and Belyando (24.6%), all of which are outside Brisbane. The SLAs with the highest proportions of persons employed as Labourers and Related Workers were concentrated in Mornington (53.2%), Aurukun (48.7%), Mundubbera (37.1%), Carpentaria (35.3%) and Gayndah (33.4%). The highest proportion within Brisbane was in Wacol (22.2%). Industry In 2001, the four largest industries of employment in Queensland were Retail Trade (239,615 persons or 15.3%), Manufacturing (167,380 persons or 10.7%), Property and Business Services (153,864 persons or 9.8%) and Health and Community Services (151,029 persons or 9.6%). These industries were also the top four industries in Queensland in 1996. Since 1996 there has been an increase in the proportions of persons working in Retail Trade (to 15.3% from 14.1%), Property and Business Services (to 9.8% from 9.3%), and Education (to 7.6% from 7.2%), while the proportion of persons working in Wholesale Trade (to 5.1% from 5.6%) and Mining (to 1.2% from 1.6%) declined. Proportions of persons employed in Retail Trade were dispersed throughout the state. Within Brisbane, Willawong (22.3%), Tanah Merah (20.7%), Shailer Park and Morayfield (both 20.0%) recorded the highest proportions. While outside Brisbane, Maroochy - Maroochydore (21.7%), Caloundra - Kawana (20.9%), Elanora (20.7%) and Cooloola - Gympie only (20.5%) were the highest. Manufacturing was the only industry recording high proportions of employed persons both in metropolitan and regional SLAs. Within Brisbane these were the SLAs of Richlands (31.1%), Inala (29.3%), Archerfield (28.6%), Darra-Sumner (27.4%) and Wacol (26.7%). Outside Brisbane, SLAs recording high proportions of persons employed in this industry were Calliope - Pt A (26.7%), Gladstone (18.5%), Rosalie - Pt A (17.5%) and Ipswich - West (16.5%). The 8 highest proportions of persons employed in Property and Business were recorded in SLAs inside Brisbane. The highest of these were City - Inner (24.8%), Newstead (24.0%), Kenmore Hills (23.1%) and Brookfield (incl. Mt C'tha) (22.0%). The highest outside Brisbane was Millmerran (21.3%). UNEMPLOYMENT The number of unemployed persons decreased by 7.2% to 140,748 in 2001 from 151,717 in 1996. The unemployment rate fell to 8.2% in 2001 from 9.6% in 1996. The unemployment rate was 7.4% for Australia in 2001. While the number of unemployed persons looking for full-time work fell by 16.0% (to 101,660 in 2001 from 120,966 in 1996), those unemployed persons looking for part-time work increased by 27.1% (to 39,088 in 2001 from 30,751 in 1996). In 2001, SLAs with the highest unemployment rate in Brisbane were Eagleby (20.5%), Inala (20.1%) and Nathan (19.2%). Outside Brisbane, Mount Morgan (23.4%), and Tiaro (20.3%) recorded the highest unemployment rates. At the SSD level, the largest declines in the unemployment rates between 1996 and 2001 were recorded in Hervey Bay City Part A (to 14.9% from 20.1%), Sunshine Coast (to 11.4% from 15.1%) and Wide Bay-Burnett SD Bal (to 10.5% from 13.7%). The same areas also experienced relatively large decreases in the number of unemployed persons (to 2,072 from 2,706, to 9,124 from 10,381, and to 5,931 from 7,646 respectively). For those aged 15-24 years, the unemployment rate fell to 15.3% in 2001 from 16.4% in 1996. This compares with a decline to 13.8% from 15.7% in 1996 for Australia. The highest youth unemployment rate was recorded in the Brisbane SLA of Nathan (35.2%). The next highest rates were registered in Bilinga (34.1%), Mount Morgan (33.9%), Inala (31.9%) and Redland Bal (31.6%). The youth unemployment rate for Nudgee Beach was 29.4%, in contrast to a relatively low unemployment rate (9.3%) for persons aged 15 years and over. NON-SCHOOL QUALIFICATION Level of Education In 2001, there were 913,154 persons aged 15 years and over with a qualification. This accounted for 32.3% of all persons aged 15 years and over, a rise from 27.6% in 1996. In Australia, the proportion rose to 34.7% from 30.0%. Of those with a qualification, around half (451,525 persons or 49.4%) held a Certificate, 25.7% (235,113 persons) held a Bachelor Degree, 17.1% (156,001 persons) held an Advanced Diploma and Diploma, and 7.7% (70,515 persons) held a Postgraduate Degree or Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate as their highest qualification. High proportions of persons with a Bachelor Degree or higher as their highest level of qualification were recorded in Taringa (38.9%), Chapel Hill (37.3%), Bardon (36.1%), Indooroopilly (35.5%) and Fig Tree Pocket (35.3%), all in Brisbane. The highest proportions in regional SLAs were recorded in North Ward-Castle Hill (22.1%), City (21.0) in Townsville City Part A, and Pallarenda-Shelley Beach (20.8%). Of persons aged 15 years and over, high proportions with an Advanced Diploma and Diploma were dispersed throughout the State. Anstead (10.5%) and Fig Tree Pocket (10.2%) within Brisbane, and Noosa - Noosa-Noosaville (9.1%) and Cairns - Mt Whitfield (8.7%) outside Brisbane, noted the highest proportions of persons with this qualification as their highest level. Unincorp. Islands recorded a high proportion (20.0%), however, this proportion is based on a relatively small population. Concentrations of persons with a Certificate as their highest level of qualification were registered in SLAs outside Brisbane, including Cook - Weipa only (26.7%), Bulloo (26.2%) and Millmerran (25.5%). Off-Shore Areas and Migratory recorded 23.2%. Field of Study Of all persons aged 15 years and over with a qualification, qualifications were most commonly held in the fields of Engineering and Related Technologies (242,020 persons or 19.9%), Management and Commerce (162,555 persons or 13.3%), Health (109,168 persons or 9.0%), and Education (95,168 persons or 7.8%). Other, which includes Society and Culture, Creative Arts, Food, Hospitality and Personal Services, and Mixed Programmes (197,662 persons or 16.2%) also recorded a high proportion. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.