1. The 1996 Census of Population and Housing was held on 6 August 1996. The first census was held in 1911 and since 1961 a census has been taken every five years, a frequency which is specified in the Census and StatisticsAct - 1905. The objective of the census is to measure accurately the number and key characteristics of people in Australia on census night, and the dwellings in which they live.
2. The census aims to count every person who spends census night in Australia. This includes Australian residents in Antarctica and people in the Territories of Jervis Bay, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island. The other Australian External Territories, Norfolk Island and minor islands such as Heard and McDonald Islands, are outside the scope of the Australian Census. The only people who spend census night in Australia but are excluded from the census are foreign diplomats and their families.
3. The census includes people on vessels in or between Australian ports, on board long distance trains, buses or aircraft and on oil or gas rigs off the Australian coast. People entering Australia before midnight on census night are counted while people leaving an Australian port for an overseas destination before midnight on census night are not. Visitors to Australia are included regardless of how long they have been in the country or how long they plan to stay. However, for people who intend to be in Australia less than six months only basic demographic data are available. The census includes people camping out and the homeless.
4. All private dwellings, except diplomatic dwellings, are included in the census, whether occupied or unoccupied. Caravans in caravan parks, manufactured homes in manufactured home estates and self-care units in accommodation for the retired or aged are counted only if occupied. Occupied non-private dwellings, such as hospitals, prisons, hotels, etc. are also included.
5. Details about the 1996 Census content, collection operations, confidentiality and privacy protection, processing and evaluation activities are contained in 1996 Census of Population and Housing: Nature and Content of the Census (Cat. no. 2008.0).
6. These documents contain population counts based on where people were counted on census night, which may not have been where they usually lived. However, the Census can provide person counts based on place of usual residence.
7. Official ABS population estimates (estimated resident population (ERP)) are also separately available from the ABS. The estimates are based on census counts which have been adjusted to:
- include people who were in Australia on census night but were missed in the Census;
- include Australian residents who were temporarily overseas on census night (these people were not within scope of the Census); and
- exclude overseas visitors counted in the Census who were not usual residents of Australia.
8. The adjusted census count is then updated quarterly using demographic statistics. These are statistics on births, deaths, and overseas and internal migration.
9. ABS population estimates are published in Australian Demographic Statistics
(Cat. no. 3101.0), produced quarterly, and in Estimated Resident Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories (Cat. no. 3201.0) produced annually.
10. The ABS also provides projections (based on different assumptions as to future fertility, mortality and migration) of the resident population of Australia, States and Territories. These projections are published biennially in Population Projections (Cat. no. 3222.0).
13. Data for overseas visitors (who intend to be in Australia for less than six months) are restricted to age, sex and marital status. In these documents, overseas visitors contribute only to the age, sex and total person counts.
Calculation of Proportions
14. When calculating the proportion of the population with a particular characteristic, 'Not stated' responses are included in the denominator. For example, in the Summary of Findings, the proportion who are of indigenous origin has been calculated by dividing the number of persons who stated that they were of indigenous origin by the total population (including those who did not respond to the relevant question) and expressing the result as a percentage.
17. The 1991 Census dollar values for Median Household Income, Median Housing Loan Repayments and Median Rent paid have not been adjusted into 1996 dollars.
18. The following abbreviations and symbols are used in these documents:
ABS - Australian Bureau of Statistics
ACT - Australian Capital Territory
ERP - Estimated Resident Population
n.a. - not available
NSW - New South Wales
NZ - New Zealand
UK - United Kingdom
- nil or rounded to zero
CD - Collection District
L - Locality
SLA - Statistical Local Area
SOS - Section of State
S/T - State/Territory
UC/L - Urban Centre/Locality