This document contains data from the 1996 Census of Population and Housing, and describes the characteristics of people in South Australia and their housing arrangements. It is just a sample of what is available in the publication series Census of Population and Housing: Selected Characteristics for Urban Centres and Localities (Cat. nos 2016.0-7), available for each State and Territory, and nationally.
The data presented in this document relate to where people were counted on census night, and therefore data for each geographical area include visitors to that area but exclude those people who were away on census night. The document uses both the Urban Centre/Locality (UC/L) and the Section of State (SOS) geographic classifications which classify areas according to size of the population. Whilst the UC/L classification covers only part of the State or Territory, the SOS classification covers the State or Territory in its entirety.
This document presents only a selection of data from the full range of census variables. For further information about other census or Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data refer to the Directory of Census Statistics, 1996 or elsewhere on this site. Concepts and definitions used in this document, including UC/L and SOS, are explained in the Explanatory Notes and more detailed information is available in the Census Dictionary, 1996 (Cat. no. 2901.0)
The ABS draws extensively on information provided freely by individuals, businesses, governments and other organisations. Their continued cooperation is very much appreciated: without it, the wide range of statistics published by the ABS would not be available. Information received by the ABS is treated in strict confidence as required by the Census and Statistics Act 1905.
P. Gardner
Regional Director
Since the 1991 Census there had been a 2% increase in the number of people counted in South Australia (SA) and a small increase in the share of people counted in the urban areas. In the 1996 Census, some 86.1% of the people were counted in urban areas, comprising 978,100 in the Major Urban area and 250,731 in the Other Urban area. This represented an increase of one percentage point from 85.1% in 1991.
Just three of the 62 Urban Centres in SA recorded census counts of more than 20,000 people - Adelaide (978,100), Whyalla (23,382) and Mount Gambier (22,037). However, in total, these three areas accounted for 71.7% of the State's population of 1,427,936.
In 1996 there were more females counted in SA (50.8%) than males, and this was also the case with the Major Urban (51.5%) and Other Urban (50.7%) areas. However, proportionally more males were counted in the Bounded Locality (50.1%) and the Rural Balance (52.8%).
Females outnumbered males in the majority (59.2%) of UC/Ls, particularly in Wilmington (L) (55.6%), Riverton (L) (53.5%), Crystal Brook and Springton (L) (53.4% each). In contrast, very high proportions of males were recorded in the opal mining areas of Mintabie (L) (63.6%), Andamooka Opal Fields (L) (58.3%) and Coober Pedy (55.4%), as well as Roxby Downs (58.1%), Woomera (57.6%) and Leigh Creek (55.3%).
The population in SA is aging. In 1996 the median age for SA was 35 years, compared with 33 years in 1991. The proportion of people aged 65 years or more also increased from 12.7% in 1991 to 13.8% in 1996.
The highest proportion (17.4%) of people aged 65 years or more was recorded in the Bounded Locality. The Rural Balance recorded both the highest proportion of children (aged 0–14 years) (24.6%) and the lowest proportion of people aged 65 years or more (8.3%), a pattern which also occurred in 1991 (25.2% and 7.4% respectively).
UC/Ls recording the highest percentages of people aged 65 years or more were the waterside localities of Port Vincent (L) (39.5%), Stansbury (L) (38.0%) and Port Broughton (L) (35.5%), and very low levels were recorded in the UC/Ls of Woomera (1.9%), Leigh Creek (1.9%), and Roxby Downs (1.3%). The highest proportions of children were recorded in the UC/Ls of Yalata (L) (33.7%),
Roseworthy (L) (33.6%) and Angle Vale (32.2%), and the lowest in Port Victoria (L) (11.9%), Port Broughton (11.1%), Coffin Bay (L) (11.1%) and Port Vincent (L) (10.1%).
|  |
Just over three-quarters (75.5%) of those counted in the Census in SA were Australian-born, representing a slight decrease since 1991 (76.1%). The Major Urban area recorded a smaller proportion (71.7%) of Australian-born than that for the State.
Yalata (L) in the Yalata Aboriginal Lands, along with Tantanoola (L) and Lucindale (L) in the far south-east recorded the highest proportions of Australian-born people (97.1%, 95.4% and 95.2% respectively). Woomera and Coober Pedy recorded the lowest Australian-born proportions (52.4% and 53.8%).
About one-tenth (10.1%) of the people counted in SA stated that they had been born in the United Kingdom (UK), Ireland or New Zealand (NZ), a decrease of one percentage point since 1991 (11.1%). The Major Urban area (11.1%) recorded the highest proportion of people born in these countries. Similarly, high proportions were also recorded in Springton (L) (22.7%), Sellicks Beach (21.2%) and
Carrickalinga (L) (20.1%).
In1996, 11.0% reported that they had been born in countries other than the UK, Ireland or NZ, which was similar to the 1991 figure (11.2%). Adelaide recorded the highest proportion (13.8%) of people born in these other countries. Likewise, high proportions were noted in Virginia (L) (35.5%), Woomera (27.4%) and Coober Pedy (26.1%).
The number of people who reported being of Indigenous origin increased by 25.9% between 1991 and 1996, from 16,232 to 20,442. As a proportion of the SA population, this represented an increase in the Indigenous population from 1.2% to 1.4%.
In 1996, the proportion of Indigenous people was higher in the Other Urban area and the Rural Balance (each 2.6%), than in the Major Urban area and the Bounded Locality.
Yalata (L) and Ceduna on the Bight recorded the highest proportions of Indigenous people (87.3% and 23.9% respectively). In contrast, in almost three-quarters (73.0%) of the UC/Ls, the Indigenous proportion was at or less than the State average of 1.4%.
In 1996 there were 138,995 lone person households in SA, an increase of 25.9% over 1991 (110,432). This increase occurred mainly in the Major Urban area of Adelaide, which increased by 26.6% (21,253 households).
Around one-quarter of households in the Major Urban area (26.2%), the Bounded Locality (25.8%) and the Other Urban area (25.4%) consisted of lone persons. The proportion of lone person households was much lower for the Rural Balance (15.8%).
UC/Ls with very high percentages of lone person households were Mintabie (L) (40.0%), Andamooka Opal Fields (L) (38.2%) and Iron Knob (L) (37.1%). Very low percentages of lone person households were recorded in Summertown (L) (9.7%), Roxby Downs (9.6%), Roseworthy (L) (9.6%), Houghton (L) (9.4%) and Angle Vale (4.3%).
There were 184,045 family households with dependent children in SA in 1996, a slight decline (1.0%) since 1991 (186,005). Almost half (47.9%) of all family households in 1996 had at least one dependent child (50.0% in 1991).
The percentages of family households with dependent children ranged from 45.3% in the Bounded Locality to 49.8% in the Rural Balance.
UCL/s with high percentages of family households with dependent children were Yalata (L) (81.6%), Roxby Downs (68.8%), Angle Vale (67.0%) and Mount Compass (65.7%). On the other hand, the coastal areas of Port Victoria (L) (24.7%), Port Broughton (L) (22.6%), Port Vincent (L) (20.1%) and Coffin Bay (L) (19.7%), registered the lowest proportions.
LABOUR FORCE CHARACTERISTICS (For persons aged 15 years and over)
The 1996 Census found there were 592,507 employed people in SA compared with 602,907 in 1991, representing a decrease of 1.7%. The majority of these were enumerated in the Major Urban area (68% in both 1991 and 1996).
In the Major Urban and Other Urban areas, and the Bounded Locality, around one in every two people were employed (51.9%, 50.0%, and 48.0% respectively). In the Rural Balance, 61.7% of people were employed.
Of the 592,507 people employed in SA, 65.3% (387,081) worked full-time, which remained virtually unchanged since 1991 (65.6%). Just over two-thirds (67.4%) of the full-time workers were males, which was similar to the situation in 1991 (68.1%). There were proportionally more male full-time workers in the Bounded Locality (71.5%) than in the Major Urban area (66.1%). These figures were slightly lower than the corresponding figures in 1991 (71.8% and 66.9% respectively).
The highest percentages of male full-time employees were recorded in Owen (L) (91.4%), Wirrabara (L) (81.8%), Carrickalinga (L) (81.8%) and Mount Burr (L) (81.0%). The highest percentage of female full-time employees was recorded in Port Vincent (L) (42.9%).
The proportion of the workforce who were employed part-time had increased by around one-third, from 27.8% (168,002) in 1991 to 36.6% (193,824) in 1996. The majority (68.0%) of these workers were female, a slight decrease from 70.2% in 1991. The highest proportions of female part-time workers were recorded in the Major Urban and Other Urban areas (68.3% in both).
UC/Ls which recorded the highest percentages of part-time employees who were female were Oakbank (L) (79.5%), Roxby Downs (78.1%), Crystal Brook (77.8%), Woomera (77.3%) and Freeling (77.0%).
In 1996, 26.4% of the employed people were Managers and administrators or Professionals, compared with 24.0% in 1991. In both 1996 and 1991, the Rural Balance recorded the highest percentage employed in these occupations - 40.9% and 39.8% respectively. UC/Ls with the highest percentages were Crafers-Bridgewater (42.9%) and Houghton (L) (40.6%).
In 1996, 10.1% of employed people were Labourers and related workers, compared with 9.8% in 1991. The Bounded Locality recorded the highest percentages employed in these occupations (14.2% in 1996 and 13.3% in 1991). UC/Ls with the highest percentages were Yalata (L) (43.0%) and Nangwarry (L) (39.7%).
Almost two-fifths (39.6%) of the employed people worked in Manufacturing, Retail trade, or Health and community services in 1996 (37.2% in 1991) - the top three employing industries in the State. The proportion of people employed in these industries was much lower in the Rural Balance (26.1%) than in the Major Urban (41.7%) and Other Urban (41.6%) areas.
In comparison, some UC/Ls recorded quite low proportions of people employed in these industries, such as Woomera (11.0%), and the mining areas of Andamooka Opal Fields (L) (12.1%) and Roxby Downs (12.3%). The highest proportions were recorded in the localities of Yalata (L) (74.4%), Nangwarry (L) (69.7%) and Tarpeena (L) (64.0%).
In 1996, there were 68,559 unemployed people in SA compared with 80,005 in 1991- a decrease of 16.7%. The overall unemployment rate was 10.4% (11.7% in 1991), while the rate for people aged 15-24 years was 18.4% (20.0% in 1991). Both rates were highest in the Other Urban area (11.2%, and 20.0% for 15-24 years) and lowest in the Rural Balance (7.5% and 14.0% respectively).
UC/Ls which recorded comparatively high unemployment rates and numbers of people were Peterborough (22.3% and 149 respectively), Moonta (21.1% and 191), Aldinga Beach (20.3% and 368) and Wallaroo (20.3% and 171).
UC/Ls which recorded comparatively high unemployment rates and numbers for people aged 15-24 years were Aldinga Beach (35.9% and 112), Port Pirie (30.4% and 362) and Port Lincoln (25.6% and 235).
In 1996, there were 386,106 occupied private dwellings in the Major Urban area accounting for 69.5% of such dwellings in the State. Another 98,326 occupied private dwellings (17.7%) were located in the Other Urban area, and the remaining 71,402 were in the Bounded Locality (3.0%) and the Rural Balance (9.8%).
About two-fifths of the private dwellings counted in SA were fully owned by their occupants (40.3% in 1996 and 39.9% in 1991). In both 1996 (51.0%) and 1991 (48.8%) the Rural Balance recorded the highest ownership levels.
In over one-third (36.8%) of the UC/Ls, the majority of the occupied private dwellings were fully owned. The localities of Port Vincent (L) (72.2%), Mintabie (L) (70.4%) and Port Neill (L) (68.2%) recorded the highest rates of home ownership.
In SA as a whole, over a quarter (27.4% in 1996 and 27.6% in 1991) of the private dwellings were being purchased by their occupants. The Major Urban area recorded the highest percentage (28.0% in 1996 and 29.0% in 1991).
UC/Ls which recorded high levels of homes being purchased were Angle Vale (66.4%), Wasleys (L) (64.5%), Mount Compass (L) (56.7%), Callington (L) (56.0%) and Meadows (L) (55.8%).
The median household income in 1996 of $553 per week showed an increase of 9.7% over 1991 ($504). In 1996 the State median was exceeded by both the Rural Balance ($586) and the Major Urban area ($570). The Other Urban area recorded a median of $489 and the Bounded Locality recorded $455.
In 1996, UC/Ls which recorded the highest median household weekly incomes were the uranium mining area of Roxby Downs ($1,244), Leigh Creek ($990), Crafers-Bridgewater ($847) and Houghton (L) ($843). The lowest median household incomes were recorded in the opal mining areas of Andamooka Opal Fields (L) ($279) and Mintabie (L) ($236).
The median weekly rent payment for SA of $90 in 1996 represented an increase of 8.4% on the 1991 figure of $83. The 1996 median rent recorded for the Major Urban area ($100) was the highest, and this was also the case in 1991 ($91).
At the UC/L level, the highest median weekly rent payments were recorded in Crafers-Bridgewater ($145), Kersbrook (L) ($140), Hahndorf ($135), Angle Vale and Balhannah (L) (both $130), all in the Adelaide hinterland.
Person and Household Characteristics, Section of State
 | Persons
| Households
 | Males | Females | Aged
0-14 years | Aged 65 years or more | Indigenous origin | Australian- born | O'seas- born (UK, Ireland and NZ) | O'seas- born (Other) | Total persons | Lone person | Family with dependent children |
| no. | no. | % | % | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 474 543 | 503,557 | 19.4 | 14.4 | 9 056 | 701 538 | 108,948 | 135,145 | 978,100 | 101,054 | 124,335 |
| 123,673 | 127,058 | 22.8 | 14.7 | 6,523 | 207,475 | 21,071 | 12,720 | 250,731 | 24,976 | 33,101 |
| 20,814 | 20,758 | 22.3 | 17.4 | 796 | 35,443 | 3,252 | 1,546 | 41,572 | 4,300 | 5,243 |
| 82,844 | 74,091 | 24.6 | 8.3 | 4,059 | 132,674 | 11,564 | 8,165 | 156,935 | 8,665 | 21,366 |
| 341 | 257 | 3.5 | 22.2 | 10 | 403 | 55 | 58 | 598 | - | - |
| 702,215 | 725,721 | 20.6 | 13.8 | 20,444 | 1,077,533 | 144,890 | 157,634 | 1,427,936 | 138,995 | 184,045 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 465 983 | 491,497 | 19.9 | 13.3 | 6,682 | 689,395 | 117,983 | 131,413 | 957,480 | 79 801 | 125,044 |
| 116,043 | 119,045 | 23.4 | 13.4 | 4,659 | 197,964 | 20,233 | 12,714 | 235,088 | 19,423 | 32,180 |
| 22,092 | 21,963 | 23.5 | 15.5 | 2,412 | 38,136 | 3,635 | 1,663 | 44,055 | 3,780 | 5,670 |
| 86,306 | 77,172 | 25.2 | 7.4 | 2,467 | 138,988 | 12,933 | 9,006 | 163,478 | 7,428 | 23,111 |
| 344 | 177 | 4.2 | 13.8 | 3 | 346 | 72 | 40 | 521 | - | - |
| 690,768 | 709,854 | 21.2 | 12.7 | 16,223 | 1,064,829 | 154,856 | 154,836 | 1,400,622 | 110,432 | 186 005 |
Urban Centres and Localities, Ranked by Total Number of Persons
Rank |
| Persons | Rank |
| Persons |
1 |
| 978,100 | 77 |
| 686 |
2 |
| 23,382 | 78 |
| 677 |
3 |
| 22,037 | 79 |
| 668 |
4 |
| 15,484 | 80 |
| 662 |
5 |
| 13,914 | 81 |
| 660 |
6 |
| 13,633 | 82 |
| 652 |
7 |
| 13,027 | 83 |
| 644 |
8 |
| 12,831 | 84 |
| 642 |
9 |
| 11,678 | 85 |
| 628 |
10 |
| 7,908 | 86 |
| 624 |
11 |
| 7,343 | 87 |
| 617 |
12 |
| 4,717 | 88 |
| 606 |
13 |
| 4,674 | 89 |
| 590 |
14 |
| 4,638 | 90 |
| 590 |
15 |
| 4,366 | 91 |
| 563 |
16 |
| 3,912 | 92 |
| 557 |
17 |
| 3,723 | 93 |
| 543 |
18 |
| 3,589 | 94 |
| 527 |
19 |
| 3,499 | 95 |
| 524 |
20 |
| 3,486 | 96 |
| 516 |
21 |
| 3,310 | 97 |
| 516 |
22 |
| 2,962 | 98 |
| 507 |
23 |
| 2,898 | 99 |
Andamooka Opal Fields (L)
| 506 |
24 |
| 2,815 | 100 |
| 492 |
25 |
| 2,762 | 101 |
| 454 |
26 |
| 2,599 | 102 |
| 454 |
27 |
| 2,516 | 103 |
| 446 |
28 |
| 2,450 | 104 |
| 441 |
29 |
| 2,446 | 105 |
| 440 |
30 |
| 2,337 | 106 |
| 439 |
31 |
| 2,313 | 107 |
| 434 |
32 |
| 2,195 | 108 |
| 429 |
33 |
| 1,966 | 109 |
| 409 |
34 |
| 1,862 | 110 |
| 400 |
35 |
| 1,855 | 111 |
| 396 |
36 |
| 1,837 | 112 |
| 391 |
37 |
| 1,798 | 113 |
| 384 |
38 |
| 1,727 | 114 |
| 375 |
39 |
| 1,622 | 115 |
| 367 |
40 |
| 1,558 | 116 |
| 347 |
41 |
| 1,529 | 117 |
| 333 |
42 |
| 1,488 | 118 |
| 327 |
43 |
| 1,441 | 119 |
| 325 |
44 |
| 1,431 | 120 |
| 322 |
45 |
| 1,430 | 121 |
| 320 |
46 |
| 1,427 | 122 |
| 319 |
47 |
| 1,384 | 123 |
| 319 |
48 |
| 1,349 | 124 |
| 311 |
49 |
| 1,323 | 125 |
| 303 |
50 |
| 1,241 | 126 |
| 296 |
51 |
| 1,189 | 127 |
| 287 |
52 |
| 1 154 | 128 |
| 283 |
53 |
| 1,151 | 129 |
| 282 |
54 |
| 1,144 | 130 |
| 282 |
55 |
| 1,137 | 131 |
| 278 |
56 |
| 1,089 | 132 |
| 273 |
57 |
| 1,081 | 133 |
| 272 |
58 |
| 1,038 | 134 |
| 265 |
59 |
| 1,011 | 135 |
| 261 |
60 |
| 1,011 | 136 |
| 260 |
61 |
| 1,008 | 137 |
| 258 |
62 |
| 1,006 | 138 |
| 256 |
63 |
| 999 | 139 |
| 256 |
64 |
| 958 | 140 |
| 255 |
65 |
| 947 | 141 |
| 241 |
66 |
| 918 | 142 |
| 239 |
67 |
| 816 | 143 |
| 238 |
68 |
| 753 | 144 |
| 236 |
69 |
| 748 | 145 |
| 235 |
70 |
| 747 | 146 |
| 233 |
71 |
| 733 | 147 |
| 229 |
72 |
| 730 | 148 |
| 224 |
73 |
| 695 | 149 |
| 217 |
74 |
| 694 | 150 |
| 207 |
75 |
| 692 | 151 |
| 204 |
76 |
| 692 | 152 |
| 201 |