This document contains data from the 1996 Census of Population and Housing, and describes the characteristics of people in New South Wales and their housing arrangements. It is just a sample of what is available in the publication series Census of Population and Housing: Selected Characteristics for Urban Centres and Localities (Cat nos 2016.0-7), available for each State and Territory, and nationally.
The data presented in this document relate to where people were counted on census night, and therefore data for each geographical area includes visitors to that area but exclude those people who were away on census night. The document uses both the Urban Centre/Locality (UC/L) and the Section of State (SOS) geographic classifications which classify areas according to size of the population. Whilst the UC/L classification covers only part of the State or Territory, the SOS classification covers the State or Territory in its entirety.
This document presents only a selection of data from the full range of census variables. For further information about other census or Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data refer to the Directory of Census Statistics, 1996 or elsewhere on this site. Concepts and definitions used in this document, including UC/L and SOS, are explained in the Explanatory Notes and more detailed information is available in the Census Dictionary, 1996 (Cat. no. 2901.0)
The ABS draws extensively on information provided freely by individuals, businesses, governments and other organisations. Their continued cooperation is very much appreciated: without it, the wide range of statistics published by the ABS would not be available. Information received by the ABS is treated in strict confidence as required by the Census and Statistics Act 1905.
G. Bray
Regional Director
The 1996 Census of Population and Housing counted 6,038,696 people in New South Wales (NSW) on census night, representing a growth of 5.4% in the population count since 1991 (5,732,032). In 1996, 88.4% of the people counted in NSW were in urban areas, comprising 4,057,413 people in the Major Urban area and 1,280,280 in the Other Urban area.
There were 246 Urban Centres (UC) and 278 Localities (L) in NSW in 1996, four of which had populations above 100,000: Sydney (3,276,207), Newcastle (270,324), Central Coast (227,657) and Wollongong (219,761). Together with Gold Coast-Tweed Heads (Tweed Heads Part) (37,775) and Canberra-Queanbeyan (Queanbeyan Part) (25,689), these urban centres constituted the State's Major Urban area and accounted for around two-thirds (67.2%) of the NSW population.
In 1996, there were slightly more females counted in NSW (50.6%). The urban areas contained proportionally more females (51.1% in the Other Urban and 50.9% in the Major Urban areas). However, there were proportionally more males in the State's Rural Balance (52.3%) and the Bounded Locality (50.3%).
Females outnumbered males in the majority (290) of UC/Ls, particularly in Perthville (L) (61.1%), Lake Conjola West (L) (56.0%) and Milton (55.6%). The highest proportions of males were recorded in Mooney Mooney (L) (60.7%), Forest Hill (60.1%) (site of a RAAF base), Jindabyne (59.7%) and Stanwell Tops (L) (59.4%).
The population in NSW is aging. In 1996 the median age for NSW was 34 years, compared with 32 years in 1991. The proportion of people aged 65 years or more also increased from 11.9% to 12.7%.
The Rural Balance showed the largest increase since 1991 (1.3 percentage points) in the proportion of people aged 65 years or more, although it still had the lowest proportion in the State (9.4%). The Other Urban area contained the highest proportion (15.3%) for NSW, up from 14.1%.
Children (aged 0-14 years) accounted for 21.4% of the NSW population, a decrease of 0.6 percentage points since 1991. The proportion of children ranged from 20.3% in the Major Urban area to 25.3% in the Bounded Locality. However all areas recorded a decrease of between 0.5 and 1.6 percentage points since 1991.
The coastal UC/Ls contained the highest percentages of older people: Manning Point (L) (44.2%), Iluka (36.7%), Camden Haven (36.4%) and Harrington (34.2%), while the highest percentages of children were in the regional UC/Ls of Berridale (42.9%), Coomealla (L) (41.6%), Goodooga (L) (38.9%) and Yellow Rock (L) (38.2%).
The proportion of people who stated that they had been born in the United Kingdom (UK), Ireland or New Zealand (NZ) declined from 7.0% in 1991 to 6.5%. The Major Urban area recorded the highest proportion of people born in these countries (7.3%) while the remaining areas across the State recorded levels similar to each other (Other Urban - 4.8%, Bounded Locality - 5.4% and Rural Balance - 5.1%). High proportions were also noted in the localities of Hawkesbury Heights (L) (17.7%), Hastings Point (L) (16.4%) and Dangar Island (L) (15.7%).
A larger proportion (16.5%) of people reported that they had been born overseas in countries other than the UK, Ireland or NZ (15.4% in 1991), the majority (91.2%) of whom were counted in the Major Urban area. The Major Urban area also contained by far the highest proportion (22.4%) of people born in these countries. In contrast, the remaining areas recorded quite low proportions (Other Urban - 4.0%, Bounded Locality - 3.5%, and Rural Balance - 5.6%). At the UC/L level, the highest proportions were noted in the UCs of Austral (29.7%) and Sydney (25.6%).
The number of people who reported being of Indigenous origin increased by 45.0% between 1991 and 1996, from 69,999 to 101,485. As a percentage of the population of NSW, this represented an increase from 1.2% to 1.7%.
In 1996, the proportion of Indigenous people was highest in the Bounded Locality (4.2%) and lowest in the Major Urban area (1.0%), and this was also the case in 1991 (2.7% and 0.7% respectively).
Over half (51.1%) of the UC/Ls reported proportions equivalent to or less than the NSW proportion of 1.7%. The regional Localities of Coomealla, Goodooga, Wilcannia and Brewarrina recorded the highest levels (98.5%, 80.5%, 59.2% and 54.4% respectively).
Around one in five (21.9%) households in NSW were lone person households, similar to the 1991 proportion of 19.5%. However, the actual number of lone person households increased by 23.2%, from 386,439 in 1991 to 476,246. Almost two-thirds of this increase occurred in the Major Urban area, which rose by 21.8% (57,517 households).
The Other Urban area recorded the highest proportion of lone person households (23.8%) while the Rural Balance recorded the lowest (16.6%). UC/Ls with the highest percentages of lone person households were Vineyard (L) (50.8%), Patonga (L) (39.0%), Nemingha (L) (36.1%) and Dangar Island (L) (35.3%).
Between 1991 and 1996, there was a 3.0% increase in the number of family households with dependent children, from 761,999 to 784,739. Over the same period, the proportion of such households (as a proportion of all family households) decreased slightly, from 52.8% to 50.8%.
The percentages of family households with dependent children were fairly similar across the State, ranging from 50.5% in the Other Urban area to 51.8% in the Rural Balance. Since 1991, the number of family households with dependent children increased in the urban areas (4.5% in Major Urban and 4.1% in Other Urban ) but decreased in the Bounded Locality (-9.3%) and the Rural Balance (-5.6%).
UC/Ls which recorded the highest percentages were Coomealla (L) (80.4%), Wooloweyah (L) (77.7%), Menangle (L) (75.9%) and Cabramurra (L) (74.8%). The lowest percentages were recorded in the coastal areas of Manning Point (L) (13.1%), Hawks Nest (20.6%), Patonga (L) (23.2%), Iluka (25.1%) and Harrington (25.2%) - areas which also reported relatively high proportions (about one-third or more) of people aged 65 years and over.
LABOUR FORCE CHARACTERISTICS (For persons aged 15 years and over)
Of the employed population in NSW, 1,760,696 (68.8%) worked full-time (70.0% in 1991). The proportions of people employed full-time ranged from 64.3% in the Bounded Locality to 69.9% in the Major Urban area.
Almost two-thirds (65.4%) of full-time workers were males, a slight decrease since 1991 (66.8%). The percentage of full-time male employees varied from 64.0% in the Major Urban area to 70.3% in the Bounded Locality.
UC/Ls which recorded the highest percentages of full-time employees were located in the regional areas of Forest Hill (83.5%), Carcoar (L) (79.2%), Perisher Village (78.7%), and Talbingo (L) (78.6%). These areas also tended to report high proportions of male full-time employees.
There had been a 24.0% increase in the number of employed people who worked part-time, from 597,694 (24.9%) to 741,211 (29.0%). As with employed people overall, this increase occurred mainly in the urban areas. The proportions of people working part-time was fairly consistent across the State, ranging from 28.0% in the Major Urban area to 33.2% in the Bounded Locality.
Two-thirds (66.6%) of these workers were females (68.1% in 1991). The proportions of part-time female employees varied little across the State, ranging from 65.5% in the State's Rural Balance to 67.5% in the Other Urban area.
UC/Ls which recorded the highest percentages of part-time employees were the southern coastal Localities of Cunjurong (54.6%), Red Rock (51.9%), Coomba Park and Hastings Point (50.0% each).
In 1996, 27.0% of employed people were Managers and administrators or Professionals, compared with 24.8% in 1991. In both census years the Rural Balance recorded the highest percentages in this occupation grouping (38.2% and 38.4% respectively), while the Other Urban area recorded the lowest (20.5% and 19.3%), although it should be noted that this occupation category included farm managers.
The UC/Ls which recorded the highest proportions were Dangar Island (L) (49.2%), Stanwell Park (43.0%) and Thredbo Village (42.0%).
In 1996, 8.2% of employed people were Labourers and related workers, compared with 12.3% in 1991. The Bounded Locality recorded the highest levels in both census years (12.4% and 12.1% respectively). UC/Ls which recorded the highest proportions were Whitton (L) (41.3%), Tingha (L) (32.9%), Koorawatha (L) (32.8%) and Menindee (L) (32.5%).
Over one-third (36.1%) of employed people were working in the industries of Manufacturing, Retail trade and Property and business services - the top three employing industries for the State - an increase from 33.8% in 1991.
In both census years, the Major Urban area recorded the highest proportions for the State (38.5% in 1996 and 36.2% in 1991), while the Rural Balance recorded the lowest (24.5% and 22.1% respectively)
UC/Ls which recorded the highest levels were Harwood Island (L) (55.1%), Gilgai (L) (52.0%),
Bilbul (L) (51.3%) and Smithtown-Gladstone (L) (51.0%).
The proportion of people employed in the NSW private sector increased between 1991 and 1996, from 73.0% to 79.9%. In both census years the Rural Balance recorded the highest levels (82.1% in 1996 and 78.8% in 1991).
In all but eight UC/Ls the majority of employed people worked in private enterprise, with the highest percentages recorded in Harwood Island (L) (91.1%), Paxton (L) (91.0%), Tucabia (L) (90.9%) and Avondale (90.6%). The lowest proportions were recorded in the regional UC/Ls of Coomealla (L) and Forest Hill (36.0% each), Khancoban (L) (34.3%) and Cabramurra (L) (25.3%).
In 1996 there were 247,669 unemployed people in NSW, down from 303,764 in 1991. The unemployment rate for the State was 8.8% (11.2% in 1991), whilst the rate for people aged 15-24 years was 14.9% (18.3% in 1991).
Both rates were highest in the Bounded Locality (12.1% for people aged 15 years or over and 21.5% for those aged 15-24 years) and lowest in the Major Urban area (8.1% and 13.2% respectively).
UC/Ls which recorded comparatively high unemployment rates and numbers of people were the coastal UCs of South Golden Beach (25.4% and 122), Brunswick Heads (23.8% and 135) and St Georges Basin-Sanctuary Point (23.6% and 424).
UC/Ls which recorded comparatively high unemployment rates and numbers for people aged 15-24 years were Byron Bay (33.3% and 162), Kempsey (28.1% and 175) and Sawtell (27.5% and 268).
In 1996, there were 2,174,917 occupied private dwellings in the State, an increase of 9.4% since 1991 (1,987,265).
Over two-fifths (42.5%) of the occupied private dwellings counted in NSW were fully owned by their occupants, a slight increase from 41.6% in 1991. NSW's Rural Balance recorded the highest home ownership levels in both census years (52.8% and 50.9% respectively).
In over one-third (37.4%) of the State's UC/Ls, at least half of the occupied private dwellings were fully owned. Manning Point (L) (73.5%), Beauty Point (L) (71.3%) and Emmaville (L) (69.4%) recorded the highest rates of home ownership.
In 1996, around one in three (29.9%) of occupied private dwellings were being rented (27.1% in 1991), with the Other Urban area recording the highest levels in 1996 (30.7%) and the Rural Balance recording the lowest (20.9%). The Major Urban area recorded the highest levels in 1991 (28.4%).
The UC/Ls which recorded the highest percentages of rented dwellings were Cabramurra (L) (83.6%), Coomealla (L) (71.7%), Goodooga (L) (67.4%) and the ski resorts of Perisher Village and Jindabyne (65.2% and 63.5% respectively).
The median household income in 1996 of $655 per week showed an increase of 12.7% on the 1991 figure of $581. In 1996 only the Major Urban area ($734) exceeded the State median. The State's Bounded Locality recorded the lowest median ($498).
UC/Ls which recorded the highest median household incomes were Grasmere (L) ($1,296),
Windsor Downs ($1,196), Windella Downs (L) ($1,191) and Sandy Point (L) ($1,190). The lowest median household incomes were recorded in the coastal Localities of Brooms Head (L) ($301), Lake Conjola (L) and Hastings Point (L) ($295 each).
Between 1991 and 1996, the median housing loan repayment for the State increased by 40.3%, from $618 to $867 per month. The biggest increases were in the urban areas, with median repayments in the Major Urban area increasing by almost half (49.4%) and those in the Other Urban area increasing by 40.8%. The Major Urban area also recorded the highest median housing loan repayment in both census years ($995 in 1996 and $666 in 1991).
UC/Ls which reported the highest medians were Kenthurst (L) ($1,489), Windsor Downs ($1,300), Gerroa (L) ($1,170) and Grasmere (L) ($1,165).
The median weekly rent payment for NSW of $140 in 1996 represented an increase of 10.2% on the 1991 figure of $127. The highest median rent was recorded for the Major Urban area ($160) and the lowest was recorded in the Rural Balance ($78). The Major Urban area also recorded the highest median payment in 1991 ($146).
At the UC/L level, the highest median weekly rent payments were recorded for Jindabyne ($318), Windsor Downs ($250), Galston ($201), Tapitallee (L), Windella Downs (L) and Lakewood Estate (L) (all $200).
Person and Household Characteristics, Section of State
 | Persons
| Households
 | Males | Females | Aged
0-14 years | Aged 65 years or more | Indigenous origin | Australian- born | O'seas- born (UK, Ireland and NZ) | O'seas- born (Other) | Total persons | Lone person | Family with dependent children |
| no. | no. | % | % | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 1,992,222 | 2,065,191 | 20.3 | 12.3 | 40,557 | 2,673,669 | 295,643 | 907,095 | 4,057,413 | 320,806 | 392,034
| 626,452 | 653,828 | 23.1 | 15.3 | 44,925 | 1,118,717 | 62,074 | 51,537 | 1,280,280 | 113,276 | 117,968
| 67,666 | 66,957 | 25.3 | 13.2 | 5,624 | 117,764 | 7,246 | 4,777 | 134,623 | 10,567 | 9,923 |
| 294,922 | 268,821 | 24.4 | 9.4 | 10,351 | 482,275 | 28,862 | 31,330 | 563,743 | 31,597 | 64,025 |
| 2,185 | 452 | 2.9 | 6.4 | 28 | 1,793 | 267 | 126 | 2,637 | - | - |
| 2,983,447 | 3,055,249 | 21.4 | 12.7 | 101,485 | 4,394,218 | 394,092 | 994,865 | 6,038,696 | 476,246 | 583,950 |
 |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 1,886,245 | 1,936,570 | 20.8 | 11.8 | 26,416 | 2,595,149 | 303,932 | 802,780 | 3,822,815 | 263,289 | 389,879 |
| 587,349 | 609,763 | 23.7 | 14.1 | 30,990 | 1,066,169 | 59,750 | 46,373 | 1,197,112 | 87,728 | 113,849 |
| 72,967 | 71,655 | 25.9 | 12.1 | 3,898 | 128,674 | 8,148 | 5,301 | 144,622 | 9,474 | 11,666 |
| 295,629 | 269,251 | 26.0 | 8.1 | 8,667 | 492,428 | 29,495 | 30,701 | 564,880 | 25,948 | 68,727 |
| 2,389 | 214 | 2.3 | 1.9 | 28 | 1,993 | 379 | 143 | 2,603 | - | - |
| 2,844,579 | 2,887,453 | 22.0 | 11.9 | 69,999 | 4,284,413 | 401,704 | 885,298 | 5,732,032 | 386,439 | 584,121 |
Urban Centres and Localities, Ranked by Total Number of Persons
Rank |
| Persons | Rank |
| Persons |
1 |
| 3,276,207 | 263 |
| 882 |
2 |
| 270,324 | 264 |
| 882 |
3 |
| 227,657 | 265 |
| 881 |
4 |
| 219,761 | 266 |
| 881 |
5 |
| 50,108 | 267 |
| 878 |
6 |
| 42,848 | 268 |
| 875 |
7 |
Albury-Wodonga (Albury Part)
| 41,491 | 269 |
| 871 |
8 |
Gold Coast-Tweed Heads (Tweed Hds Pt)
| 37,775 | 270 |
| 860 |
9 |
| 33,709 | 271 |
| 859 |
10 |
| 31,865 | 272 |
| 849 |
11 |
| 30,705 | 273 |
| 840 |
12 |
| 30,102 | 274 |
| 834 |
13 |
| 28,380 | 275 |
| 833 |
14 |
| 26,029 | 276 |
| 828 |
15 |
Canberra-Queanbeyan (Queanbeyan Part)
| 25,689 | 277 |
| 821 |
16 |
| 23,823 | 278 |
| 815 |
17 |
| 22,177 | 279 |
| 803 |
18 |
| 21,330 | 280 |
| 782 |
19 |
| 21,317 | 281 |
| 781 |
20 |
| 21,293 | 282 |
| 781 |
21 |
| 20,963 | 283 |
| 769 |
22 |
| 17,700 | 284 |
| 765 |
23 |
| 17,540 | 285 |
| 764 |
24 |
| 16,702 | 286 |
| 762 |
25 |
| 16,562 | 287 |
| 758 |
26 |
| 16,056 | 288 |
| 753 |
27 |
| 15,943 | 289 |
| 751 |
28 |
| 14,209 | 290 |
| 743 |
29 |
| 13,240 | 291 |
| 742 |
30 |
| 12,555 | 292 |
| 734 |
31 |
| 12,519 | 293 |
| 733 |
32 |
| 12,332 | 294 |
| 732 |
33 |
| 11,711 | 295 |
| 731 |
34 |
| 11,441 | 296 |
| 723 |
35 |
| 10,541 | 297 |
| 718 |
36 |
| 10,094 | 298 |
| 715 |
37 |
| 9,990 | 299 |
| 710 |
38 |
| 9,605 | 300 |
| 701 |
39 |
| 9,568 | 301 |
| 699 |
40 |
| 9,378 | 302 |
| 696 |
41 |
| 9,270 | 303 |
| 691 |
42 |
| 8,705 | 304 |
| 688 |
43 |
| 8,630 | 305 |
| 673 |
44 |
| 8,544 | 306 |
| 673 |
45 |
| 8,384 | 307 |
| 672 |
46 |
| 8,315 | 308 |
| 664 |
47 |
| 8,195 | 309 |
| 661 |
48 |
| 8,106 | 310 |
| 656 |
49 |
| 7,816 | 311 |
| 653 |
50 |
| 7,657 | 312 |
| 652 |
51 |
| 7,467 | 313 |
Mungindi (Part) (L) (NSW)
| 648 |
52 |
| 7,150 | 314 |
| 647 |
53 |
| 7,001 | 315 |
| 639 |
54 |
| 6,798 | 316 |
| 636 |
55 |
| 6,615 | 317 |
| 627 |
56 |
| 6,419 | 318 |
| 625 |
57 |
| 6,253 | 319 |
| 619 |
58 |
| 6,130 | 320 |
| 613 |
59 |
| 6,108 | 321 |
| 613 |
60 |
| 6,101 | 322 |
| 612 |
61 |
| 6,088 | 323 |
| 611 |
62 |
St Georges Basin-Sanctuary Point
| 5,988 | 324 |
| 611 |
63 |
| 5,915 | 325 |
| 609 |
64 |
| 5,879 | 326 |
| 607 |
65 |
| 5,823 | 327 |
| 606 |
66 |
| 5,316 | 328 |
| 598 |
67 |
| 5,294 | 329 |
| 585 |
68 |
Corowa-Wahgunyah (Corowa Part)
| 5,161 | 330 |
| 583 |
69 |
| 4,920 | 331 |
| 580 |
70 |
| 4,877 | 332 |
| 578 |
71 |
| 4,840 | 333 |
| 578 |
72 |
| 4,725 | 334 |
| 576 |
73 |
| 4,721 | 335 |
| 573 |
74 |
| 4,693 | 336 |
| 565 |
75 |
| 4,678 | 337 |
| 554 |
76 |
| 4,524 | 338 |
| 551 |
77 |
| 4,511 | 339 |
| 545 |
78 |
| 4,446 | 340 |
| 544 |
79 |
| 4,383 | 341 |
Pacific Palms-Blueys Beach (L)
| 542 |
80 |
| 4,320 | 342 |
| 542 |
81 |
| 4,190 | 343 |
| 541 |
82 |
| 4,125 | 344 |
| 539 |
83 |
| 4,119 | 345 |
| 536 |
84 |
Salamander Bay-Soldiers Point
| 4,087 | 346 |
| 535 |
85 |
| 3,874 | 347 |
| 533 |
86 |
| 3,873 | 348 |
| 529 |
87 |
| 3,772 | 349 |
| 523 |
88 |
| 3,734 | 350 |
| 522 |
89 |
| 3,681 | 351 |
| 510 |
90 |
| 3,630 | 352 |
| 509 |
91 |
| 3,533 | 353 |
| 506 |
92 |
| 3,514 | 354 |
| 505 |
93 |
| 3,486 | 355 |
| 505 |
94 |
| 3,468 | 356 |
| 504 |
95 |
| 3,419 | 357 |
| 504 |
96 |
| 3,390 | 358 |
| 503 |
97 |
| 3,389 | 359 |
| 501 |
98 |
| 3,361 | 360 |
| 500 |
99 |
| 3,350 | 361 |
| 500 |
100 |
| 3,205 | 362 |
| 498 |
101 |
| 3,157 | 363 |
| 491 |
102 |
| 3,106 | 364 |
| 490 |
103 |
| 3,100 | 365 |
| 488 |
104 |
| 3,012 | 366 |
| 488 |
105 |
| 2,896 | 367 |
| 486 |
106 |
| 2,891 | 368 |
| 481 |
107 |
| 2,870 | 369 |
| 472 |
108 |
| 2,866 | 370 |
| 468 |
109 |
| 2,822 | 371 |
| 468 |
110 |
| 2,775 | 372 |
| 464 |
111 |
| 2,754 | 373 |
| 462 |
112 |
| 2,716 | 374 |
| 461 |
113 |
| 2,712 | 375 |
| 459 |
114 |
| 2,690 | 376 |
| 459 |
115 |
| 2,681 | 377 |
| 455 |
116 |
| 2,672 | 378 |
| 450 |
117 |
| 2,671 | 379 |
| 448 |
118 |
| 2,669 | 380 |
| 447 |
119 |
| 2,668 | 381 |
| 446 |
120 |
| 2,651 | 382 |
| 443 |
121 |
| 2,650 | 383 |
| 436 |
122 |
| 2,634 | 384 |
| 432 |
123 |
| 2,623 | 385 |
| 432 |
124 |
| 2,613 | 386 |
| 427 |
125 |
| 2,602 | 387 |
| 424 |
126 |
| 2,576 | 388 |
| 420 |
127 |
| 2,545 | 389 |
| 418 |
128 |
| 2,528 | 390 |
| 415 |
129 |
| 2,486 | 391 |
| 414 |
130 |
Echuca-Moama (Moama Part)
| 2,469 | 392 |
| 412 |
131 |
| 2,460 | 393 |
| 412 |
132 |
| 2,417 | 394 |
| 411 |
133 |
| 2,348 | 395 |
| 403 |
134 |
| 2,344 | 396 |
| 402 |
135 |
| 2,277 | 397 |
| 399 |
136 |
| 2,266 | 398 |
| 397 |
137 |
| 2,240 | 399 |
| 392 |
138 |
| 2,219 | 400 |
| 392 |
139 |
| 2,213 | 401 |
| 388 |
140 |
| 2,181 | 402 |
| 385 |
141 |
| 2,137 | 403 |
| 385 |
142 |
| 2,100 | 404 |
| 384 |
143 |
| 2,073 | 405 |
| 380 |
144 |
| 2,064 | 406 |
| 379 |
145 |
| 2,045 | 407 |
| 377 |
146 |
| 2,018 | 408 |
| 377 |
147 |
| 2,016 | 409 |
| 376 |
148 |
| 1,987 | 410 |
| 375 |
149 |
| 1,985 | 411 |
| 374 |
150 |
| 1,970 | 412 |
| 372 |
151 |
| 1,960 | 413 |
| 369 |
152 |
| 1,956 | 414 |
| 367 |
153 |
| 1,955 | 415 |
| 367 |
154 |
| 1,947 | 416 |
| 366 |
155 |
| 1,945 | 417 |
| 363 |
156 |
| 1,913 | 418 |
| 362 |
157 |
| 1,909 | 419 |
| 360 |
158 |
| 1,888 | 420 |
| 358 |
159 |
| 1,863 | 421 |
| 352 |
160 |
| 1,860 | 422 |
| 350 |
161 |
| 1,858 | 423 |
| 350 |
162 |
| 1,835 | 424 |
| 347 |
163 |
| 1,814 | 425 |
| 347 |
164 |
| 1,801 | 426 |
| 347 |
165 |
| 1,786 | 427 |
| 341 |
166 |
| 1,774 | 428 |
| 341 |
167 |
| 1,774 | 429 |
| 337 |
168 |
| 1,763 | 430 |
| 336 |
169 |
| 1,741 | 431 |
| 335 |
170 |
| 1,737 | 432 |
| 334 |
171 |
| 1,700 | 433 |
| 329 |
172 |
| 1,697 | 434 |
| 328 |
173 |
| 1,688 | 435 |
| 326 |
174 |
| 1,685 | 436 |
| 326 |
175 |
| 1,684 | 437 |
| 325 |
176 |
| 1,656 | 438 |
| 325 |
177 |
| 1,639 | 439 |
| 322 |
178 |
| 1,631 | 440 |
| 321 |
179 |
| 1,623 | 441 |
| 321 |
180 |
| 1,604 | 442 |
| 319 |
181 |
| 1,604 | 443 |
| 319 |
182 |
Yarrawonga-Mulwala (Mulwala Part)
| 1,593 | 444 |
| 318 |
183 |
| 1,512 | 445 |
| 317 |
184 |
| 1,509 | 446 |
| 317 |
185 |
| 1,504 | 447 |
| 317 |
186 |
| 1,502 | 448 |
| 310 |
187 |
| 1,500 | 449 |
| 309 |
188 |
| 1,496 | 450 |
| 309 |
189 |
| 1,494 | 451 |
Gresford East & Gresford West (L)
| 308 |
190 |
| 1,484 | 452 |
| 307 |
191 |
| 1469 | 453 |
| 307 |
192 |
| 1,453 | 454 |
| 304 |
193 |
| 1,451 | 455 |
| 304 |
194 |
| 1,439 | 456 |
| 301 |
195 |
| 1,419 | 457 |
| 298 |
196 |
| 1,402 | 458 |
| 298 |
197 |
| 1,400 | 459 |
| 297 |
198 |
| 1,397 | 460 |
| 297 |
199 |
| 1,392 | 461 |
| 297 |
200 |
| 1,389 | 462 |
| 296 |
201 |
| 1,380 | 463 |
| 295 |
202 |
| 1,373 | 464 |
| 292 |
203 |
| 1,348 | 465 |
| 290 |
204 |
| 1,331 | 466 |
| 290 |
205 |
| 1,327 | 467 |
| 289 |
206 |
| 1,326 | 468 |
| 288 |
207 |
| 1,304 | 469 |
| 287 |
208 |
| 1,298 | 470 |
| 283 |
209 |
| 1,295 | 471 |
| 282 |
210 |
| 1,287 | 472 |
| 281 |
211 |
| 1,267 | 473 |
| 280 |
212 |
| 1,261 | 474 |
| 276 |
213 |
| 1,236 | 475 |
| 276 |
214 |
| 1,231 | 476 |
| 275 |
215 |
| 1,223 | 477 |
| 274 |
216 |
| 1,218 | 478 |
| 270 |
217 |
| 1,217 | 479 |
| 270 |
218 |
| 1,211 | 480 |
| 269 |
219 |
| 1,209 | 481 |
| 269 |
220 |
| 1,199 | 482 |
| 268 |
221 |
| 1,196 | 483 |
| 268 |
222 |
| 1,185 | 484 |
| 268 |
223 |
| 1,175 | 485 |
| 268 |
224 |
| 1,174 | 486 |
| 265 |
225 |
Barham-Koondrook (Barham Part)
| 1,167 | 487 |
| 262 |
226 |
| 1,164 | 488 |
| 262 |
227 |
| 1,119 | 489 |
| 259 |
228 |
| 1,113 | 490 |
| 255 |
229 |
| 1,113 | 491 |
| 255 |
230 |
| 1,113 | 492 |
| 252 |
231 |
| 1,112 | 493 |
| 251 |
232 |
| 1,099 | 494 |
| 250 |
233 |
| 1,087 | 495 |
| 249 |
234 |
| 1,087 | 496 |
| 245 |
235 |
| 1,080 | 497 |
| 242 |
236 |
| 1,069 | 498 |
| 242 |
237 |
| 1,061 | 499 |
| 242 |
238 |
| 1,058 | 500 |
| 240 |
239 |
| 1,050 | 501 |
| 238 |
240 |
| 1,038 | 502 |
| 237 |
241 |
| 1,035 | 503 |
| 236 |
242 |
| 1,030 | 504 |
| 235 |
243 |
| 1,026 | 505 |
| 234 |
244 |
| 1,015 | 506 |
| 230 |
245 |
| 1,013 | 507 |
| 230 |
246 |
| 1,008 | 508 |
| 230 |
247 |
| 999 | 509 |
| 228 |
248 |
| 996 | 510 |
| 224 |
249 |
| 994 | 511 |
| 224 |
250 |
| 984 | 512 |
| 224 |
251 |
| 973 | 513 |
| 223 |
252 |
| 960 | 514 |
| 222 |
253 |
| 951 | 515 |
| 221 |
254 |
| 940 | 516 |
| 214 |
255 |
| 937 | 517 |
| 214 |
256 |
| 933 | 518 |
| 214 |
257 |
| 922 | 519 |
| 212 |
258 |
| 906 | 520 |
| 211 |
259 |
| 902 | 521 |
| 207 |
260 |
| 896 | 522 |
| 205 |
261 |
| 896 | 523 |
| 203 |
262 |
| 883 | 524 |
| 201 |