Major Review of TRYM
The TRYM model is a small macroeconomic model of the Australian economy developed by the Australian Treasury for policy and sensitivity analyses and forecasting at the macroeconomic level. While the model itself is maintained by the Treasury, the data used in the model is prepared by the Analytical Services Branch and published by ABS as a part of the Modellers’ Database (cat. no. 1364.0.14.003). The ABS also maintains subscriptions to TRYM by academic and industry users (cat. no. 1364.0.15.001).
The Treasury and ABS are currently collaborating in a major review and redevelopment of TRYM. An important aspect of the redevelopment is the updating of the operating environment of TRYM from TSP to the more popular EViews. Other changes include updating TRYM’s equations (by Treasury), and reviewing its data inputs (jointly by the ABS and Treasury). A key goal of the review is to improve the transparency of series in the Modellers’ Database.
For further details please contact Valentin Valdez at, or James Savage at