1376.0 - Local Government and ABS, Sep 2010  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 21/09/2010   
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Image: Other News and Contacts OTHER NEWS AND CONTACTS

2011 Census of Population and Housing
Beyond the Count
2010-11 Agricultural Census
Regional @ a Glance page
Help for Local Government on the ABS website
Understanding Statistics
Newsletter and ABS Contact Details
How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe from this Newsletter


What is the Census?
The Census aims to accurately measure the number of people in Australia, their key characteristics, and the dwellings in which they live. The Census provides a snapshot of Australia and helps define who we are.

Why is it important?
The Census underpins Australia's democracy and is crucial to communities, private institutions and all levels of government for planning services and facilities. The Census is used to determine community infrastructure needs, such as where schools, hospitals, and roads are required. Federal funding arrangements to the states and territories, including allocation of GST revenue, are also based on census information.

Does everyone count?
Everyone in Australia is counted on Census Night, regardless of how long they have been in the country, including international students. Only foreign diplomats and their families are not included.

When is the next Census?
The 16th Census of Population and Housing will take place on the night of 9 August 2011. 2011 also marks a significant milestone - 100 years of national Census taking in Australia.

How is the count conducted?
From 29 July 2011 Collectors will be out in the community visiting every dwelling in Australia. Forms can be completed online with the eCensus, which is a secure, quick and easy alternative to the paper form.

After Census night, Collectors will return to collect completed forms, if they have not been completed online.

Collectors will also ensure that people staying in hospitals, hotels and motels, camping or travelling through Australia on Census night are counted.

How can local government help?
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will be on the lookout for over 30,000 community-minded people all over Australia to help us count the nation. The recruitment of good quality field staff is paramount to the success of the Census.

Recruitment of District Managers will begin in September 2010, Area Supervisors in February 2011 and Census Collectors in April 2011. Around these times the positions will be advertised on the ABS website www.abs.gov.au and in local papers.

Local government can help the ABS with:

  • increasing support for the Census at the community level;
  • utilising local knowledge and intelligence;
  • improvising awareness of recruitment of Census field staff; and
  • raising awareness and promoting the benefits of the 2011 Census.

To discuss the 2011 Census in your community, please contact:

Paul Roper
Assistant Director
NSW Census Management Unit
t 02 9268 4219
e paul.roper@abs.gov.au
Peter Vine
Assistant Director
Victorian Census Management Unit
t 03 9982 6207
e peter.vine@abs.gov.au
Caroline Deans
Assistant Director
SA Census Management Unit
t 08 8237 7398
e caroline.deans@abs.gov.au
Geri Eynstone-Hinkins
Assistant Director
Census Engagement and Special Strategies
Queensland Census Management Unit
t 07 3222 6112
e geri.eynstone-hinkins@abs.gov.au
Janet Gunn
Assistant Director
WA Census Management Unit
t 08 9360 5377
e janet.gunn@abs.gov.au
Fiona Shalley
Assistant Director
NT Census Management Unit
t 08 8943 2162
e fiona.shalley@abs.gov.au
Ruth McArdle
Assistant Director
Tasmanian Census Management Unit
t 03 6222 5767
e ruth.mcardle@abs.gov.au
Tim Power
Census Engagement Officer
ACT Census Management Unit
t 02 6252 8922
e tim.power@abs.gov.au


Arriving in Melbourne soon...

A showcase event that explores the issues that matter to all Australians. We will look beyond the count and reveal what a difference the Census makes.

Date Wednesday 2 to Friday 4 March 2011
Venue Hilton on Park Melbourne

Share your Census story!

We're now seeking potential speakers and exhibitors for this exciting event. If you, or your organisation, take Census data beyond the count we would love to hear from you.

Visit www.abs.gov.au/beyondthecount or follow @beyondthecount for more information.


The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is getting ready for the 2010-11 Agricultural Census. The Agricultural Census involves collecting data from around 170,000 farm businesses in approximately 700 Local Government Areas across Australia. This collection is the second largest collection undertaken by the ABS; topped only in size by the Census of Population and Housing.

Results from the Agricultural Census will provide vital information on agricultural commodity production throughout Australia, the value of agricultural commodities produced and their contribution to the national economy.

Other information to be collected will include data on stock numbers and land use, as well as the management practices being adopted by Australian agricultural businesses. This information will be used by Commonwealth and state government departments, industry bodies and agricultural businesses to assist in decision making, policy formation and planning.

The Agricultural Census is conducted once every five years, and provides Australia's most detailed picture of what is happening in the agricultural sector at the regional level.

If you are interested in further, specific information about the Agricultural Census, visit the Agriculture @ a Glance page on the ABS website or contact Katie Hutt, Environment and Agriculture Business Statistics Centre, (03) 6222 5866 or email katie.hutt@abs.gov.au.

Regional @ a Glance PAGE

The Regional @ a Glance page is a great place to start if you are looking for data or information about regional statistics.

The Regional Releases page contains links to ABS products containing regional data, organised under the topic headings Economy, Population and People, Industry and Environment and Energy. The page also includes links to compendia products, such as the National Regional Profile and state-specific publications. The Noticeboard is updated regularly to provide users with information on the latest developments in regional statistics, while the @ a Glance page also provides links to other relevant Topics @ a Glance pages and information about using and interpreting statistics.


'Services to Local Government' is a series of information pages designed to help you find data for your Local Government Area and inform you how to keep up to date with the latest ABS releases and available training. It also provides information about how ABS uses local government data. The pages have recently been updated. You can find the 'Services to Local Government' pages by heading to the ABS Home Page, clicking on 'Services' along the top navigation bar and following the link to 'Local Government'.


'Understanding Statistics' is a series of help pages available from the ABS website. These pages provide an overview of statistical terms and methods used by the ABS and other statistical agencies as well as information on ABS training courses, online tutorials, presentations and resources. You can find the 'Understanding Statistics' link under the 'All Statistics' section at the top of the left navigation bar on the ABS Home page.

Recently added to the 'Understanding Statistics' portal is 'A Guide for Using Statistics for Evidence Based Policy'. The article discusses what evidence-based decision making means and how statistics can enhance the decision-making process.

This newsletter is designed to improve communication between the ABS and the Local Government Sector. New ABS initiatives to assist local government organisations will be announced in this newsletter as they evolve.

We appreciate receiving your views and suggestions about this newsletter so that it remains useful and assists you to understand and use ABS statistics. We also welcome suggestions for articles that you feel should be included. Please email your comments and suggestions to regional.statistics@abs.gov.au .

For other enquiries contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or e-mail: client.services@abs.gov.au.


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