1 This publication presents a statistical summary of key economic and some social information for regional areas in South Australia. It brings together a wide range of existing ABS and some non-ABS data and has been designed, at a broad level, to assist users of regional statistics to understand the composition and structure of a region, to understand how a region contributes to the state's economy and to help monitor the trends in economic growth or decline. The data are presented for Local Government Areas, Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Divisions. Included are historical as well as the latest available data, at the time of preparation, enabling comparison over time and between these regions.
2 The statistics included in this publication are sourced from a wide variety of collections, both ABS and non-ABS. When analysing the data care needs to be taken as time periods, definitions, methodologies, scope and coverage will differ. Some main data concepts and definitions are included below and in the Glossary of Terms. For more detailed information, including technical notes, pleaserefer to the relevant source publications Bibliography.
3 The data presented relate to the period 1997-1998 to 2002-2003. As the data are referenced from a wide variety of sources the reference period relating to many of the indicators differ. For simplicity only a single calendar year number has been used in row and column headings. This calendar year number refers to the latter year for those data items collected over two years. For example, data for the financial year 1999-2000 are shown under the heading '2000'.
4 The regions specified are Local Government Areas, Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Divisions as defined in Australian Standard Geographical Classification, 2003 - Electronic Publication (cat. no. 1216.0). LGAs are legally designated areas over which incorporated local governments have responsibility. Areas of the state not covered by these incorporated bodies are also included in this publication (unincorporated). Statistical Subdivisions and Statistical Divisions are defined, in broad terms, as socially and economically homogeneous regions characterised by identifiable links between the inhabitants. In South Australia SSDs consist, for the most part, of aggregations of Local Government Areas, while one or more SSDs make up an SD. The Statistical Division is the largest and most stable spatial unit. A map showing SDs, SSDs and LGAs in South Australia can be found in the Main Features of this publication.
5 All data presented have been calculated on Statistical Division, Statistical Subdivision and Local Government Area boundaries current as at 30 June 2003 (i.e. 1998 data are shown for the boundary current at 30 June 2003). Where boundary changes have occurred or data have been collected for different spatial areas such as postcodes, concordances have been used to 'convert' the data to the specified region's boundary at 30 June 2003.
6 In applying the concordances it is assumed that the particular characteristics of any data item are uniformly distributed across the spatial area.
7 While care was taken in producing the concordances, they are not an official ABS product and the ABS will not guarantee the accuracy of concorded data. No liability will be accepted by the ABS for any damages arising from decisions or actions based upon the data.
Population estimates
8 This publication contains estimates of the resident population for Statistical Divisions, Statistical Subdivisions and Local Government Areas in South Australia. The estimates are based on Census counts in census years while estimates for other years are calculated using a mathematical model. Figures are shown to the nearest unit without rounding, but accuracy to the last digit is not claimed and should not be assumed. For a more detailed description of the methodology refer to Regional Population Growth, Australia and New Zealand (cat. no. 3218.0).
Births and deaths
9 Birth statistics are presented on the basis of the LGA of usual residence of the mother, regardless of where in Australia the birth occurred or was registered. The data refer to births registered during the financial year shown and are compiled from data provided to the State Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
10 Death statistics are presented on the basis of the LGA of usual residence of the deceased, regardless of where in Australia the death occurred or was registered. The data refer to deaths registered during the financial year shown and are compiled from data provided to the State Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Labour force estimates
11 The labour force estimates shown are produced by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) using the Structure Preserving Estimation (SPREE) methodology. SPREE uses Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services (Centrelink) statistics of persons in receipt of unemployment benefits and ABS population and labour force estimates by labour force regions to estimate unemployment levels.
12 The estimates at the small area level have not been adjusted to take account of seasonal and other variations and can therefore exhibit irregular movements. Accordingly while quarter-to-quarter comparisons may not be indicative of actual movements in the labour market, the year-to-year comparisons presented here may therefore be more appropriate.
13 A detailed description of the methodology used is presented in the DEWR quarterly publication Small Area Labour Markets, Australia or can be accessed through the DEWR web site at http://www.workplace.gov.au.
14 Note that recent technical changes made to the methodology have resulted in a break in the statistical series. Where possible DEWR has provided revised estimates back to the June quarter 2001 to reflect these changes. While previous editions of this publication contain estimates prior to the June quarter 2001, any comparison of those data with the new estimates should be undertaken with caution.
Income support customers
15 The term ‘Income support customers’ has been used to define persons receiving specific payments from various Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services (FaCS) welfare programs. The statistics shown have been compiled from data collected by Centrelink which is the government agency delivering income support payments and services to eligible members of the community on behalf of FaCS.
16 Counts of income support customers include those receiving a payment and those customers temporarily suspended from payment or not paid in the fortnight (zero paid) due to income/assets test provisions or other administrative procedures.
17 Age pension counts exclude payments made to persons overseas and age pensions paid by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
18 The figures shown in this Profile have been provided to the ABS in aggregated form only. No information about individual income support customers have been released to the ABS.
19 The statistics compiled by Centrelink about their clients are classified according to the postcode district in the postal address held on departmental records. The figures shown in this publication have been converted from postcode areas to SDs, SSDs and LGAs using geographic concordances based on estimated resident population data. Note that the use of this concordance may lead to the State total shown here differing slightly from the State total published by Centrelink.
20 To preserve the confidentiality of individuals, data from some areas have been added to data from other areas. The list below gives details of the areas affected by these amalgamations:
- data for Lower Eyre Peninsula (DC) includes data for Unincorporated Lincoln;
- data for Port Adelaide Enfield (C) - Western Adelaide SSD part includes data for Unincorporated Western;
- data for Renmark Paringa (DC) includes data for Unincorporated Riverland;
- data for Whyalla (C) includes data for Unincorporated Whyalla, and
- data for Unincorporated Far North includes data for Roxby Downs (M).
These amalgamations occur within SSDs and ensure that totals for the SSDs and higher geography are correct.
21 Note that recent changes made to the methodology have resulted in a break in the statistical series. While previous editions of this publication contain estimates prior to June 2002, any comparison of those data with the new estimates should be undertaken with caution.
22 A statistical overview covering all FaCS income support customers is available in the publication Department of Family and Community Services, Income Support Customers - a statistical overview or can be accessed through the FaCS web site at http://www.facs.gov.au.
23 Detailed information on specific payments and eligibility requirements can be found on the Centrelink web site at http://www.centrelink.gov.au.
Building approvals
24 Statistics of building work approvals are compiled from:
- permits issued by local government authorities and other principal certifying authorities;
- contracts let or day labour work authorised by Commonwealth, state, semi-government and local government authorities, or
- major building activity in areas not subject to normal administrative approval e.g. building on remote mine sites.
25 The statistics included in this publication relate to:
- all approved new residential buildings valued at $10,000 or more, or
- all approved non-residential building jobs valued at $50,000 or more.
26 Excluded from the statistics are:
- approved alterations and additions to residential buildings; and
- construction activity not defined as building (e.g. construction of roads, bridges, railways, etc.).
Property sales
27 The statistics shown under this heading have been compiled from data provided by the Department of Administrative and Information Services (DAIS), Land Services Group, Office of the Valuer-General.
28 The statistics included only relate to sales for which payment was received equivalent to the full value of the property, and have been shown according to the land use categories prescribed by the Local Government (Land Use) Regulations, 1989.
Local government finance
29 The source data from which local government finance data are derived are reported by local government authorities in accordance with accounting standards AAS27 and in a format as prescribed in the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1999. Commencing with the 2002–03 financial year these data are obtained from the South Australian Local Government Grants Commission (LGGC), having previously been collected by the ABS.
30 From 2002–03 all South Australian local government authorities are required to report functionalised expenses on a Full Cost Attribution (FCA) basis, where all indirect expenses and overheads must be allocated to functions. The FCA is not expected to significantly impact on the comparability of data for infrastructure and environmental services across the time-series because the ABS had required that these overheads should be allocated to these functional categories in its collection methodology.
31 Data for ‘Rates per rateable property’ have been calculated using rateable property (or total properties excluding exempt properties) 2001–02 and 2002–03 data which were obtained from the Valuer-General by the LGGC. Previous editions of this publication contain estimates which were calculated from rateable property data supplied by local government authorities. Any comparison of those data with the new estimates should be undertaken with caution.
32 For the purpose of determining the scope of local government finance statistics a local government authority is defined as:
- an authority set up under a local government Act to carry out the functions of local government in a defined area (known as a municipality or district council) the members of which are elected by persons enrolled as electors for the House of Assembly in respect of an address within the area, or who are ratepayers in respect of rateable property within the area. A body corporate is enrolled under the name of a nominated agent, or
- an authority created or acquired by a local government authority (as defined above) or by two or more local government authorities (in South Australia an authority established under Part XIII or Section 199 of the Local Government Act 1934).
33 The LGGC is part of the Office of Local Government, and further information about the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1999 and the operations of the LGGC may be obtained from its web site at http://www.localgovt.sa.gov.au.
Motor vehicle sales
34 New motor vehicle sales statistics are based on the Vehicle Facts (VFACTS) service produced by the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI). VFACTS data are based on retail sales of new vehicles by all FCAI members. The figures shown in this publication have been derived by converting postcode information to information for LGAs, SSDs, and SDs using geographic concordances based on estimated resident population data.
35 The types of motor vehicles included in these statistics are passenger vehicles, trucks, buses, vehicles with diplomatic and consular plates, State/Territory and Commonwealth owned vehicles and vehicles belonging to the defence forces. Excluded are motor cycles, plant and equipment and unpowered vehicles.
36 Detailed monthly figures can be obtained by making inquiries to the Manager, VFACTS, Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries on (03) 9829 1234. Some information is also available by viewing the industry summary presented on the VFACTS web site http://www.autoweb.com.au.
37 The taxable income data has been sourced from the annual Australian Taxation Office publication and CD-ROM Taxation Statistics. (These are also available on the Tax Office web site at http://www.ato.gov.au.)
38 The statistics are compiled from individual tax return forms and are presented in aggregate form for the residential postcode address of the taxpayers. No information about individual taxpayers is provided. The figures shown in this publication have been derived by converting the aggregated postcode information to information for Statistical Divisions and subdivisions and LGAs using geographic concordances based on estimated resident population data.
39 Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.
31 This edition of Regional Statistics, South Australia does not include agriculture data. Users requiring agriculture data for small areas should contact the ABS Information Services on 1300 135 070, or email client.services@abs.gov.au.