1362.3 - Regional Statistics, Queensland, 2003  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 09/12/2003   
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1 This publication brings together a range of ABS and non-ABS data to provide users of Regional Statistics, Queensland 2003 with information on key social and economic variables for regional Queensland.

2 Data presented are obtained from a wide variety of collections, both ABS and non-ABS. When analysing the data, care needs to be taken as time periods, definitions, methodologies, scope and coverage may differ. Some main data concepts and definitions are included below. For more detailed information, including technical notes, please refer to the relevant source publications that are listed in the Bibliography.


3 The regions specified are local government areas as defined in Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), (cat. no. 1216.0). Legal local government areas (LGAs), are spatial units which represent the geographical areas of incorporated local government councils, such as cities (C), towns (T), shires (S), Aboriginal community councils (AC) and Island community councils (IC).

4 Statistical divisions (SDs), which are groupings of whole or partial LGAs, are designed to be relatively homogeneous regions characterised by identifiable social and economic units within the region. North West Statistical Division includes unincorporated islands.

5 Statistical districts are predominantly urban areas, the boundaries of which are designed to contain the anticipated urban spread of the area for at least 20 years. They generally contain a population of 25,000 or more.

6 The regions used for the publication of labour force statistics are based on standard geographical regions and are mostly identical in terms of spatial definitions with the statistical regions of the ASGC.

7 To allow comparisons across differing spatial classifications, the data have been standardised to fit the ASGC structure for 2002. This process is known as geographic concordance. In applying the concordances it is assumed that the particular characteristics of any data item are uniformly distributed across the spatial area.

8 While care was taken in producing the concordances for non-ABS data, the concorded data are not an official ABS product and the ABS will not guarantee the accuracy of concorded data. No liability will be accepted by the ABS for any damages arising from decisions or actions based upon the data.

9 The area in square kilometres of statistical areas is derived from digitised statistical boundaries from the 2001 census. There have been improvements to the digital base maps used to map statistical geography. Detailed survey plans used to identify the 15 Aboriginal Community Councils and 17 Torres Strait Island Communities in the 2002 ASGC provided more detailed alignment along the coastline for some of these regions resulting in a slight decrease in area from the 2001 ASGC to the 2002 ASGC used in this publication.

10 ABS data in this publication relate to the period 1996 to 2002. Where possible, data are presented according to the ASGC 2002 edition. Exceptions are:

ASGC 1996 Edition applies to labour force
ASGC 2000 Edition applies to births, deaths, building and tourist accommodation.


Population estimates

11 This publication contains estimates of the resident population for statistical divisions in Queensland for each year at 30 June from 1996 to 2002. The estimates are based on results of the 2001 Census of Population and Housing, and were calculated for post-census dates by a linear regression model using independent indicators of population change.

12 Resident population estimates for the period 1996-2001 have been revised to final status using the 2001 census results. Estimates for 2002 are preliminary. For further information see Australian Demographic Statistics (cat. no. 3101.0).

13 Figures are shown to the nearest unit without rounding. Accuracy to the last digit is not claimed and should not be assumed.

Income support customers

14 The figures shown under the heading 'Income support customers' have been compiled by the Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services (FaCS). The social security system in Australia provides, subject to eligibility criteria, income support for people who are retired, have a disability or medical condition which prevents them from working, are unemployed, have children in their care or are not in a position to provide for themselves because of special circumstances. It also provides a framework to support access to employment for those with the ability to participate in the workforce.

15 The statistics compiled by FaCS on Australia's welfare customers are classified according to the postcode district in the postal address held on departmental records. Estimates were confidentialised by FaCS before supplying the data at postcode level. The figures shown in this publication have been converted from postcode areas to local government areas using geographic concordances based on 2002 ASGC. Further information can be obtained in the publications Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services, Customers - a statistical overview and Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services, Customers by Postcode (cat. no. 109.06).

Building approvals

16 Statistics of building work approved are compiled from:

  • permits issued by local government authorities and other principal certifying authorities
  • contracts let or day labour work organised by commonwealth, state, semi-government and local government authorities
  • major building approvals in areas not subject to normal administrative approval e.g. building on remote mine sites

17 Building approvals data include:
  • all approved new residential building valued at $10,000 or more
  • approved alterations and additions to residential building valued at $10,000 or more
  • all approved non-residential building jobs valued at $50,000 or more
    and specifically exclude construction activity not defined as building (e.g. construction of roads, bridges, railways, earthworks, etc.).

    Tourist accommodation

    18 From 1998 onwards, data include licensed hotels, motels and guest houses and serviced apartments with 15 or more rooms or units.

    19 Details of the composition of tourism regions, including maps, are available on request from the ABS and the concordance between statistical local areas of the ASGC and the Queensland Tourism regions may be found in the electronic datacube Tourist Accommodation, Small Area Data, Queensland, (cat. no. 8635.3.55.001). The Great Barrier Reef Tourism Region consists of the islands from Lizard Island in the north to Lady Elliot Island in the south: establishments on these islands are included in on-shore Tourism Regions. Great Barrier Reef (TR) data is not included in Queensland totals because the data for the establishments on these islands have already been included in the figures for other Tourism Regions.

    Motor vehicle registrations

    20 Data for motor vehicles on register were extracted from the Motor Vehicle Census, 2002, by postcode of the registered owner. The postcode data have been concorded to local government area based on the 2002 ASGC. Further information can be obtained in Motor Vehicle Census, Australia (cat. no. 9309.0).

    21 Motor vehicles data exclude Commonwealth Government owned vehicles.


    22 The taxable income data have been obtained from the Australian Taxation Office with the statistics being aggregated from the residential postcode address of the taxpayers. Individual income tax records have not been released to the ABS, rather the data obtained has previously been aggregated and confidentialised to protect the identity of individuals.

    23 Both Individual taxable income data and Wages and salary data have been concorded to LGAs based on the 2002 ASGC.


    24 The statistics contained in this publication were obtained from the Queensland Police Service at the Police District geographic level by the Office of Economic and Statistical Research (OESR). The data are subject to the counting rules and boundaries of Queensland Police Service. For more information refer to the Queensland Police web site www.police.qld.gov.au/pr/services/statsnet/0102/01_02.shtml.
    25 Users may wish to refer to the Office of Economic and Statistical Research web site http://www.oesr.qld.gov.au to obtain 'Small area crime profiles, 2000-01' data.

    Schools and students

    26 The statistics contained in this publication have been derived from information provided by Education Queensland and concorded to LGAs based on the ASGC 2002 edition. The statistics are for numbers of government and non-government schools and students, as defined by Education Queensland. Schools include primary, secondary, combined primary and secondary schools as at the first Friday in August each year. For more information refer to Education Queensland.

    Labour force

    27 This report contains original (unadjusted) estimates of employed and unemployed persons for labour force statistical regions. Historically, these series have shown a high degree of variability which is inherent in data from the labour force survey relating to small labour markets. Care should therefore be taken in the interpretation of regional estimates.

    28 The purpose of the Labour Force Survey is to provide timely information on the labour market activity of the usually resident civilian population of Australia aged 15 years and over. For further information refer to Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, Australia (cat. no. 6102.0).

    29 The labour force survey is designed primarily to produce reliable national, state and territory estimates. While estimates for regions are components of corresponding estimates at the state level, independent population benchmarks are not applied at the statistical region level. Therefore, while statistical region estimates will add to the state total, they will show less stability than for similar estimates at the state level. Due to small sample size, sub-state estimates are subject to higher relative standard errors (particularly for estimates of unemployment).

    30 The ASGC version used for Labour Force data is updated every 5 years. The data in this publication relates to ASGC 1996 edition. Changes have been made to labour force dissemination regions from November 2002 as part of the periodic redesign of the sample.

    State Supplementary Survey

    31 The Queensland State Supplementary Survey is conducted in October each year as part of the Labour Force Survey. The topic for the 2002 survey concerned the labour force experience of people in paid employment who also provided unpaid care for another adult or child under 15 years of age. As with regional estimates from the Labour Force Survey (described above) the regional information on this topic in Chapter 4 is subject to higher relative standard errors than state estimates. Care should therefore be taken in the interpretation of these regional estimates. Further information about the 2002 survey can be obtained in Managing Paid Employment and Unpaid Caring Responsibilities, Queensland (cat. no. 4903.3).


    32 The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) is the state’s professional association for the real estate industry and exists to support member real estate agents with information, products and resources.

    33 REIQ provided data on housing sales, median prices and average prices to the ABS for the year 2002.

    34 The base data are sourced from the Queensland Valuation and Sales database, maintained by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines. REIQ produce various types of output from the source data. Any queries about these data should be directed to REIQ.

    Indigenous councils

    35 The LGA tables in this publication include the 15 Aboriginal councils and the 17 Island councils in their respective SDs. They can be identified by (AC) after the name for Aboriginal council (e.g., Doomagee (AC)), and by (IC) for Torres Strait Island council (e.g., Badu (IC)). Full details of the relevant ASGC changes can be found in the Appendix - Changes to Geographical Areas, Queensland, 2001-2002 in this publication or in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification 2002 (cat. no. 1216.0). A list of the addresses of local governments and Aboriginal and Island councils in Queensland may be accessed from http://www.dlgp.qld.gov.au/local_govt/directories/.

    Local government finances

    36 Local government finances data were supplied by the Organisational Development Unit of the Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning (DLGP). Audited accounts for the 2001-02 financial year for each local government authority in the state were further validated by DLGP prior to the extraction of information for the ABS. The income data in the tables are total operating income, which comprises net rates and charges and other operating income. Total operating income does not include capital grants and subsidies not tied to specific purposes. Expenses include total operating expenses before interest and excluding depreciation. Any queries about these data should be directed to the DLGP.

    Health and Public Hospitals

    37 Queensland Health supplied health and public hospitals data to the ABS after concording the information to statistical divisions. Similar information is compiled for budget reporting purposes to the State Government at the Queensland Health service district level of geography. Any queries about these data should be directed to Queensland Health.

    Single location businesses

    38 An extract from the Australian Business Register for 30 June 2001 included counts of entities with Australian Business Numbers (ABNs) operating from a single location at the postcode geographic level in Queensland. The data were concorded by the ABS to the respective ASGC geographic levels of SD, S Dist. and LGA used in this publication.

    Census of Population and Housing 2001 - Selected data

    39 The 2001 Census provides the most extensive range of free data ever available via the ABS web site. Users can access Census Snapshots and Basic Community Profiles to the level of statistical local areas, and Indigenous Profiles to the level of Indigenous areas free of charge. For further details, visit https://www.abs.gov.au/census. To make census products readily available, the ABS also has a cooperative arrangement with the State Library and over 80 tertiary and public libraries throughout Queensland.

    Further information

    40 Current publications and other products released by the ABS are listed in the Catalogue of Publications and Products (cat. no. 1101.0). The catalogue is available from any ABS office or the ABS web site https://www.abs.gov.au.

    41 The ABS also issues a daily Release Advice on the web site which details products to be released in the week ahead. You can also receive free email notifications of the latest ABS products by subscribing to the email notification service on the ABS web site.