|  | Feature Articles
Housing Finance - First Home Buyers and Other Borrowers. |
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 |  | Demography
Includes: Estimated resident population, Components of population change
South Australia's population increased by 18,000 during the year ended 30 September 2008. |
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 |  | Labour Force
Includes: Contents, Employed persons, Unemployment, Participation rate
South Australia's unemployment rate increased slightly from 5.7% in February 2009 to 5.8% in March 2009. |
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 |  | Incomes
Includes: Average weekly earnings
Average weekly full time earnings for South Australian males increased 6.7% in the year to November 2008, while female full time earnings increased 6.1%. |
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 |  | State Accounts
Includes: State accounts, Household final consumption expenditure (HFCE)
South Australia's State Final Demand increased by 0.7% in the December quarter 2008. |
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 |  | Consumption
Includes: Retail trade, New motor vehicle sales
Retail turnover in SA fell 2.4% from January 2009 to February 2009 (seasonally adjusted). |
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 |  | Investment
Includes: Private new capital expenditure, Mineral and petroleum exploration expenditure
South Australia's Private New Capital Expenditure decreased by 4.4% to $1,233m in the December 2008 quarter. |
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 |  | Construction
Includes: Building approvals, Construction work done
The total number of dwelling units approved in South Australia decreased by 1.3% from January 2009 to February 2009. |
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 |  | Price Indexes
Includes: Contents, Consumer price index, Wage price index, House price index
The house price index for Adelaide rose 2.0% in the year to the December quarter 2008. |
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 |  | Housing Finance
Includes: Housing finance commitments
Total value of housing finance commitments (owner occupier) for South Australia in February 2009 was $1,078m. |
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 |  | International Merchandise Trade
Includes: Exports and Imports
The value of South Australia's merchandise exports was $785m in February 2009 (up 35.7% from January 2009). |
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 |  | Water
Includes: Rainfall, Reservoir levels
Total water storage in Adelaide's reservoirs was at 57% of capacity at the end of March 2009. |
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