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INTERNET ACTIVITY, AUSTRALIA, JUNE 2009 Internet Activity, Australia, Jun 2009 (cat. no. 8153.0) was released 14 September 2009. This publication contains details of internet activity supplied by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with more than 1,000 subscribers in Australia. It includes information on internet subscribers and their type of connection, the type of user (business/household), the volume of data downloaded, the speed of the internet connection and the location of the subscriber (by state or territory). At the end of June 2009, there were 1.7 million active internet subscribers in Queensland. AUSTRALIAN STANDARD GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION (ASGC), JULY 2009 Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), Jul 2009 (cat. no. 1216.0) was released 16 September 2009. The main purpose of the ASGC is for collecting and disseminating geographically classified statistics. These are statistics with a ‘where’ dimension. The ASGC provides a common framework of statistical geography which enables the production of statistics that are comparable and can be spatially integrated. In practice, statistical units such as households and businesses are first assigned to a geographical area in one of the seven ASGC structures. Data collected from these statistical units are then compiled into ASGC defined geographic aggregations which, subject to confidentiality restrictions, are then available for publication. The purposes of this publication are to outline the ASGC structures, describe the codes and names of geographical areas used and depict the statistical relationship between different types of geography used in the classification. METHODOLOGICAL NEWS, SEPTEMBER 2009 Methodological News, Sep 2009 (cat. no. 1504.0) was released 18 September 2009. The Methodological News is a quarterly information bulletin from the Methodology and Data Management Division. The newsletter features articles and developments in relation to work done with the division. AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL TRENDS, SEPTEMBER 2009 The ABS released the latest edition of Australian Social Trends, (cat. no. 4102.0) on 24 September 2009. The publication draws together a wide range of statistics from the ABS and other official sources to provide a picture of Australian society and how it is changing over time. The latest edition features five articles:
The September issue also includes the release of national and state summary tables presenting the key statistics for the Health and Economic resources chapters. The release shows that:
LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND ABS, SEPTEMBER 2009 Local Government and ABS, Sep 2009 (cat. no. 1376.0) was released 24 September 2009. This publication contains a range of information on ABS developments in rural and regional statistics, and information about recent releases at Local Government level or other regional levels. There are two feature articles in this issue as well as an update on What's happening in Local Government Finance. RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, BUSINESSES, AUSTRALIA, 2007-08 Research and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 2007-08 (cat. no 8104.0) was released 25 September 2009. This release presents summary statistics on expenditure and human resources devoted to research and experimental development (R&D) carried out by businesses in Australia. The data are classified by industry, type of expenditure, source of funds, type of employee, enterprise employment size, research field, socioeconomic objective and location of expenditure. Most data are expressed in current prices but key aggregates are also expressed in volume terms. Some selected results for Queensland include:
CULTURE AND RECREATION NEWS, SEPTEMBER 2009 Culture and Recreation News, Sep 2009 (cat. no. 4147.4.55.001) was released 25 September 2009. This is the half-yearly newsletter of the National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics (NCCRS). The newsletter highlights developments in arts and cultural heritage, and sports and recreation statistics, and provides relevant information for researchers, policy makers, service providers and others with an interest in this field. INFORMATION PAPER: LABOUR FORCE SURVEY SAMPLE DESIGN, NOVEMBER 2007 (THIRD EDITION) Information Paper: Labour Force Survey Sample Design, Nov 2007 (Third edition) (cat. no. 6269.0) was released 1 October 2009. This edition provides information on the re-instatement of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) sample over the period September to December 2009. The fully re-instated sample takes effect from the December 2009 survey (estimates released on 15 January 2010). The first edition of this Information Paper, released on 28 November 2007, provided detailed information on the 2006 LFS sample design and changes made to the design over the history of the survey. The second edition, released on 25 July 2008, provided information on a substantial reduction in the size of the 2006 LFS sample which took effect from the July 2008 survey to the August 2009 survey. IMPACT OF REVISED INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ON MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN GOODS AND SERVICES, AUGUST 2009 Impact of Revised International Standards on Monthly International Trade in Goods and Services, Aug 2009 (cat. no. 5368.0.55.014) was released 2 October 2009. The August 2009 issue of International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia (cat. no. 5368.0) presents statistics on a Balance of Payments basis according to a revised international standard, the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, Sixth edition (BPM6). In addition, the results of a number of data quality investigations will be implemented. These changes have been backcast through the historical series to create a time series which is as continuous as possible. The introduction of BPM6 will not change the presentation of merchandise trade statistics on a recorded trade basis. This paper briefly summarises the impact of BPM6 on key goods and services aggregates presented in International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia. ABS FORWARD WORK PROGRAM 2009-10 TO 2012-13 Forward Work Program, 2009-10 to 2012-13 (cat. no. 1006.0) was released 30 September 2009. The ABS Forward Work Program (FWP) is produced annually and is one of the suite of ABS corporate publications. The FWP provides background information about statistical and non-statistical programs across the ABS, their objectives and the outputs they produce. It includes details of past and current resource usage, and details developments in the work program for each of the statistical and non-statistical programs over the next three years. The FWP covers all programs in the ABS, across Central Office and all eight state and territory regional offices. ABS RELEASE INFORMATION The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website provides the expected release details for all statistical products due for publication in the coming six months. The web page 'Release Advice for ABS Publications for the Next Six Months' is revised on the ABS website at the beginning of each month. This six-month forecasting is intended to keep clients informed about products and when they will become available. All ABS core statistical and other statistical publications that usually have a catalogue number will be detailed as well as prominent non-statistical publications such as the ABS Annual Report and Australian Statistics Advisory Council Annual Report. For further information please access the following link Release Advice for ABS Publications for the Next Six Months. Information on all ABS product releases can also be accessed from ABS Release Advice. This web page also provides links to Previous Releases, Releases Scheduled for the Next Six Months and Main Economic Indicator Releases. QUEENSLAND THEME PAGE The Queensland theme page provides access to Queensland statistical information including statistical releases and links to non-ABS sources. A wide range of economic and social statistics is covered. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.