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ANZCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, First Edition Revision 1 (cat. no. 1220.0) was released 25 June 2009. The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) First Edition (cat. no. 1220.0) was released in September 2006. Revision 1 is the first update to ANZSCO First Edition and includes minor changes to the classification structure and definitional changes for some occupations. This product comprises an explanation of the conceptual basis of the classification, the classification structure and definitions for all levels of the classification (major, sub-major, minor and unit groups and occupations). The primary purpose of this product is to aid in the interpretation of ABS and Statistics New Zealand occupation statistics classified to ANZSCO. MICRODATA: LABOUR FORCE SURVEY AND EMPLOYEE EARNINGS, BENEFITS AND TRADE UNION MEMBERSHIP, BASIC AND EXPANDED CURF, AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 2008 Microdata: Labour Force Survey and Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership Survey, Basic and Expanded CURF, Australia, August 2008 (cat. no. 6202.0.30.001) was released 8 July 2009. This Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) provides information from both the monthly Labour Force Survey and the related Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership supplementary survey. Detailed labour force and demographic characteristics for the civilian population aged 15 years and over are included. In addition, for employees, data is provided on earnings, leave entitlements, superannuation, entitlement to other benefits and trade union membership. This CURF is available on CD-ROM and via the ABS Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL). The CD-ROM allows users to tabulate, manipulate and analyse data to their individual specifications. The RADL is accessible for authorised users via the ABS web site and enables the ABS to make more detailed microdata available than on CD-ROM, while still maintaining the confidentiality of ABS data providers. Steps to confidentialise the dataset are taken to ensure the integrity of data, optimise its content and maintain confidentiality of respondents. They include removing any information that might uniquely identify an individual, reducing the level of detail for some items and collapsing some categories. LABOUR FORCE SURVEY AND EMPLOYEE EARNINGS, BENEFITS AND TRADE UNION MEMBERSHIP, AUSTRALIA: BASIC AND EXPANDED CURF, TECHNICAL MANUAL, AUGUST 2008 Labour Force Survey and Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia: Basic and Expanded CURF, Technical Manual, August 2008 (cat. no. 6202.0.30.002 was released 8 July 2009. This manual provides information about confidentialised unit record data from the August 2006 Labour Force Survey and Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership Survey. LEGAL SERVICES, AUSTRALIA, 2007-08 Legal Services, Australia, 2007-08 (cat. no. 8667.0) was released 24 June 2009. This publication presents results from an ABS survey of businesses and organisations which were mainly engaged in providing legal services. The survey was conducted by the ABS in respect of the 2007-08 financial year to provide detailed measures of the performance and structure of legal services businesses/organisations operating in Australia. It includes aspects such as the composition of income and funding received; details of expenses incurred and characteristics of employment. A state dimension is also presented. Some selected results for Queensland include:
Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia (SESCA), 2008 (cat. no. 1218.0) was released 22 June 2009. This publication describes the suite of economic sector classifications used by the ABS to produce Australia's official economic sector statistics. The classifications are:
The classifications described in this publication are used in the compilation and publication of the National Accounts, Government Finance and International Accounts statistics as well as other component economic indicators. INFORMATION PAPER: UPDATE ON ANZIC 2006 IMPLEMENTATION FOR LABOUR PRICE INDEX, 2009 Information Paper: Update on ANZIC 2006 Implementation for Labour Price Index, 2009 (cat. no. 6345.0.55.001) was released 24 June 2009. The Labour Price Index measures changes in the price of labour services resulting from market pressures, and is unaffected by changes in the quality or quantity of work performed. It is unaffected by changes in the composition of the labour force, hours worked, or changes in characteristics of employees (e.g. work performance). Information about the wage price indexes has been released for each quarter since September 1997. Individual indexes are published for various combinations of state and territory, public and private sectors, and broad industry groups. ENVIRONMENTAL VIEWS AND BEHAVIOUR, 2007-2008 Environmental views and behaviour, 2007-2008 (2nd issue) (cat. no. 4626.0.55.001) was released 18 June 2009. This publication presents information on people's views and practices on environmental issues, for people aged 18 years and over. The data collected provides information on environmental concerns, personal energy and water use, waste collection and disposal and environmental involvement. Data from this survey are used to obtain a better understanding of the factors that influence people to participate in environmental activities and energy and water conservation practices. Some selected results for Queensland include:
Environment and Energy News, Jun 2009 (cat. no. 4653.0) was released 22 June 2009. This is the newsletter of the ABS Centre of Environment and Energy Statistics (CEES), and is published twice a year. It highlights developments in environment and energy statistics particularly at the ABS. EDUCATION AND TRAINING MATTERS, JUNE 2009 Education and Training Matters, June 2009 (cat. no. 4211.0) was released 22 June 2009. Education and Training Matters is a biannual publication of the National Centre for Education and Training Statistics (NCETS). It aims to keep readers informed of developments in education and training statistics and of current projects being undertaken by NCETS. WHAT'S NEW IN REGIONAL STATISTICS, JUNE 2009 What's New in Regional Statistics, Jun 2009 (cat. no. 1386.0) was released 24 June 2009. 'What's New in Regional Statistics' is a biannual newsletter about regional and small area statistics. It includes topical articles and reviews of relevant ABS publications. 'What's New in Regional Statistics' highlights developments in statistics relevant to regions, including metropolitan, urban, non-urban and rural areas, and other information of likely interest to researchers, policy makers and other users of small area data. Interested readers are invited to visit the Regional Statistics theme page on the ABS website for links to other related information. INFORMATION PAPER: INTRODUCTION OF THE PENSIONER AND BENEFICIARY LIVING COST INDEX, AUSTRALIA, 2009 Information Paper: Introduction of the Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index, Australia, 2009 (cat. no. 6466.0) was released 30 June 2009. The ABS has released an information paper outlining the new Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index (PBLCI). The Consumer Price Index (CPI) provides a general measure of changes in prices of consumer goods and services purchased by Australian households and is used for a variety of purposes, such as in the development and analysis of government economic policy, the adjustment of some government benefits, and individual contracts. The Pension Review Report completed in February 2009 concluded that an alternative measure of price change more fully responsive to changes in pensioners' purchasing power would be appropriate. The government has funded the ABS to produce a new index that more specifically reflects changes in the living costs of pensioners and other households receiving income support from the government. In the 2009-10 Budget, the government has indicated that it will use this PBLCI to index base pension rates where it is higher than the CPI. The ABS will publish the PBLCI quarterly commencing on 24 August 2009. The ABS will progressively improve the index to better reflect the price changes experienced by pensioners and beneficiaries. This Information Paper provides an overview of the new index including how it is calculated and its relationship to the CPI. METHODOLOGICAL NEWS, JUNE 2009 Methodological News, Jun 2009 (cat. no. 1504.0) was released 3 July. The Methodological News is a quarterly information bulletin from the Methodology and Data Management Division. The newsletter features articles and developments in relation to work done with the division. REVISIONS TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS IN MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN GOODS AND SERVICES STATISTICS FROM AUGUST 2009, 2009 Revisions to international standards in monthly international trade in goods and services statistics from August 2009, 2009 (cat. no. 5368.0.55.012) was released 17 June 2009. The ABS presents statistics on Australia's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position which are compiled in accordance with international standards. These international standards have recently been updated. This paper focusses on the publication International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia (cat. no. 5368.0) and describes:
In addition, available from the Downloads tab of this information paper are mock-ups of the International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia (cat. no. 5368.0) publication and related spreadsheets as they will appear following the implementation of the new standards. INFORMATION PAPER: CHANGES TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN GOODS STATISTICS - COUNTRIES AND PORTS, JULY 2009 Information Paper: Changes to International Trade in Goods Statistics - Countries and Ports, July 2009 (cat. no. 5368.0.55.013) was released 9 July 2009. This information paper summarises changes to the country and port classifications used for the release of ABS international merchandise trade statistics. These changes result, in part from the implementation of the 2006 United Nations Location codes and in part from analysis of overseas and Australian ports data. This paper describes the timing of the introduction of new country and port codes in export and import statistics and the changes made to classifications. ABS BUDGET OUTCOMES - CHANGES TO THE WORK PROGRAM 09/10 AND BEYOND At the end of 2008, the Department of Finance and Deregulation, the Treasury and the ABS, undertook a review of the base funding of the ABS, in response to the reductions made in the ABS Work Program in 2008-09 to remain within our appropriation and the projected deficits the ABS was facing in the out-years. As a result of the review, the Government has announced in the Federal Budget that the ABS will receive an additional $15 million annually in Government appropriation. For further information please refer to this link. ABS RELEASE INFORMATION The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website provides the expected release details for all statistical products due for publication in the coming six months. The web page 'Releases Scheduled for the Next Six Months' is revised on the ABS website at the beginning of each month. This six-month forecasting is intended to keep clients informed about products and when they will become available. All ABS core statistical and other statistical publications that usually have a catalogue number will be detailed as well as prominent non-statistical publications such as the ABS Annual Report and Australian Statistics Advisory Council Annual Report. Access 'Releases Scheduled for the Next Six Months' from the ABS Home page via 'Future Releases' or use this link. Information on all ABS product releases can also be accessed from ABS Release Advice. This web page also provides links to Previous Releases, Releases Scheduled for the Next Six Months and Main Economic Indicator Releases. QUEENSLAND THEME PAGE This page provides access to Queensland statistical information including statistical releases and links to non-ABS sources. A wide range of economic and social statistics is covered. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.