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Each year the ABS develops a statistical training program for delivery to interested organisations, for example state government agencies. To find examples of available courses see the training page of our website. If your agency has any particular statistical training needs for 2006 please contact Sally Wilkinson on (03) 6222 5878 or email CLOSURE OF ABS LIBRARY AND BOOKSHOP, TASMANIAN OFFICE, 28 FEBRUARY 2006 The library and bookshop at the Tasmanian Office at 200 Collins Street closed on 28 February this year. This means that ABS publications are no longer available for sale through the Tasmanian Office, and public access to the library has also ceased. You can download electronic publications free of charge from the Statistics section of this website, or access publications through the State, TAFE and University libraries as part of the ABS Library Extension Program. Publications, products and services may still be purchased through the ABS National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070. ABS PRICING POLICY REVIEW OUTCOMES The outcomes from the review of ABS pricing policy have now been published in the Discussion Paper 1399.0 - Discussion paper: ABS Pricing Policy Review Outcomes - Public Consultation, 2006. The paper also provided ABS clients with the opportunity to comment on the proposed application of Government Guidelines to the ABS pricing policy. The closing date for comments was 10 March. Please email for further information. ABS will reprice existing products and services in line with Government Guidelines and proposes that the new ABS pricing policy will be implemented on 1 July 2006. NATIONAL DATA NETWORK (NDN) - NEW AND IMPROVED WEBSITE The latest update on the National Data Network has now been released. The update announces the release of a new and improved NDN website. The website contains all the information NDN stakeholders require to participate fully in the demonstration phase of the network. The site includes a downloadable version of the NDN rich client, which is the key component for searching, accessing and managing data on the NDN. There is also a news and information section which will ensure stakeholders are well informed about major developments, not only within the NDN itself but more broadly across the field of data networking via access to press releases and professional publications. The new and improved NDN website can be found at For a summary of the key sections within the website see the latest edition of NDN News. IMPROVING STATISTICS ABOUT CHILDREN AND YOUTH: SEEKING YOUR INPUT The ABS' National Children and Youth Statistics Unit (NCYSU) is preparing an Information Development Plan (IDP) for the field of children and youth statistics. The goal of the IDP is to improve data available on children and youth. The IDP will cover:
A draft IDP has been prepared based on research and consultation with key national stakeholders in the field of children and youth (both government and non-government organisations). State and Territory stakeholder input is now being sought. A consultation session was recently held at ABS Tasmania, but for those who were unable to attend feedback can be submitted via email to until COB Friday 31 March. NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEY 2004-05 STATE TABLES RELEASED The National Health Survey: Summary of Results; State Tables, 2004-05 (cat. no. 4362.0) was released on Thursday 2 March 2006. This publication contains a selection of tables from the publication 2004-05 National Health Survey: Summary of Results, Australia (cat. no. 4364.0) compiled for individual states and the ACT. CENSUS IN TASMANIA The Tasmanian Branch of the ABS is currently seeking Area Supervisors to work on the Census. While more than 400 applications have been received Tasmania-wide for 88 positions, there are still shortages in some locations. Applications have been extended to 17 March. Area Supervisors are responsible for the recruitment, training and management of the Census Collectors in their area. In April they will recruit 709 Collectors Tasmania-wide. The Collectors will deal directly with the public, moving from door to door and delivering and collecting Census forms. The Census will be held on 8 August. The Census provides a snapshot of Australia and provides important information to decision-makers and communities to plan local services and submit requests for funding allocations. Census information is the basis for federal funding to the states and territories. Information from the Census is also used as the basis for determining how many seats each state and territory has in the House of Representatives. For information on Census jobs go to or call 1300 236 787. IMPROVED COVERAGE IN 2005-06 AGRICULTURAL CENSUS Forms for the 2005-06 Agricultural Census will be despatched to Australian farmers from the middle of June. This Agricultural Census will be the first based on the Australian Business Register. Improved coverage of the agricultural sector is expected particularly in the horticulture area. The resulting framework will be used for future Agriculture and Environment Surveys. Due to increased coverage, estimates will be bridged to the existing series. The first release of data is expected in February 2007 and will cover the principal agricultural commodities at state level. The full data at Statistical Local Area level is expected in the second half of 2007. For the first time the ABS plans to release data for other identified areas of interest (e.g. National Heritage Trust regions, Water Catchment Management area). To achieve this, the ABS will undertake enhanced geographic coding based on responses to farm location questions on the form. This data is scheduled for release in early 2008. For further information please contact Ken Watt on (03) 6222 5949 or email AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (ANZSIC) 2006 What is ANZSIC 2006? The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ) jointly developed the 2006 Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) for use in the compilation and analysis of industry statistics in Australia and New Zealand. This 2006 edition of the ANZSIC replaces the 1993 edition, which was the first version produced. Prior to then, Australia and New Zealand had separate industry classifications. ANZSIC 2006 reflects the outcome of a substantial review of the classification. It included extensive consultation with internal and external users and alignment with the upcoming revision of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC, Revision 4). It consequently provides a more contemporary and internationally comparable industrial classification system. Where do I go for more information about ANZSIC 2006? ANZSIC 2006 is available on the ABS website along with support tools such as the class change table, index of primary activities, hierarchical structure and correspondences. For more information, contact the National Information and Referral Service (NIRS) at 1300 135 070 or email YEAR BOOK AUSTRALIA 2006 OUT NOW!
When you need to engage professional, timely and objective information or statistical consultancy services, first consider the range of services available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The ABS Hobart Office has a team of consultants available to answer all your information and statistical enquiries on a fee for service basis. Our consultants can assist you with the provision of data for the most recent period available or on a time series basis. They can provide tailored reports, containing tables, commentary and maps which highlight the characteristics of a target market. To discuss your information needs contact the ABS Client Services or email SELECTED RECENT RELEASES 6401.0.55.001 Information Paper: Changes to Time Series Spreadsheets for Consumer Price Index, Australia, Feb 2006 (Released 03/03/2006) This information paper advises users of proposed changes to the time series spreadsheets associated with the publication Consumer Price Index, Australia (cat. no. 6401.0), resulting from the conversion of the current Lotus 1-2-3 .wks spreadsheets to Excel .xls format. 6427.0.55.001 Information Paper: Changes to Time Series Spreadsheets for Producer Price Indexes, Australia, Feb 2006 (Released 03/03/2006) This information paper advises users of proposed changes to the time series spreadsheets associated with the publication Producer Price Indexes, Australia (cat. no. 6427.0), resulting from the conversion of the current Lotus 1-2-3 .wks spreadsheets to Excel .xls format. 8501.0 Retail Trade, Australia, Jan 2006 (Released 02/03/2006) Contains monthly estimates of turnover for retail and selected service establishments. Original, seasonally adjusted and trend estimates are included for states and Australia in current price terms. Volume measures are published quarterly classified by state or territory. 4364.0 National Health Survey 2004-05 Summary of Findings (Released 27/02/2006) This publication contains a cross-section of survey results, including selected national statistics about long-term illnesses experienced; mental wellbeing; injuries; consultations with doctors and other health professionals; and health risk factors including alcohol consumption, smoking, exercise, body mass and dietary practices. 3218.0.55.001 Regional Population Growth, Australia, Electronic Delivery, Jun 2005 (Released 23/02/2006) Contains the estimated resident population for each Statistical Local Area, Statistical Subdivision and Statistical Division in Australia at 30 June of the reference year. Estimates for local government and other areas using Statistical Local Areas as a base can be derived from these estimates. 6401.0 Consumer Price Index, Australia, Dec 2005 (Released 25/01/2006) Movements in retail prices of goods and services commonly purchased by metropolitan households. The goods and services are divided into the following groups: food; alcohol and tobacco; clothing and footwear; housing; household contents and services; health; transportation; communication; recreation; education; and financial and insurance services. Indexes for each of these groups and for 'All Groups' are published for each of the State capitals along with Canberra and Darwin, and for the weighted average of the eight capital cities. Details are also shown for about 54 sub-groups and special and analytical series, for the weighted average of the eight capital cities. 6427.0 Producer Price Indexes, Australia, Dec 2005 (Released 23/01/2006) Contains a range of producer price indexes. Firstly, economy wide indexes are presented within a Stage of Production (SOP) framework, followed by a set of partial, stand-alone measures relating to specific industry sectors of the economy (selected manufacturing, construction, mining and service industries) 6354.0 Job Vacancies, Australia, Nov 2005 (Released 11/01/2006) Contains estimates of the number of job vacancies with state and territory and industry dissections. FUTURE RELEASES Want to keep up to date with the latest releases of ABS products? Subscribe to our free email notification service. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.