’000 | thousand |  |
$’000 | thousand dollars |  |
$b | billion (thousand million) dollars |  |
$m | million dollars |  |
A$ | Australian dollars |  |
ABC | Australian Broadcasting Corporation |  |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |  |
AC | Companion of the Order of Australia |  |
ACC | Australian Crime Commission |  |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |  |
AFP | Australian Federal Police |  |
Ag | silver |  |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |  |
ALP | Australian Labor Party |  |
AM | Member of the Order of Australia |  |
AO | Officer of the Order of Australia |  |
APRA | Australian Prudential Regulation Authority |  |
ASNA | Australian System of National Accounts |  |
ATM | automatic teller machine |  |
ADO | automotive diesel oil |  |
ATO | Australian Taxation Office |  |
Au | gold |  |
Aust. | Australia |  |
b | billion (one thousand million) |  |
BAS | Business Activity Statement |  |
BMI | body mass index |  |
ct | carat (metric) |  |
CPI | consumer price index |  |
CSC | Conspicuous Service Cross |  |
Cu | copper | |
Cwlth | Commonwealth |  |
DSP | Disability Support Pension |  |
DVA | Australian Government Department of Veterans Affairs |  |
DVD | digital versatile disc |  |
excl. | excluding |  |
ED | Efficiency Decoration |  |
EFTPOS | electronic funds transfer at point of sale |  |
EVAO | Estimated Value of Agricultural Operations |  |
FAO | Family Assistance Office |  |
FTB | Family Tax Benefit |  |
FTE | full-time equivalent |  |
GDP | gross domestic product |  |
GFS | Government Finance Statistics |  |
GL | gigalitre |  |
GP | General Medical Practitioner |  |
GSP | gross state product |  |
Gt | gigatonne |  |
GVA | gross value added |  |
ha | hectare |  |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |  |
incl. | including |  |
ICD-10 | International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision |  |
ICT | information and communication technology |  |
IDF | industrial diesel fuel |  |
ISDN | integrated service digital network |  |
ISP | Internet service provider |  |
kbps | kilobits per second |  |
kg | kilogram |  |
kL | kilolitre |  |
km | kilometre |  |
km/h | kilometres per hour |  |
km² | square kilometre |  |
kt | kilotonne |  |
L | litre |  |
Li | lithium |  |
LNG | liquefied natural gas |  |
LP | Liberal Party |  |
LPG | liquefied petroleum gas |  |
m | metre |  |
m³ | cubic metre | |
mill. | million |  |
mm | millimetre |  |
Mbps | megabits per second |  |
MB | megabyte |  |
MBS | Medicare Benefits Schedule |  |
Mc | million carats |  |
MHA | Member of the House of Assembly |  |
ML | megalitre |  |
MLA | Member of the Legislative Assembly |  |
Mm³ | million cubic metres |  |
MP | Member of Parliament |  |
Mt | megatonne |  |
n.e.c. | not elsewhere classified |  |
n.e.i. | not elsewhere included |  |
n.e.s. | not elsewhere specified |  |
n.f.d. | not further defined |  |
no. | number |  |
Ni | nickel |  |
NPC | National Preschool Census |  |
NSW | New South Wales |  |
NT | Northern Territory |  |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |  |
OFR | other refinery feedstock |  |
Pb | lead |  |
PBS | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme |  |
PHI | private health insurance |  |
PJ | petajoule |  |
Qld | Queensland |  |
R&D | research and development |  |
RANR | Royal Australian Naval Reserve |  |
RFD | Reserve Force Decoration |  |
SA | South Australia |  |
SAR | Special Administrative Region |  |
SBS | Special Broadcasting Service |  |
SDRs | special drawing rights |  |
SEIFA | Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas |  |
SITC | Standard International Trade Classification |  |
t | tonne |  |
Ta | tantalum |  |
Tas. | Tasmania |  |
TAFE | Technical and Further Education |  |
U | uranium |  |
UN | United Nations |  |
USA | United States of America |  |
VET | vocational education and training |  |
VFR | visiting friends and relatives |  |
Vic. | Victoria |  |
VVCS | veterans and veterans families counselling service |  |
WA | Western Australia |  |
Zn | zinc |  |
°C | degrees Celsius | |