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File Nomenclature: File names have the format <file type>_<2016>_<AUST> where: < file type> represents the type of boundaries in each file UCL = Urban Centres and Localities SOS = Section of State SOSR = Section of State Range SUA = Significant Urban Areas < 2016> represents 2016 the year of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition < AUST> indicates the data covers all of Australia as defined in the ASGS manual Within the files, the States and Territories are identified by unique one digit codes. State and Territory Codes and Names
File Attributes: All tables show file type, file name, spatial unit field and the data type. File Type: Urban Centres and Localities (UCL) File Name (s): UCL_2016_AUST
File Type: Section of State Range (SOSR) File Name (s): SOSR_2016_AUST
File Type: Section of State (SOS) File Name (s): SOS_2016_AUST
File Type: Significant Urban Areas (SUA) File Name (s): SUA_2016_AUST
XML METADATA FILE The compressed download files include geospatial metadata data for each region type in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. The geospatial metadata conforms to International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) geospatial metadata standard, ISO 19115:2003, and the associated XML implementation schema specified by ISO 19139:2012. DATA CURRENCY Date of Effect: 12 July 2016 DATASET STATUS Progress: Completed dataset Maintenance and Update Frequency: No further updates for these boundaries planned. The ASGS will be revised in 2021. ACCESS Stored Data Format: Digital as separate files for each level of the UCL, SOS, SOSR and SUA of the ASGS 2016. Available Format: The digital boundary files are in MapInfo TAB format (.TAB), MapInfo Interchange Format (.MID .MIF), Geopackage and ESRI Shapefile (.shp) format. Spatial Representation Type: Vector Access Constraints: Copyright Commonwealth of Australia administered by the ABS. Unless otherwise noted, content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence. Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) The digital boundary files have the datum specified as 116 (GDA94). Users of MapInfo 6.0 or later are able to load data sets based on GDA94 directly, without transformation. Earlier versions of MapInfo cannot interpret GDA94 correctly and there may be alignment problems between data sets based on this datum and other earlier datums. Projection: Geographical (i.e. Latitudes and Longitudes) Geographic Extent: Geographic Australia. Extent - Geographic Bounding Box: North Bounding Latitude: -8 South Bounding Latitude: -45 West Bounding Latitude: 96 East Bounding Latitude: 169 DATA QUALITY Lineage: Mesh Block boundaries were created using various sources including the PSMA digital datasets and ABS boundaries, zoning information from state planning agencies and imagery. Positional Accuracy: Positional accuracy is an assessment of the closeness of the location of the spatial objects in relation to their true positions on the earth's surface. The positional accuracy includes:
Positional accuracy for ABS boundaries is dependent on the accuracy of the features they have been aligned to. ABS boundaries are aligned to a number of layers supplied by PSMA with an accuracy of +/-50 mm. PSMA layers and their positional accuracy are as follows:
90% of well-defined features are within 1mm (at plot scale) of their true position, eg 1:500 equates to +/- 0.5metre and 1:25,000 equates to +/- 25 metres. Relative spatial accuracy of these themes reflects that of the jurisdictional source data. The accuracy is +/- 2 metres in urban areas and +/- 10 metres in rural and remote areas. No "shift" of data as a means of "cartographic enhancement" to facilitate presentation has been employed for any real world feature. Attribute Accuracy: All codes and labels for all levels within the ASGS UCLs, SOS / SOR and SUA are fully validated. Logical Consistency: Regions are closed polygons. Attribute records without spatial objects have been included in the data for administrative purposes. Completeness: All levels of the UCLs, SOS / SOSR and SUA within the 2016 ASGS are represented. CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Organisation: Australian Bureau of Statistics Contact: For further information email <> or contact the National Information and Referral Service (NIRS) on 1300 135 070. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.