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File Nomenclature: File names have the format <file type>_<2011>_<AUST> where:
POA = Postal Area SSC = State Suburb CED = Commonwealth Electoral Division SED = State Electoral Division NRMR = Natural Resource Management Region ADD = Australian Drainage Division TR = Tourism Region <AUST> indicates the data covers all of Australia as defined in ASGS Volume 1. Were applicable States and Territories are identified by unique one digit codes, as listed below:
File Attributes: All tables show file type, file name, spatial unit field and the data type. File Type: Local Government Area (LGA) File Name (s): LGA_2011_AUST
File Type: Postal Area (POA) File Name (s): POA_2011_AUST
File Type: State Suburb (SSC) File Name (s): SSC_2011_AUST
Note: CONF_VALUE field provides an indicator of how accurately the SSC represents the suburb/locality based on the percentage of common population. The values that are applied to each SSC are: Above 94% - very good 88 - 94% - good 75 - 88% - acceptable 50 - 75% - poor less than 50% - very poor. File Type: Commonwealth Electoral Division (CED) File Name (s): CED_2011_AUST
File Type: State Electoral Division (SED) File Name (s): SED_2011_AUST
File Type: Natural Resource Management Region (NRMR) File Name (s): NRMR_2011_AUST
File Type: Australian Drainage Division (ADD) File Name (s): ADD_2011_AUST
File Type: Tourism Region (TR) File Name (s): TR_2011_AUST
DATA CURRENCY Date of Effect: 1 July 2011 DATASET STATUS Progress: Completed dataset Maintenance and Update Frequency: As the Non-ABS Structures represent regions that are subject to ongoing change, the ABS will release a revised publication for ASGS Non-ABS Structures in July each year. The individual structures will only be updated where significant change has occurred in the past year. ACCESS Stored Data Format: The digital boundary files are in MapInfo Interchange Format (.MID .MIF) and ESRI Shapefile (.shp) format. MapInfo Interchange Format can be imported directly into MapInfo and other common Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or desktop mapping packages. The .MID .MIF files are text format and can be edited and manipulated for import to less common GIS and CAD systems. The .MID .MIF files cannot be used directly with viewing tools such as MapInfo ProViewer. Access Constraints: Copyright Commonwealth of Australia administered by the ABS. Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) The digital boundary files have the datum specified as 116 (GDA94). Users of MapInfo 6.0 or later are able to load data sets based on GDA94 directly, without transformation. Earlier versions of MapInfo cannot interpret GDA94 correctly and there may be alignment problems between data sets based on this datum and other earlier datums. Projection: Geographical (i.e. Latitudes and Longitudes) Geographic Extent: Geographic Australia. DATA QUALITY Lineage: Mesh Blocks (MB) are the building blocks of the ASGS regions. MB boundaries were created using various sources including the PSMA digital topographic datasets, ABS SLA boundaries and zoning information from state planning agencies and imagery. Positional Accuracy: Positional accuracy is an assessment of the closeness of the location of the spatial objects in relation to their true positions on the earth's surface. The positional accuracy includes:
Positional accuracy for ABS boundaries is dependent on the accuracy of the features they have been aligned to. ABS boundaries are aligned to a number of layers supplied by PSMA with an accuracy of +/-50 mm. PSMA layers and their positional accuracy are as follows:
Attribute Accuracy: All codes and labels for all structures within the ASGS 2011 Non-ABS Structures are fully validated. Logical Consistency: Spatial units are closed polygons. Attribute records without spatial objects have been included in the data for administrative purposes. Completeness: All structures within the 2011 ASGS Non-ABS Structures are represented. The LGAs released with the ASGS Non-ABS Structures have the same codes and names as the LGAs released under the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC). Inland lakes that were not in the ASGC for historical reasons are now in the ASGS Non-ABS Structures. Unincorporated LGAs are represented as non spatial records in the digital boundaries. CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Organisation: Australian Bureau of Statistics Contact: ABS Geography Contact information: e-mail: Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.