National Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra
Telephone NCATSIS (02) 6252 7222
This survey provides information about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population of Australia on a range of areas of social concern including family and culture, health, education, work, income and housing, law and justice and transport. The survey was most recently conducted in 2008, with results expected to be available in October 2009. In response to emerging information needs, the objectives of the 2008 NATSISS were expanded to improve the availability of data about Indigenous children.
The survey includes Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over who were usual residents of private dwellings in non-remote and remote areas of all states and territories of Australia. In the 2008 survey, the sample was expanded to include children aged 0-15 years.
Reference Period
The reference period of the 2008 survey is August 2008 - March 2009.
Frequency of Collection
Six yearly. The survey was most recently conducted in 2008 to 2009.
Method of Collection
The NATSISS was collected by personal interview, using computer Assisted Interviewing (CAI). CAI involves the use of a computer by a trained ABS interviewer to collect, store and transmit data relating to interviews conducted between interviewers and respondents.
Release schedule
The 2002 NATSISS was released in June 2004. Preliminary results of the 2008 NATSISS, focusing on Indigenous children, are expected to be released in August 2009, with main results expected to be released in October 2009.
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2002 (ABS cat. no. 4714.0)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2002 (ABS cat. no. 4714.0.55.001), an Excel file of related tables ("Data Cubes")
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey: Data Reference Package, 2002 (ABS cat. no. 4714.0.55.002)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey: Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File, Technical Paper, 2002 (ABS cat. no. 4720.0)
Data are available for Australia, and for each state and territory.
Data service
The data service from the NATSISS includes free Excel files, customised tables, and a microdata file. Excel files of tables (Data Cubes) are available for each state and territory from the 'Related Information' tab of the publication National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2002 (ABS cat. no. 4714.0), as free downloads. Customised tables are available on request, as a charged service.
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey: Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File (Addendum), 2002 (ABS cat. no. 4720.0.55.001)
Child education
Current study
Type of assistance that would help completion of year 12
Main reason does not attend
School missed in previous week
Indigenous culture taught at school
Informal learning
Whether child participated in informal learning, with carer
Type of informal learning activities child participated in, with carer
Time main carer spent with child in informal learning
Adult education
Highest year of school completed
Level of highest non-school qualification
Main field of highest non-school qualification
Level of highest educational attainment
Main field of highest educational attainment
Vocational training in the last 12 months
Type of vocational training in the last 12 months
Whether training was done as part of CDEP
Relevance of training to employment
Reasons for not doing work-related training
Current study
Educational participation
Full-time/part-time status
Type of educational institution
Education experience
Future intentions
Reason did not study
Historical Data
While some key data items in the 2008 NATSISS are the same as or similar to the 2002 NATSISS, there are important differences in sample design and coverage, survey methodology and content, definitions, and classifications, all of which may impact on comparability between the surveys. The first survey in the series, titled the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey, was conducted in 1994.