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Scope As from 2006-07, industry estimates are collected and published in accordance with the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 edition (cat. no. 1292.0). The scope of EAS covers all business entities in the Australian economy, except for ANZSIC Division K and O (Financial and insurance services; Public Administration and Safety); and, in most industries, entities classified to SISCA Sector 3, General Government. Because the activity estimates relate only to private businesses, this exclusion particularly affects data available for ANZSIC Divisions P and Q (Education and Training; Health Care and Social Assistance). Full 'Scope and Coverage' detail is in the Explanatory Notes of Australian Industry. Reference Period Financial year Frequency of Collection Annual Method of collection The ABS Economic Activity Survey (EAS) collects financial statement data from selected businesses, sampled from the businesses listed on the ABS Business Register. The EAS collection is an integrated collection and where possible uses standard classifications (eg. ANZSIC for industry) and data item definitions. This makes data comparable across collections. This is particularly important for the EAS as data are imported from the Mining, Manufacturing and Service Industry collections. Businesses are selected to participate in the survey (the direct collect sample) only if they met two criteria: their turnover exceeded a threshold level and the business was identified as having been an employing business (based on ATO information) during the reference period. Turnover thresholds are set for each ANZSIC class so that the contribution of surveyed businesses accounts for 97.5% of total industry class turnover as determined by ATO Business Activity Statement (BAS) data. Businesses which meet neither of these criteria are referred to as 'micro non-employing businesses'. These businesses are not eligible for selection in the sample. For these units, BAS data are obtained and annualised, then added to the directly collected estimates to produce industry statistics. DISSEMINATION Release schedule Results are published during the financial year following the reference financial year. The ABS aims to publish EAS estimates no later than 18 months after the end of the reference period. Publications Australian Industry (ABS cat. no. 8155.0) Geography Data are published for Australia and the states and territories. More detailed 'industry performance' data are available only at the Australia level. Data Service More detailed data can be downloaded under Australian Industry, as 'data cubes' under the 'Download' tab. Other information Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (ABS cat. no. 1292.0) DATA ITEMS Number estimates Employment ('000 persons) - withdrawn for 2006-07 Operating businesses (number) - withdrawn for 2006-07 Financial estimates ($ million) Wages and salaries Sales and service income Total income Total expenses Operating profit before tax Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation Industry performance measures (ratio) Profit margin Interest coverage Investment rate Australian System of National Accounts measures ($ million) Gross fixed capital formation Capital expenditure Disposals of assets Net capital expenditure Industry value added Funding from government for operational costs Capital work done for own use Change in inventories Purchases of goods and materials Other intermediate expenses Selected summary measures from financial statements, defined under business accounting conventions, are also published. Historical data The EAS collection was first conducted in 1989/90 as a pilot test, using a sample of about 600 units. In 1990/91, it was expanded to a full dress rehearsal, with a sample of around 8,000 units. Estimates for 1990/91 were considered for publication, but were held over until 1991/92 estimates were also available. The earliest data available for download from the ABS website is from 1996-97. With the introduction of The New Tax System (TNTS), 2001-02 saw a major change to the EAS collection adopting new statistical infrastructure and a new statistical units model based on the Australian Business Number (ABN) for businesses with simple structures and the Type of Activity Unit (TAU) for businesses with complex structures. It was not until 2006-07 that another significant change was made to the collection whereby ANZSIC2006 was introduced together with generalised regression as the new estimation method for sampled units, and supplemented with ATO business activity statement (BAS) for micro non-employing businesses. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.