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For a unique look into contemporary Australian society you can't go past this invaluable statistical reference. To purchase your copy of 'A Picture of the Nation' ($25.00) phone 1300 135 070. 3101.0 Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep 2008. Released 18/03/2009 Australia's population grew by 1.8% during the 12 months ended 30 September 2008. Natural increase and net overseas migration contributed 39% and 61% respectively to this total population growth. All states and territories experienced positive population growth, with Western Australia recording the largest percentage gain (2.9%) and Tasmania the smallest (0.9%). The preliminary estimated resident population (ERP) of Australia at 30 September 2008 was 21,542,000 persons, an increase of 389,000 persons (1.8%) since 30 September 2007. Preliminary natural increase (153,400) recorded for year ended 30 September 2008 was 12,300 persons (8.7%) higher than the natural increase recorded for 2007 (141,100). Preliminary net overseas migration for the year was 235,900 persons. At 30 September 2008, Victoria's estimated resident population was 5,340,300, an annual increase of 97,000 (1.8%). Net overseas migration was the major driver of population growth in Victoria, accounting for 62,700 persons (64.6%). Victoria had negative net interstate migration (-2,400 persons). 3401.0 Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, Jan 2009. Released 06/03/2009 During January 2009 in seasonally adjusted terms, short-term visitor arrivals (446,800 movements) decreased 3.4% compared with December 2008 (462,400 movements). This followed December 2008 having a 3.0% monthly increase, and November 2008 a 0.7% decrease. During January 2009, short-term resident departures (462,900 movements) decreased by 5.6% compared with December 2008 (490,300 movements). This followed a monthly increase of 3.4% for December 2008 and a decrease of 3.2% for November 2008. 3415.0 Migrant Data Matrices, 2008. Released 19/01/2009 This product provides a link to summary data on migrants from a range of ABS products. Themes include: population characteristics, labour, family and community, health, education and training, housing, personal and household finances, culture and leisure, crime and justice. 4102.0 Australian Social Trends. Released 25/03/2009. Australian Social Trends, a premier ABS publication, will now be available electronically on a quarterly basis from the ABS website. This publication, formerly released on an annual basis, presents statistical analysis and commentary on a wide range of current social issues. Articles are organised into eight chapters: population, family and community, health, education and training, work, economic resources, housing, and other areas of social concern. Each chapter is supported by a set of summary tables including key social indicators, which provide an overview of social change over the past decade, as well as how social conditions differ across Australian states and territories. A set of international tables compares Australia with 17 other nations. 4221.0 Schools Australia, 2008. Released 17/03/2009 In August 2008, Victoria had 841,580 (full-time plus part-time) school students attending 2,288 schools, while in 1998 there were 790,141 students in 2,329 schools. There were 8,841 Victorian Indigenous school students enrolled in Year 12 in 2008, an increase of 71.5 % on the 5,155 enrolled in 1998, according to the National Schools Census. From 1998 to 2008, the number of full-time students attending government schools in Victoria increased by 2.6% to 535,159 (from 521,413), while the number of students attending non-government schools grew by 14.0% to 303,174 (from 265,987). Part-time students increased by 18.5% from 1998 to 2008 (from 2,741 to 3,247) with 35.9% currently enrolled in Year 12. In 2008, there was an average of 279 full-time student enrolments at each primary school in Victoria (excluding special and combined schools), compared with 306 per primary school in Australia. The number of schools providing only primary education has fallen by 70 (4.1%) since 1998, and the number of combined primary-secondary schools has increased by 41 (25.0%). The 2008 annual snapshot also found in Victoria:
Presents information on persons in custody and community-based corrections. The statistics are derived from administrative records held by corrective services agencies in each state and territory, and the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department for federal prisoners. Details are provided for each state and territory. Of the average daily number of full-time prisoners in Australia during December quarter 2008, 25,355 (93%) were male and 1,953 (7%) were female. The Australian Capital Territory (including ACT prisoners held in NSW prisons) and Victoria had the lowest imprisonment rates (65 and 106 prisoners per 100,000 adult population respectively). In Dec qtr 2008, Victoria had an average daily 4,340 persons in full-time custody and 1,500 persons serving parole orders. 4513.0 Criminal Courts, Australia, 2007-08. Released 25/02/2009 Statistics about defendants dealt with by the criminal jurisdiction of the Higher (Supreme and Intermediate), Magistrates' and Children's Courts of Australia, for 2007-2008. Defendants include persons as well as organisations (for the Higher and Magistrates' Courts only) charged with criminal offences. Statistics are based on data extracted from administrative records held by state and territory agencies responsible for court administration. In 2007-08, Victoria had 109,723 defendants finalised through the court system. This resulted in 12,973 custodial orders (14.4% of sentence outcomes) and 76,570 non-custodial orders (85.1%). Some 8,073 defendants were acquitted and 11,339 cases (defendants) withdrawn by the prosecution. In Victoria, the higher courts finalised 2,506 defendants, magistrates courts 98,326 defendants, and children's courts 8,891 defendants. 4917.0 Sport and social capital, Australia, 2006. Released 20/03/2009 Presents data on social well-being and participation in sport and physical recreation, compiled from the 2006 General Social Survey (GSS). The publication consists of a data cube and a report (pdf format) examining the relationship between social wellbeing indicators and participation in sport and physical recreation. Contains Australia level data only. The 2006 GSS found that over 9.5 million Australians aged 18 years and over participated in sport or physical recreation in the 12 months prior to interview, representing a participation rate of 62%. Among young adults, aged 18 to 24 years, 71% participated in sport or physical recreation. In contrast, the participation rate among older Australians, aged 65 and over, was much lower at 46%. Those who volunteered in the community had a higher rate of participation in sport (76% of 5.2 million volunteers in Australia) compared with those who did not volunteer (55%). A wide range of social topics are discussed in relation to sports participation. 5368.0.55.006 Characteristics of Australian Exporters, 2007-08. Released 26/03/2009 There were 45,018 Australian exporters of goods and services in 2007-08, a 1% increase on 2006-07. The total value of goods and services exported was $232.2b. Some 28% of all goods exporters were in the Wholesale trade industry. About 79% of Mining commodities were exported by businesses in the Mining industry. Only 7% of Agriculture, forestry and fishing commodities were exported by businesses in the Agriculture, forestry and fishing industry during 2007-08. 6248.0.55.002 Employment and Earnings, Public Sector, Australia, 2007-08. Released 12/02/2009. First Issue In June 2008, there were 1,751,400 public sector employees in Australia. There were 237,100 employees in Commonwealth government, 1,342,600 in state government and 171,700 in local government. In 2007-08, their wages and salaries totalled $100.5b. 7501.0 Value of Principal Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, Preliminary, 2007-08. Released 10/02/2009 In 2007–08, the preliminary estimate of gross value of Australian agricultural commodities produced was $44.6b, an increase of 24% (or $8.6b) on the previous drought-affected year. The value of crops increased by 41% and livestock products increased by 26%. This was offset by decreased gross value of livestock slaughterings and other disposals (down 1%). Victoria's total Agricultural commodities were estimated at $11.8b for 2007–08. This comprised: total crops at $5.4b, livestock products (eg wool, milk and eggs) $3.7b, and livestock slaughterings and disposals $2.7b. Final 2007-08 estimates will be released in July 2009. 8501.0 Retail Trade, Australia, Jan 2009. Released 03/03/2009 The Australian seasonally adjusted retail trade estimate increased by 0.2% in January 2009 over December 2008. This follows increases of 3.8% in December and 0.4% in November 2008. December 2008 had the largest monthly seasonally adjusted percentage increase since August 2000 (following introduction of the GST). The Government's stimulus package and global economic conditions are relevant considerations. Food retailing (+1.5%), Clothing and soft good retailing (+0.8%), Other retailing (+0.2%) and Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (+2.3%) had increased retail trade (seasonally adjusted) in January 2009. Department stores (-0.5%) and Household good retailing (-4.0%) had declines. The following states had increased retail trade in January 2009: New South Wales (+1.9%), South Australia (+0.1%), Western Australia (+1.4%) and the Australian Capital Territory (+1.5%). Victoria (-1.8%) and Tasmania (-2.9%) had declines, while Queensland had no change. 9309.0 Motor Vehicle Census, Australia, 31 Mar 2008. Released 14/01/2009 Motorcycle registrations in Australia are growing at a far greater rate than any other vehicle type. As of 31 March 2008, total motor vehicles registered in Australia rose 3.5% over the preceding 12 months to reach 15.3 million, with motorcycles up 10.8% in the year and over 50% in the last five years. The next largest growing vehicle type was articulated trucks, with 6.3% growth between March 2007 and March 2008 and 23.1% growth in the past five years. The 15.3 million registrations equates to 719 vehicles for every 1,000 Australian residents. 9314.0 Sales of New Motor Vehicles, Australia, Feb 2009. Released 19/03/2009. The February 2009 seasonally adjusted estimate for total sales of new motor vehicles (73 190) decreased 3.5% compared with January 2009. February 2009 sales of all vehicle types decreased when compared with January 2009: other vehicles declined 4.4%, passenger vehicles by 3.8%, and sports utility vehicles by 1.7%. Comparing February 2009 with January 2009, the Australian Capital Territory was the only state or territory to show increased total vehicle sales with a rise of 0.3%. South Australia decreased by the largest proportion, with seasonally adjusted sales falling 9.7% compared with January 2009, followed by decreases in Victoria (5.3%), Tasmania (3.9%) and Queensland (2.6%). Victoria had a seasonally adjusted 19,002 vehicle sales in Feb 2009, down 19.9% on a year earlier. Information papers, research papers, and classifications 1351.0.55.024 Research Paper: Exploring Measures of Low Social Capital, March 2009. Released 25/03/2009 Enumeration of the 2006 General Social Survey provided an important opportunity to explore a range of measures of social capital and see how they are related to each other. A number of the questions used to capture aspects of social capital have not been asked before in such a large survey, whereas others have not been collected alongside such a range of demographic and socio-economic information. 1352.0.55.099 Research Paper: Reviewing the ABS' Hedonic Regression Model for Desktop Computers (Methodology Advisory Committee), November 2008. Released 25/03/2009 When faced with the task of measuring prices for products that undergo rapid quality change (eg. consumer durables such as computers, whitegoods and cars), international best practice is to develop hedonic price indexes. This paper first details a review of the desktop computer price index, and then discusses how to provide a framework for construction of price indexes for other consumer durables. 1221.0 Information Paper: ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, First Edition, Revision 1, 2009. Released 25/02/2009 This paper makes available the structure of ANZSCO First Edition Revision 1 to the public in advance of the full release scheduled for July 2009. 1218.0.55.001 Discussion Paper: Proposed Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia (SESCA), 2008. Released 26/03/2009 This paper represents a draft version of the suite of sector classifications for dissemination to external stakeholders, seeking their comments. Contains SISCA and associated classifications, which are used in the compilation and publication of National Accounts and related statistics. Associated classifications include Public/Private, Level of Government and Type of Legal Organisation classifications. 1352.0.55.087 Research Paper: An Evaluation of Cube Sampling for ABS Household Surveys (Methodology Advisory Committee), June 2007. Released 26/02/2009 The use of design information for efficient design of surveys has been studied extensively. Well-known methods include stratification and probability proportional to size. These methods are designed to select efficient samples when there is one survey characteristic of interest. Cube sampling aims to select efficient samples when there are multiple characteristics of interest and a set of design variables could be used for improving sample design efficiency. 1352.0.55.098 Research Paper: Generalised Linear Models with Probabilistically Linked Data (Methodology Advisory Committee), November 2008. Released 26/02/2009 ABS has embarked on the Census Data Enhancement project, a key feature of which is to create a Statistical Longitudinal Census Dataset (SLCD) based on a random sample of 5% of 2006 Census person records. These will be linked to person records from 2011 and subsequent Censuses without using names and addresses as linking variables. 3106.0.55.001 Information Paper: Review of Interstate Migration Method, March 2009. Released 18/03/2009 Within Australia, there is no direct quarterly measure of interstate migration, unlike that of natural increase and net overseas migration. Instead, quarterly estimates of interstate migration are modelled using Medicare change of address data. This model is reviewed and updated every five years using data from the latest Census of Population and Housing. 4149.0.55.001 Information Paper: Defining Sport and Physical Activity, A Conceptual Model, 2008. Released 24/11/2008 Presents a conceptual model defining key concepts commonly used in survey research on sport and exercise. The model provides definitions of sport, exercise and physical recreation and examines the relationship between these concepts. The aim is to aid interpretation and future development of surveys in this field. 4327.0 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Users' Guide, 2007. Released 11/02/2009 This guide provides detailed information on the design and contents of the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (SMHWB). To support appropriate interpretation of the survey results, information is presented about: what information was collected, how information was collected, and how information was used to produce final estimates. 4375.0.55.001 Information Paper: Producing national estimates from State Health Surveys, 2004. Released 27/01/2009. Reports on the ABS trial pooling data from different health surveys conducted in individual States and Territories in order to create national estimates. It provides a background to the project, outlines methods involved in pooling, diagnostics on the pooled dataset, and reports national estimates; along with National Health Survey data for comparison. 8501.0.55.005 Information paper: Changes to the Dissemination of Retail Trade Statistics, January 2009. Released 21/01/2009 This paper describes changes that will be made to retail trade statistics following reinstatement of a 'full' sample each month. 6262.0 Information Paper: Regional Labour Force Statistics, February 2009. Released 27/02/2009 Labour Force Survey (LFS) Statistical Region boundaries are revised at each labour force sample redesign, and introduced when regional benchmarks are reviewed. This paper lists the Labour Force Dissemination Regions and details differences between those effective from November 1997. 7105.0 ABS Agriculture Statistics Collection Strategy - 2008-09 and beyond, 2009-10. Released 05/03/2009 This information paper addresses the proposed strategy for 2009-10 and subsequent ABS Agricultural Surveys and Censuses. The final in a series of three papers following a review of ABS's Agriculture Statistics Program. Other releases 1406.0.55.004 Managing ABS Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFs): A Step by Step Guide, Feb 2009. Released 09/02/2009 3401.0 Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, Jan 2009. Released 06/03/2009 4626.0.55.001 Environmental views and behaviour, 2007-2008. Released 15/01/2009. First Issue 4722.0.55.005 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Home Ownership: A snapshot, 2006. Released 25/03/2009. First Issue 5671.0 Lending Finance, Australia, Jan 2009. Released 16/03/2009 5676.0 Business Indicators, Australia, Dec 2008. Released 02/03/2009 5678.0 Venture Capital and Later Stage Private Equity, Australia, 2007-08. Released 12/02/2009 6106.0 Labour Statistics News, Feb 2009. Released 24/02/2009. First Issue 6222.0 Job Search Experience, Australia, Jul 2008. Released 12/01/2009 6225.0.55.001 Persons with Main Source of Income from Own Unincorporated Business, Estimates for Small Areas - Data Cubes, 2004-05 to 2005-06. Released 18/02/2009 6416.0 House Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities, Dec 2008. Released 02/02/2009 8301.0.55.001 Manufacturing Production, Australia, Dec 2008. Released 17/02/2009 8301.0.55.002 Pre-mixed Concrete Production, Preliminary, Feb 2009. Released 16/03/2009 8635.2.55.001 Tourist Accommodation, Small Area Data, Victoria, Sep 2008. Released 13/01/2009 8750.0 Dwelling Unit Commencements, Australia, Preliminary, Dec 2008. Released 19/03/2009 Main Economic Indicators (MEIs). Also released during the past quarter were a number of monthly and quarterly MEIs which can be accessed from the ABS website home page <>. Examples of MEIs include: housing finance, building approvals, labour force, consumer price index, sales of new motor vehicles, and retail trade. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.