1100.2 - Statistics Victoria (Newsletter), Issue 3, 2001  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 18/12/2001   
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In this issue:

VSAC Discusses Victorian State Government Framework
Victorian State Government Web Developments
ABS Statistical Training
ABS Census Geography Products
Draft Victoria Indicators of Wellbeing Framework
New State and Regional Indicators Publication
Inventory of Indigenous Statistics
Victorian Health Information
Illicit Drug Use, Sources of Australian Data
Social Capital
Human Capital
Studying Growth Areas: The Environmental Industry Survey
Counting the Cost of Environmental Management
The Venture Capital Survey
Australian Harmoninized Export Commodity Classification
Alternative View of Food Industry
Regional Statistics, Victoria
Demography, Victoria
Births, Australia
Environmental Issues: People’s Views and Practices 2001
Environmental Expenditure, Local Government
Other Recent and Expected Releases
VSAC Representatives
Contact Points for ABS Victoria



At the November 2001 meeting of the Victorian Statistical Advisory Committee (VSAC), members heard how Growing Victoria Together expresses the Victorian State Government’s broad vision for the future. Dr John Wiseman, the Assistant Director, Policy Development and Research in the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria described how Growing Victoria Together balances economic, social and environmental goals and actions. VSAC members have a keen interest in the strategic issues, priority actions and measures to demonstrate progress identified in Growing Victoria Together. Strategic issues identified as the most important for Victorians over the next ten years are:

  • Valuing and investing in lifelong education
  • High quality, accessible health and community services
  • Sound financial management
  • Safe streets, homes and workplaces
  • Growing and linking all of Victoria
  • Promoting sustainable development
  • More jobs and thriving, innovative industries across Victoria
  • Building cohesive communities and reducing inequalities
  • Protecting the environment for future generations
  • Promoting rights and respecting diversity
  • Government that listens and leads

Growing Victoria Together papers are available http://www.growingvictoria.vic.gov.au/homepage.html.

Also discussed at VSAC was the Indicators of Wellbeing Project being undertaken by the Regional Statistics Section of ABS Victorian Office.

Bruce Fraser reported that the Indicators of Wellbeing framework was nearing completion and that synergies exist between indicators selected and Growing Victoria Together measures to demonstrate progress.

Neil McLean spoke about the role of outposted ABS officers to Victorian State Government Departments, and the organisation’s willingness to assist agencies with adminstrative data for use in measuring Growing Victoria Together progress and other important policy pursuits.

Exciting developments are occurring in State Government Departments to increase access to small area statistics using ABS and non-ABS data. At the Department of Infrastructure, the Research Unit has developed a product called Know Your Area. This is a web database which allows you to search by the name of an area. At present, it has current population estimates and future population projections, median house and land price data, current employment and other facts about Local Government areas. Links to DOI projects, local councils, libraries and other sites are included. In the first stages of development DOI would like you to try it out and suggest any improvements. Please visit www.doi.vic.gov.au/

The Victorian Office of the ABS is interested in collaborating with VSG developers of such dissemination tools with a view to encouraging the use of datasets that comply with national and international standards and to provide standard geographic capabilities. If you or your department would like to participate in an information sharing discussion about web-based developments, including issues surrounding the use of ABS data, please contact Terence Byrnes on (03) 9615 7457 or email: t.byrnes@abs.gov.au.

The ABS Statistical Consultancy and Training Unit prepares and delivers a regular statistical training program for external clients. These training courses are typically run twice per year though extra courses can be arranged to meet client demand. Course presenters are statistical consultants who have expertise in designing questionnaires, analysing data, and managing the survey process. The courses teach practical skills by involving participants in individual and group exercises.


Basic Survey Design $565
A two day course which gives a good grounding in all
facets of sample survey development.
This course is useful for those involved in survey
development and those who may be evaluating surveys
run by consultants.
21 & 22 March 2002

Basic Statistical Analysis $565
This two day course develops knowledge of descriptive
statistics involving analysis of variables to describe data.
Includes hands-on spreadsheet work to demonstrate
basic statistical techniques, and produce tables and
12 & 13 February 2002
28 & 29 May 2002

Turning Data into Information $565
A two day course providing skills in the processes and
techniques of data analysis important for addressing
social issues.
1 & 2 May 2002

Principles of Questionnaire Design $565
This two day course provides an awareness and
understanding of questionnaire design principles
applicable to both household and business surveys.
18 & 19 June 2002

Focus Group Techniques $565
A two day course which includes deciding when focus
groups are most useful, their conduct and facilitation and
analysis of results.
23 & 24 May 2002

Understanding Demographic Data $342
A one day seminar run by social scientists currently
working in the Demography area of the ABS Canberra
Office. Key issues covered include population projections,
estimating population for small areas, migration effect
and other demographic issues.
4 June 2002

Tailored training courses can also be designed to meet the specific needs and interests of particular organisations.

For further information regarding tailored training, or regarding our regular training schedule, please contact Carol Soloff on (03) 9615 7384 or email: carol.soloff@abs.gov.au or Michael Coombes on (03) 9615 7504 or email: michael.coombes@abs.gov.au.


The Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Edition 2001 came into effect on 1 July, 2001. It is this edition of the ASGC which provides the geographical backdrop to the collection and dissemination of statistics from the Census of Population & Housing 2001. All seven of the structures in the ASGC are defined at the time of the Census. One other set of geographical areas defined at the time of the Census is the Census Geographic Areas.

The Census Guide CD-ROM is a good source which describes the products out of the Census 2001 in detail. This includes the wealth of products which users of statistical data may be interested to know about which contain a geographical or “spatial” component. This article will describe some of those which will be released during 2002.

Digital Boundary Products

Digital boundaries enable users of mapping/GIS software packages to map ASGC and Census Geographic areas on screen. The boundaries can also be used to produce statistical maps of Census data, or of other data collected on these areas.

The ABS is planning to release digital boundary products in .mif/.mid format (Map Info export format). These files cannot be used directly for mapping, but they can be imported into MapInfo, ArcView and other mapping/GIS software packages.

All boundaries released by the ABS after August 2001, will be based on the new Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94). GDA94 provides a internationally compatible coordinate system for all geographic data and allows Australia to gain significant benefit from Global Positioning Systems technology. The transformation of boundary data to GDA94 involves a significant shift of about 200 metres to the north east, compared to coordinates based on the older Australian Geodetic Datum (AGD).

Users should be aware that older editions of mapping/GIS software may not be able to interpret data on the new format correctly. Thus it may not overlay other datasets correctly. Users should contact their software vendor to ascertain whether their software version is able to handle data supplied on GDA94.

Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Digital Boundaries, Australia on CD-ROM
Priced at $95 and due for release 31 January 2001

Digital boundaries for the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) edition for the Census of Population & Housing years. This product will include the new Remoteness Structure boundaries. Excludes the Urban Centre & Locality (UC/L) boundaries.

Historic ASGC Digital Boundaries, Australia (ASGC Editions 1996 through to 2000)
Priced at $95 and due for release 30 April 2002

This is the second issue of this product and the CD-ROM has boundaries for ASGC Editions 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2000. Each ASGC Edition’s boundary set includes Local Government Areas (LGAs), Statistical Local Areas (SLAs), Statistical Subdivisions (SSDs), Statistical Divisions (SDs), Statistical Districts and States/Territories. For the Census year 1996, the boundaries of the Collection Districts (CDs), and Urban Centres/Localities (UC/Ls) are also included.

Census Geographic Areas 2001, Australia
Priced at $95 and due for release 28 June 2002

Census Geographic Areas based upon the Collection Districts (CDs) of the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Edition 2001 are available as digital boundaries on CD-ROM. These Census geographic areas include Postal Areas, Suburbs, State and Commonwealth Electoral Divisions, and Indigenous Geographic areas.

Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Urban Centres and Localities (UC/L) Digital Boundaries, Australia on CD-ROM
Priced at $95 and due for release 30 September 2002

Digital boundaries for the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Urban Centres and Localities (UC/L) for the 2001 Census of Population & Housing year. Associated products are Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Digital Boundaries (Intercensal), Australia 1259.0.30.001 and Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Digital Boundaries, Australia.

This product will include the Section of State Structure boundaries also.

Printed Mapping

Collection District Maps, ASGC Edition 2001
Price on application and due to be released 31 January 2002

37,209 printed reference maps each showing the boundaries of a single Collection District (CD) used at the 2001 Census of Population and Housing. These full colour maps show, in addition to the boundary of the CD, roads, rivers, railways, powerlines and a range of other significant features. Local Government Area and State boundaries are also shown where appropriate. The majority of the maps are printed on an A3 page but a small number are printed on an A2 page.

Statistical Local Area Maps, ASGC Edition 2001
Price on application and due to be released 31 January 2002

The Statistical Local Area (SLA) maps display the SLA boundaries (as current at 2001 Census of Population and Housing), CD boundaries contained within the SLA, and the SLA and CD codes. Selected topographic details such as roads, railway lines and rivers are included. Maps each showing a single Statistical Local Area (SLA) as current at the 2001 Census of Population and Housing. For each SLA, there is a single overview map showing the whole SLA. For many SLAs there are additional map sheets showing enlargements of selected areas.

For further information, please email: geography@abs.gov.au

The ABS will be soon be producing a draft Victorian Framework for Indicators of Wellbeing. The framework is a key output of the Indicators of Wellbeing in Rural and Regional Communities project that commenced in January 2000. Since then, the ABS has consulted intensively with the Victorian government and community to determine how community wellbeing can be measured, and which of the many potential indicators will best meet the highest priority needs of planners and researchers within the State.

A number of other projects have also commenced since the project began in early 2000, and have influenced the final outputs. Most notably, the ABS has commenced the Measuring Australia’s Progress project, which is very similar to the community wellbeing project, but with a national focus; the ABS has released the Measuring Wellbeing (Cat. no. 4160.0) publication; and the Victorian State Government has released Growing Victoria Together. Measuring Australia’s Progress has allowed the Victorian project to consider regional versions of the MAP indicators, and other indicators that will complement the MAP indicators. Growing Victoria Together has provided a very clear articulation of government and community priorities for progress and statistical indicators, and triggered further fine-tuning of the indicators being considered. Measuring Wellbeing documented the statistical standards, concepts and definitions used to measure various aspects of social wellbeing. The draft Victorian Framework for Indicators of Wellbeing serves a very similar purpose to Measuring Wellbeing, but complements the social statistics material with similar material for areas of economic and environmental wellbeing.

Final input to the Victorian framework will be collected via the Victorian Statistical Advisory Committee over the next few months, prior to the release of a final draft in early 2002. The framework is being produced as a special service for the Victorian State Government, and will not appear on the ABS catalogue of publication. Other parties who are interested in obtaining a copy of the framework, or in obtaining more information about the framework, should contact Bruce Fraser on (03) 9615 7495, or email: vic.coordination@abs.gov.au.

The Victorian economy is growing well compared to the rest of Australia, with growth in State final demand, population, employment, house prices, building approvals, retail turnover, takings from tourist accommodation and exports greater than the national average.

This information, and much more, is included in a new quarterly ABS publication. State and Regional Indicators, Victoria (Cat. no. 1367.2) is a 50 page compendium of statistics from the ABS and other agencies that highlights the recent changes in key statistical series, and compares Victoria’s performance with other States and the national average. As well as 48 statistical tables, the publicationcontains a 10 page overview that draws attention to the most noteworthy aspects of recent Victorian statistics. Statistics are presented on state final demand, population, the labour market, price indexes, business expectations, finance, construction, new motor vehicle registrations, retail turnover, tourist accommodation, production, trade and natural resources. Where possible, statistics are presented at a regional level. Currently regional information is included for employment, unemployment, and long-term unemployment, building approvals and activity, new motor vehicle registrations, tourist accommodation, air quality and water storage volumes. The ABS plans to add further regional tables to the publication as their release is negotiated with the State and Commonwealth government agencies that collect the data.

The September quarter 2001 issue of State and Regional Indicators is currently available. The December quarter issue will be released on 23 January 2002, and the March quarter 2002 issue will be released on 18 April 2002. The recommended retail price is $23. We welcome any feedback or questions you have on this new publication. Please contact Bruce Fraser on (03) 9615 7495, or email: vic.coordination@abs.gov.au.

As part of ABS efforts to identify ways of improving Indigenous identification in various data collections, the Economic and Social Statistics Unit in the Victorian Office has compiled Inventory of Indigenous Statistics - Victorian State Government Data Collections. This is expected to be published on ABS@ in December 2001, meaning that it will be available to all State Government employees from their desktop.

The Inventory provides details on a number of collections held in State Government that contain an Indigenous identifier, such as the purpose of the collection, the type of data collected, the question asked to identify Indigenous persons, the methodology, and any other comments that may be of interest. Contact details for each collection are listed where possible.

The Inventory is a useful reference tool for State Government, the ABS, and any others interested in research on Indigenous issues. While its purpose was to catalogue relevant data collections, it serves as a useful reference for any future investigations into data quality.

Further information on the Inventory can be obtained from Christine Sergi on (03) 9615 7695 or email: c.sergi@abs.gov.au or Simone Alexander on (03) 9615 7492 or email: s.alexander@abs.gov.au.

The ABS produces a wide range of statistics on the health of the Victorian population. This includes the triennial National Health Surveys, which contain data on a wide range of health issues, including health status, medical services, and risk factors such as diet and smoking. In addition to this, the ABS is responsible for data on causes of death, and private hospitals.

Given its role in a wide range of health statistics, the ABS Health theme page is a useful resource for anyone looking for statistics on virtually any aspect of population health. Go to <www.abs.gov.au> and follow the links to theme pages, then to the health theme page.

ABS Health Statistics News is a 4–6 monthly newsletter which covers the key developments in health statistics in the ABS. So if you need to know what data is being released when, or want an opportunity to comment on ABS proposals and developments, then you should subscribe.

Back issues of Health Statistics News can be seen by going to the ABS web site <www.abs.gov.au> and following the links to News, Newsletters, Health Statistics News.

To subscribe either to an electronic or paper copy, or for further information, please email: health@abs.gov.au.

A comprehensive guide to the availability of Australian data on the use of illicit drugs was released by the ABS on 28 November 2001.

The publication, Illicit Drug Use, Sources of Australian Data, reports on a range of national data sources, covering prevalence and patterns of use, law and order, health, family and community issues and economics. A commentary is provided on each of the main data sources, along with contact details, for both non-ABS and ABS sources. Limitations and gaps in available data are also identified.

Illicit drug use is of international concern and has become a major cause of concern within the Australian community as it affects so many facets of society. As the national statistical agency the ABS is interested in supporting the use of data on key social issues for research, policy development and decision making.

Data on the consequences to society of illicit drugs use are available from a wide range of sources. Important information can be obtained from the administrative records of public service providers such as police, hospitals and coroners, as well as surveys of the Australian population as a whole or specific groups such as injecting drug users and criminals.

Researchers can confidently use this paper as a valuable reference as it provides a guide to material on illicit drug use across many fields of study and from different perspectives. The appendices and bibliography provide a wealth of information, as well as providing a base from which further material may be accessed.

Illicit Drug Use, Sources of Australian Data (Cat. No. 4808.0) can be purchased from ABS bookshops for $32, or an electronic version is available free of charge from this site.

For further information please contact Lynne Peterson on (07) 3222 6207 or email: lynne.peterson@abs.vic.gov.au.

The ABS has a workgroup investigating the social and policy issues to which data on social capital might contribute, and developing:
  • a statistical framework for social capital;
  • indicators for elements of the framework; and
  • an information plan, identifying existing relevant data, data gaps and possible approaches to filling the gaps.

This is a project that will continue for over two years. In considering the framework elements and indicators, we are taking into account three main sources of guidance: current research, both Australian and international; the emerging information requirements of Australian agencies; and some level of comparability with international statistical agencies. To do this will require ongoing consultation processes. It would be desirable to achieve some broad level of agreement on the elements to be covered in the framework, and those which have priority, in the first half of 2002. There may be capacity for a social capital topic on a collection in 2004, for which development would begin in mid-2002.

Initial consultations were carried out in late 2000, meeting with a good reception and over 50 responses. Our plans now are to:
  • release (date uncertain) an updated version of the original paper, incorporating the response and the way this is guiding our thinking;
  • circulate some further papers on the social and policy issues and the framework, in January; and
  • conduct workshops based on the circulated papers in a number of States in February.

The papers mentioned above will be sent without any further need for contact to those people and agencies who responded to the initial paper, and others who have made enquiries since. If you are not already mentioned, and would like to receive the circulated papers, please contact Elisabeth Davis on (02) 6252 7880 or email: elisabeth.davis@abs.gov.au or Julia Graczyk on (02) 6252 6108 or email: julia.graczyk@abs.gov.au.

Human capital is an important concept in many aspects of economics including growth theory and labour economics. Unfortunately, direct measures of human capital stocks are available for very few countries. For the past year or so, the Analysis Branch of the ABS has been developing experimental measures of the stock of human capital for Australia.

This human capital project adopts a ‘lifetime labour income approach’. This method measures the stock of human capital as the discounted present value of expected lifetime labour market income. Expected income streams are derived by using cross-sectional information on labour income, employment rates and school participation rates. This approach is also able to account for the effect on human capital formation of current schooling activities.

Standard human capital theory underpins this experimental study. In projecting future income streams, a number of assumptions have been made about the duration of alternative schooling activities, income growth rate and discount rate. Labour income is approximated by gross personal income from all sources. Human capital provides a plethora of benefits both in and out of the labour market, and as this study is confined to market labour activities, many non-market returns to human capital may not be reflected in these measures.

Using Australian Census data for 1981, 1986, 1991 and 1996, this study calculates lifetime labour market incomes for 410 age/sex/education cohorts. Preliminary results show that there has been a significant increase in the stock of human capital in Australia. Possible future developments include sensitivity tests of alternative assumptions, expansion of estimates into non-Census years, valuation of non-market labour activities, and investment in, and rates of return to different types of education.

For further information please contact Hui Wei on (02) 6252 5754 or email: hui.wei@abs.gov.au.

There is a growing need for information about the Environment Industry within Australia and currently available statistics are deficient in their coverage of the industry nationally. The Commonwealth Government has developed the Environment Industry Action Agenda <www.isr.gov.au/agendas> aimed at raising the profile and competitiveness of the industry within ten years. The agenda seeks to increase the domestic market to $40b by 2011. A part of this program is to gauge the size, nature and trading opportunities for the environment industry through a National Survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Definition of the Environment Industry

The ABS is using an OECD definition for the environment industry as a guideline to develop an Australian perspective in this field. The OECD classifies the environment industry as those businesses that produce products and services for:
  • Pollution Management
  • Cleaner Technologies and Products
  • Resource Management

Pollution management comprises products and services that are clearly supplied for an environmental purpose only, that have a significant impact in reducing polluting emissions and that are easily statistically identifiable.

Cleaner technologies and products comprises products and services which reduce or eliminate negative environmental impacts, but which are often supplied for other than environmental purposes.

Resource management comprises products and services which may be associated with environmental protection, although their prime purpose is not environment protection.

The ABS is currently defining the environment industry under these three groups, by State and by business size. Any comments on the above definitions would be greatly appreciated.

Please send comments to Bob Harrison on (02) 6252 7369 or email: bob.harrison@abs.gov.au or Peter Meadows on (02) 6252 5613 or email: p.meadows@abs.gov.au.

The Environment and Energy Statistics Section, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), is collecting physical and financial information on environment management in the Environment Management Survey (EMS) for 2000–01. A similar collection was conducted for 1996–97 and released in Environment Protection Expenditure, Australia, 1995–96 and 1996–97 (Cat. No. 4603.0). Environment protection is a significant and growing expense in the Australian economy. In 1996–97, for example, Australia spent over $8.6b on environment protection activities.

The 2000–01 EMS provides measures of environment management activities as well as eco-efficiency indicators for the manufacturing and mining industries. Information on other industries could be collected in future surveys.

Environment management financial activity includes expenditure on solid waste management, liquid waste management, air emissions management, and other environment management expenses such as noise control. Eco-efficiency goals aim to reduce materials/resources used and waste/pollution generated by industries in producing their goods and services. The new eco-efficiency component of the EMS enables physical and financial data to be combined to derive an indication of industries’ performance in environmental management.

The publication, Environment Protection, Mining and Manufacturing Industries, Australia (Cat. no. 4603.0) is due out in late 2002. For further information please contact Bob Harrison on (02) 6252 7369 or email: bob.harrison@abs.gov.au or Peter Meadows on (02) 6252 5613 or email: p.meadows@abs.gov.au.

Results from the first Venture Capital Survey (1999–2000), are available on the ABS web site. The results include some state breakdowns. The results from the latest Venture Capital Survey (2000–01), will be released in a new publication Venture Capital, Australia (Cat. no. 5678.0), which is expected to be released in February 2002.

The survey obtains details of venture capital activity from venture capital fund managers. The information is collected by mail and includes in broad terms:
  • fund commitments and drawdowns by source of funds, assets and liabilities of the venture capital fund, and financing flows between the fund and its investors and investee companies; and
  • the stage and industry characteristics of venture capital deals undertaken during the latest financial year.

The information will be used by the Department of Industry Science and Resources, the National Office for the Information Economy, Treasury, and industry participants and analysts, to analyse the structure of venture capital activity and for policy evaluation.

For further information, please contact Glyn Prichard on (02) 6252 6257 or email: glyn.prichard@abs.gov.au.


On 13 December 2001, the Australian Harmonised Export Commodity Classification (AHECC) (Cat. no.1233.0) was reissued, incorporating all changes made to the classification as a result of World Customs Organisation changes and associated reviews by the ABS. The revised AHECC will take effect from 1 January 2002. The AHECC is designed to be used by exporters and their agents to classify goods when providing export declarations to the Australian Customs Service and to assist users in the interpretation of export statistics. A feature article on the changes was included in the September quarter 2001 issue of International Merchandise Trade, Australia (Cat. no. 5422.0).

For further information please contact Sharyn Sturgeon on (02) 6252 5310 or email: sharyn.sturgeon@abs.gov.au.


ABS will be releasing an information paper, An Alternate Industry View of Food (Cat. no. 1278.0) during December 2001. The paper was created in response to requests from policy makers to investigate the development of statistical frameworks to enable measurement of economic activity which crosses classes within the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). This paper provides information for discussion on the development of a statistical framework or alternate view for the food industry.

Initial consultation with users revealed different views of what comprises the food industry. However, there is general consensus that primary production, processing, wholesaling and retailing of food are the four main components and these are discussed separately in this paper. In addition, there are references to classes not already included in these four components which should also be considered for inclusion in the framework.

The paper suggests some criteria to assist with preliminary recommendations for inclusion or otherwise of industry classes and commodities relevant to the food industry based on an adopted definition of food and overall significance to the food industry. The ABS anticipates that information for some industry activity and commodities will not be available at the required level. The paper discusses limitations of the view, data needs and highlights some of the statistical information currently available in ABS collections.

For more information please contact James Darragh on (03) 9615 7476 or email: james.darragh@abs.gov.au.


18 December sees the release of Regional Statistics, Victoria, 2002. This publication contains approximately 100 pages of statistics for local government areas,
statistical local areas and statistical divisions in Victoria, covering population demographics, the labour force, household income and expenditure, economic activity, education and training, health, local government finance, society and culture, housing and construction, roads, the environment and remoteness. The statistics have been produced by a variety of Commonwealth and State agencies, including the ABS, the Department of Infrastructure, the Australian Tax Office, the Department of Family and Community Services, the Department of Education, Employment and Training, the Department of Human Services, Victoria Police, the Victorian Casino and Gaming Authority, Land Victoria, VicRoads and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

The publication brings together a comprehensive set of regional statistics that illustrate the differences in social, economic and environmental conditions and outcomes between Melbourne suburbs and Victorian regions. Commentary, maps and graphs are provided within each chapter to draw attention to the main differences and patterns in the statistics.

For further details contact Bruce Fraser on (03) 9615 7495, or email: vic.coordination@abs.gov.au.

The estimated resident population of Victoria at 31 December 2000 was 4,798,300 persons, a quarter of the total Australian population. In 2000, Victoria experienced population growth of 60,100 persons; migration contributed 34,000 persons and the remainder came from natural increase.

There were 59,200 births and 32,000 deaths registered in Victoria during 2000. The total fertility rate for Victoria was 1.63 babies per woman, lower than the national rate (1.75) and the second lowest after the ACT. The standardised death rate was 5.5 for Victoria and 5.7 for Australia.

In 2000, there were 26,900 marriages registered and 12,400 divorces granted in Victoria. The crude marriage rate (5.6) was lower than for Australia (5.9), whilst the crude divorce rate (2.6) was the same as the national rate.

These facts and more are found in the Demography, Victoria, 2000 (Cat. no. 3311.2) publication, expected to be released in December. For more information contact Ken Willis on (03) 9615 7392 or email: ken.willis@abs.gov.au.

There were 59,200 births registered in Victoria during 2000, 24% of all births registered in Australia. Victoria experienced the second lowest fertility rate of 1.63 babies per woman compared to the national rate of 1.75, the Australian Capital Territory had the lowest at 1.62. Of all the capital cities, Melbourne had the lowest fertility (1.56) while Darwin had the highest (1.94). Generally, capital cities had a lower fertility rate than the balances of the States/Territories. The ABS released Births, Australia 2000 (Cat. no. 3301.0) on the 31 October, 2001. This publication contains detailed statistics and analysis on confinements, live births and fertility rates from the 2000 Birth registrations. Also in this publication is a list of special articles on Australian fertility included in this and previous issues of the publication.

For more information contact Katrina Phelan on (02) 6252 6573 or email: katrina.phelan@abs.gov.au.

Environmental Issues: People’s Views and Practices 2001 (Cat. no. 4602.0) was released on November 22nd 2001. This is the seventh in a continuing series of ABS publications which provides data on environmental behaviour and practices of Australian households and individuals. The topics covered in March 2001 included:
  • concerns about environmental problems and environmental involvement;
  • use of environmentally friendly products, fertilisers and pesticides;
  • water sources, use and issues; and
  • use of World Heritage Areas, National and State Parks.

Environmental Issues: People’s Views and Practices is an annual publication covering a set of changing topics rotated over a period of three years. Topics contained in this publication compare with data collected in May 1992, June 1994 and March 1998. Where applicable those data have been included in this publication for comparison purposes.

For more information please contact Sarah Coleman on (02) 6252 6637 or email: sarah.coleman@abs.gov.au.

A third edition of Environment Expenditure, Local Government, Australia, 1999–2000 (Cat. no. 4611.0) is expected to be released by the Environment and Energy Statistics Section in December 2001. This publication presents estimates of expenditure and revenue related to environment protection and natural resource management by local government authorities of Australia. This collection was developed in response to requests by local governments, local government associations and other interested parties to provide previously unavailable information on local government financial transactions that specifically relate to the management of environment and natural resources. This is now one of the largest surveys of its kind, with almost half of Australian local government authorities contributing to each year’s estimates. These estimates will be of use to policy makers in State and Commonwealth governments, to local government associations, to local councils themselves as well as to any other parties interested in environmental management by local government authorities.

For further information, please contact Ken Aitchison on (02) 6252 7477 or email: ken.aitchison@abs.gov.au.


1139.0.55.001 (2000) Directory of Construction Statistics — Web Version ( First Issue) (Dec)
1301.0 (2002) Year Book, Australia (annual) (Jan)
1301.0.30.001 (2002) Year Book, Australia on CD ROM (5 yearly) (Jan)
1321.0 (2001) Small Business in Australia (biennial) (Feb)
1329.0 (2001) Australian Wine and Grape Industry (annual) (Jan)


3302.0 (2000) Deaths, Australia (annual) (Dec)
3303.0 (2000) Causes of Death, Australia (annual) (Dec)
3201.0 (Jun 2001) Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories (annual) (Dec)
3218.0 (Jun 2001) Regional Population Growth, Australia and New Zealand (annual) (Feb)
3218.0.55.001 (Jun 2001) Regional Population Growth, Australia and New Zealand (annual) (Feb)


5501.0 Government Financial Estimates, Australia (annual) (Dec)


6222.0 (Jul 2001) Job search Experience of Unemployed Persons, Australia (annual) (Jan)
6227.0 (May 2001) Transition from School to Work (annual) (Jan)
6281.0 (Apr 2000) Work in Selected Culture and Leisure Activities, Australia (irregular) (Dec)
6285.0 (April 2001) Involvement in Sport, Australia (irregular) (Jan)
6310.0 (Aug 2001) Employee Earnings, benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia (annual) (Feb)
6523.0 (2000–01) Income Distribution, Australia (annual) (Feb)


7501.0 (2000–01) Value of Principal Agricultural Commodities, Preliminary (annual) (Dec)


8127.0 (2001) Characteristics of Small Business, Australia (biennial) (Feb)
8129.0 (2000–01) Business use of IT, Australia (annual) (Dec)
8155.0 (1999–2000) Australian Industry (annual) (Dec)
8225.0 (2001) Manufacturing, Australia (annual) (Dec)
8683.0 (2000–01) Casinos, Australia (annual) (Dec)

VSAC is major forum for statistical liaison betweenVictorian Government Agencies and the ABS, Dr MichaelKirby from the Department of Treasury and Finance chairsVSAC and is also the State representative on theAustralian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC). The following group of departmental representatives
meets two to three times each year.

Departmental Representatives

Treasury and Finance
Dr Michael Kirby (03) 9651 5543

Premier and Cabinet
Dr David Adams (03) 9651 5264

State and Regional Development
Mr Chris West (03) 9651 9492

Natural Resources and Environment
Mr Gary Stoneham (03) 9637 3238

Education, Employment and Training
Ms Debbie King (03) 9637 3203

Human Services
Mr Scott Briant (03) 9637 4721

Mr John Hanna (03) 9655 6548

Mr Robert Eldridge (03) 9651 5921

1900 986 400

National Information and Referral Service
Telephone: 1300 135 070
Fax: 1300 135 211
email: client.services@abs.gov.au

Bookshop, Library and Information Services
Level 5, CGU Tower, 485 La Trobe Street
Melbourne Vic 3001

Postal Address
GPO Box 2796Y
Melbourne Vic 3001

ABS Web Site
ABS Web Site: www.abs.gov.au

State Government Liaison Officer
Terence Byrnes
Telephone: (03) 9615 7457
Fax: (03) 9615 7098
email: t.byrnes@abs.gov.au

Statistics Victoria Newsletter Editors
Olivia Agius
Telephone: (03) 9615 7590
email: olivia.agius@abs.gov.au

Simone Alexander
Telephone: (03) 9615 7492
email: s.alexander@abs.gov.au


The ABS encourages State Government agencies to fully utililise the facility of the Statistics Victoria newsletter to promote any statistical developments or activities and, where appropriate, products and services. Articles for consideration should, in the first instance, be forwarded to the relevant VSAC representatives.