Diseases of the digestive system (K00-K99) accounted for 4,502 registered deaths in Australia in 2006 or 3.4% of all registered deaths. The number and proportion of all deaths due to diseases of the digestive system have remained consistent since 1997. Slightly more males (2,305) than females (2,197) died from diseases of the digestive system in 2006. The median age at death for males (74.1 years) dying from these diseases is considerably lower than for females (83.5 years).
Alcoholic liver disease (K70) accounted for 712 deaths, 16% of all deaths due to diseases of the digestive system. More males than females died of alcoholic liver disease, with a ratio of 318.8 males per 100 females. The age at death ranged from the 25-34 to 85-94 age groups. Median age at death for males was 58.5 years, while for females it was 56.3 years.
Diseases of the intestine (K50-K63) has increased slightly from 1,133 deaths in 1997 to 1,464 deaths in 2006. There was an increase in male deaths from 545 in 2005 to 594 in 2006. Female deaths however, decreased with 870 deaths in 2006, compared with 906 in 2005. The majority of deaths (1,051) occurred in the 75 to 94 age group with a median age of 83.9 years.
Diseases of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum (K20-K31) was the underlying cause of 566 deaths. The median age at death was 84.0 years which is 3.7 years higher than the median age for all causes of death (80.3). The sex ratio for this underlying cause of death is 94.5 males per 100 females.
2.11 Selected Underlying Causes, Diseases of the Digestive System (K00-K99) - 2006 |
|  |
 |  |  | Males | Females | Persons | Proportion of all deaths |  |
Cause of death and ICD code | no. | no. | no. | % |  |
|  |
CHAPTER XI Diseases of the digestive system (K00-K93) | 2 305 | 2 197 | 4 502 | 3.4 |  |
 | Diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum (K20-K31) | 275 | 291 | 566 | 0.4 |  |
 |  | Oesophagitis (K20) | 9 | 13 | 22 | - |  |
 |  | Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (K21) | 21 | 33 | 54 | - |  |
 |  | Other diseases of oesophagus (K22) | 59 | 59 | 118 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Gastric ulcer (K25) | 35 | 48 | 83 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Duodenal ulcer (K26) | 62 | 56 | 118 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Peptic ulcer, site unspecified (K27) | 56 | 45 | 101 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Gastritis and duodenitis (K29) | 10 | 21 | 31 | - |  |
 |  | Other diseases of stomach and duodenum (K31) | 21 | 15 | 36 | - |  |
 | Hernia (K40-K46) | 49 | 83 | 132 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Inguinal hernia (K40) | 17 | 5 | 22 | - |  |
 |  | Diaphragmatic hernia (K44) | 14 | 25 | 39 | - |  |
 |  | Unspecified abdominal hernia (K46) | np | np | 22 | - |  |
 | Noninfective enteritis and colitis (K50-K52) | 79 | 109 | 188 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Other noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis (K52) | 67 | 88 | 155 | 0.1 |  |
 | Other diseases of intestines (K55-K63) | 515 | 761 | 1 276 | 1.0 |  |
 |  | Vascular disorders of intestine (K55) | 152 | 253 | 405 | 0.3 |  |
 |  | Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction without hernia (K56) | 208 | 262 | 470 | 0.4 |  |
 |  | Diverticular disease of intestine (K57) | 68 | 133 | 201 | 0.2 |  |
 |  | Other functional intestinal disorders (K59) | 11 | 14 | 25 | - |  |
 |  | Other diseases of anus and rectum (K62) | 10 | 12 | 22 | - |  |
 |  | Other diseases of intestine (K63) | 62 | 82 | 144 | 0.1 |  |
 | Diseases of peritoneum (K65-K67) | 40 | 56 | 96 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Peritonitis (K65) | 28 | 44 | 72 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Other disorders of peritoneum (K66) | 12 | 12 | 24 | - |  |
 | Diseases of liver (K70-K77) | 969 | 431 | 1 400 | 1.0 |  |
 |  | Alcoholic liver disease (K70) | 542 | 170 | 712 | 0.5 |  |
 |  | Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified (K72) | 99 | 65 | 164 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver (K74) | 190 | 117 | 307 | 0.2 |  |
 |  | Other inflammatory liver diseases (K75) | np | 19 | np | np |  |
 |  | Other diseases of liver (K76) | 116 | 54 | 170 | 0.1 |  |
 | Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas (K80-K87) | 233 | 265 | 498 | 0.4 |  |
 |  | Cholelithiasis (K80) | 45 | 50 | 95 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Cholecystitis (K81) | 42 | 56 | 98 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Other diseases of gallbladder (K82) | 13 | 11 | 24 | - |  |
 |  | Other diseases of biliary tract (K83) | 49 | 59 | 108 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Acute pancreatitis (K85) | 70 | 77 | 147 | 0.1 |  |
 |  | Other diseases of pancreas (K86) | 14 | 12 | 26 | - |  |
 | Other diseases of the digestive system (K90-K93) | 128 | 169 | 297 | 0.2 |  |
 |  | Other diseases of digestive system (K92) | 125 | 164 | 289 | 0.2 |  |
|  |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
np not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated |