| A | 060801 | Animal Behaviour |
210101 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Archaeology | 070201 | Animal Breeding |
200201 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Studies | 060802 | Animal Cell and Molecular Biology |
130301 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education | 060803 | Animal Developmental and Reproductive Biology |
050201 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Knowledge | 070202 | Animal Growth and Development |
111701 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health | 060804 | Animal Immunology |
210301 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History | 070203 | Animal Management |
080601 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information and Knowledge Systems | 060805 | Animal Neurobiology |
080701 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge Management | 070204 | Animal Nutrition |
200319 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages | 060806 | Animal Physiological Ecology |
180101 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Law | 060601 | Animal Physiology - Biophysics |
200501 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Literature | 060602 | Animal Physiology - Cell |
190401 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Performing Arts | 060603 | Animal Physiology - Systems |
160501 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy | 070299 | Animal Production not elsewhere classified |
180102 | Access to Justice | 070205 | Animal Protection (Pests and Pathogens) |
150101 | Accounting Theory and Standards | 070206 | Animal Reproduction |
150199 | Accounting, Auditing and Accountability not elsewhere classified | 060807 | Animal Structure and Function |
020301 | Acoustics and Acoustical Devices; Waves | 060301 | Animal Systematics and Taxonomy |
091301 | Acoustics and Noise Control (excl. Architectural Acoustics) | 100501 | Antennas and Propagation |
080101 | Adaptive Agents and Intelligent Robotics | 060401 | Anthropological Genetics |
180103 | Administrative Law | 160199 | Anthropology not elsewhere classified |
090101 | Aerodynamics (excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics) | 160101 | Anthropology of Development |
090199 | Aerospace Engineering not elsewhere classified | 080202 | Applied Discrete Mathematics |
090102 | Aerospace Materials | 140299 | Applied Economics not elsewhere classified |
090103 | Aerospace Structures | 220199 | Applied Ethics not elsewhere classified |
220301 | Aesthetics | 110702 | Applied Immunology (incl. Antibody Engineering, Xenotransplantation and T-cell Therapies) |
111001 | Aged Care Nursing | 200401 | Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics |
111702 | Aged Health Care | 010299 | Applied Mathematics not elsewhere classified |
079999 | Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences not elsewhere classified | 160801 | Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment |
100101 | Agricultural Biotechnology Diagnostics (incl. Biosensors) | 010401 | Applied Statistics |
100199 | Agricultural Biotechnology not elsewhere classified | 010201 | Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods |
140201 | Agricultural Economics | 070401 | Aquaculture |
099901 | Agricultural Engineering | 070402 | Aquatic Ecosystem Studies and Stock Assessment |
079901 | Agricultural Hydrology (Drainage, Flooding, Irrigation, Quality, etc.) | 210102 | Archaeological Science |
070101 | Agricultural Land Management | 210199 | Archaeology not elsewhere classified |
070102 | Agricultural Land Planning | 210103 | Archaeology of Asia, Africa and the Americas |
100102 | Agricultural Marine Biotechnology | 210104 | Archaeology of Australia (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) |
100103 | Agricultural Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins | 210105 | Archaeology of Europe, the Mediterranean and the Levant |
070103 | Agricultural Production Systems Simulation | 210106 | Archaeology of New Guinea and Pacific Islands (excl. New Zealand) |
070104 | Agricultural Spatial Analysis and Modelling | 210107 | Archaeology of New Zealand (excl. Maori) |
070105 | Agricultural Systems Analysis and Modelling | 120101 | Architectural Design |
070199 | Agriculture, Land and Farm Management not elsewhere classified | 120102 | Architectural Heritage and Conservation |
070301 | Agro-ecosystem Function and Prediction | 120103 | Architectural History and Theory |
070501 | Agroforestry | 120104 | Architectural Science and Technology (incl. Acoustics, Lighting, Structure and Ecologically Sustainable Design) |
070302 | Agronomy | 120105 | Architecture Management |
150701 | Air Transportation and Freight Services | 120199 | Architecture not elsewhere classified |
090104 | Aircraft Performance and Flight Control Systems | 210201 | Archival, Repository and Related Studies |
010101 | Algebra and Number Theory | 100601 | Arithmetic and Logic Structures |
010102 | Algebraic and Differential Geometry | 190101 | Art Criticism |
010501 | Algebraic Structures in Mathematical Physics | 190102 | Art History |
110701 | Allergy | 190103 | Art Theory |
110301 | Anaesthesiology | 190199 | Art Theory and Criticism not elsewhere classified |
080201 | Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity | 080199 | Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing not elsewhere classified |
060101 | Analytical Biochemistry | 080102 | Artificial Life |
030199 | Analytical Chemistry not elsewhere classified | 160502 | Arts and Cultural Policy |
030101 | Analytical Spectrometry | 200202 | Asian Cultural Studies |
210302 | Asian History | 120201 | Building Construction Management and Project Planning |
020101 | Astrobiology | 120299 | Building not elsewhere classified |
020102 | Astronomical and Space Instrumentation | 120202 | Building Science and Techniques |
020199 | Astronomical and Space Sciences not elsewhere classified | 129999 | Built Environment and Design not elsewhere classified |
040101 | Atmospheric Aerosols | 220201 | Business and Labour History |
040102 | Atmospheric Dynamics | 150399 | Business and Management not elsewhere classified |
040103 | Atmospheric Radiation | 220102 | Business Ethics |
040199 | Atmospheric Sciences not elsewhere classified | 150301 | Business Information Management (incl. Records, Knowledge and Information Management, and Intelligence) |
020201 | Atomic and Molecular Physics | 150302 | Business Information Systems |
020299 | Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics not elsewhere classified |  | C |
150102 | Auditing and Accountability | 091001 | CAD/CAM Systems |
160601 | Australian Government and Politics | 010203 | Calculus of Variations, Systems Theory and Control Theory |
210303 | Australian History (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History) | 111201 | Cancer Cell Biology |
200502 | Australian Literature (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Literature) | 111202 | Cancer Diagnosis |
110703 | Autoimmunity | 111203 | Cancer Genetics |
091302 | Automation and Control Engineering | 111204 | Cancer Therapy (excl. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy) |
090201 | Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering (incl. Alternative/Renewable Fuels) | 090401 | Carbon Capture Engineering (excl. Sequestration) |
090202 | Automotive Engineering Materials | 050301 | Carbon Sequestration Science |
090299 | Automotive Engineering not elsewhere classified | 110201 | Cardiology (incl. Cardiovascular Diseases) |
090203 | Automotive Mechatronics | 110299 | Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology not elsewhere classified |
090204 | Automotive Safety Engineering | 111703 | Care for Disabled |
110901 | Autonomic Nervous System | 090901 | Cartography |
091303 | Autonomous Vehicles | 030601 | Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions |
090105 | Avionics | 090402 | Catalytic Process Engineering |
 | B | 010103 | Category Theory, K Theory, Homological Algebra |
060501 | Bacteriology | 160201 | Causes and Prevention of Crime |
150299 | Banking, Finance and Investment not elsewhere classified | 060402 | Cell and Nuclear Division |
111501 | Basic Pharmacology | 060103 | Cell Development, Proliferation and Death |
040301 | Basin Analysis | 060104 | Cell Metabolism |
060201 | Behavioural Ecology | 060105 | Cell Neurochemistry |
100301 | Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology | 111601 | Cell Physiology |
060199 | Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified | 110704 | Cellular Immunology |
100201 | Biodiscovery | 060106 | Cellular Interactions (incl. Adhesion, Matrix, Cell Wall) |
220101 | Bioethics (human and animal) | 110902 | Cellular Nervous System |
060302 | Biogeography and Phylogeography | 200304 | Central and Eastern European Languages (incl. Russian) |
210304 | Biography | 200509 | Central and Eastern European Literature (incl. Russian) |
060102 | Bioinformatics | 110903 | Central Nervous System |
080301 | Bioinformatics Software | 091201 | Ceramics |
030201 | Bioinorganic Chemistry | 030403 | Characterisation of Biological Macromolecules |
160102 | Biological (Physical) Anthropology | 030301 | Chemical Characterisation of Materials |
060303 | Biological Adaptation | 090403 | Chemical Engineering Design |
100202 | Biological Control | 090499 | Chemical Engineering not elsewhere classified |
010202 | Biological Mathematics | 040502 | Chemical Oceanography |
040501 | Biological Oceanography | 039999 | Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified |
029901 | Biological Physics | 030602 | Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics |
170101 | Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology) | 030404 | Cheminformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships |
069999 | Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified | 111205 | Chemotherapy |
030401 | Biologically Active Molecules | 200311 | Chinese Languages |
090301 | Biomaterials | 110401 | Chiropractic |
090302 | Biomechanical Engineering | 220401 | Christian Studies (incl. Biblical Studies and Church History) |
110601 | Biomechanics | 190201 | Cinema Studies |
090399 | Biomedical Engineering not elsewhere classified | 090601 | Circuits and Systems |
090303 | Biomedical Instrumentation | 160602 | Citizenship |
030402 | Biomolecular Modelling and Design | 090599 | Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified |
100302 | Bioprocessing, Bioproduction and Bioproducts | 090501 | Civil Geotechnical Engineering |
100203 | Bioremediation | 180104 | Civil Law and Procedure |
010402 | Biostatistics | 020501 | Classical and Physical Optics |
200503 | British and Irish Literature | 210306 | Classical Greek and Roman History |
210305 | British History | 020399 | Classical Physics not elsewhere classified |
100502 | Broadband and Modem Technology | 040104 | Climate Change Processes |
040105 | Climatology (excl. Climate Change Processes) | 050202 | Conservation and Biodiversity |
111101 | Clinical and Sports Nutrition | 180108 | Constitutional Law |
110302 | Clinical Chemistry (diagnostics) | 090502 | Construction Engineering |
110303 | Clinical Microbiology | 090503 | Construction Materials |
111002 | Clinical Nursing: Primary (Preventative) | 150501 | Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development |
111003 | Clinical Nursing: Secondary (Acute Care) | 200203 | Consumption and Everyday Life |
111004 | Clinical Nursing: Tertiary (Rehabilitative) | 130101 | Continuing and Community Education |
111502 | Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 090602 | Control Systems, Robotics and Automation |
111503 | Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice | 150303 | Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Engagement |
110399 | Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified | 180109 | Corporations and Associations Law |
160701 | Clinical Social Work Practice | 160202 | Correctional Theory, Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation |
040106 | Cloud Physics | 020103 | Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy |
080401 | Coding and Information Theory | 160702 | Counselling, Welfare and Community Services |
170299 | Cognitive Sciences not elsewhere classified | 160203 | Courts and Sentencing |
030603 | Colloid and Surface Chemistry | 190501 | Crafts |
010104 | Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (excl. Physical Combinatorics) | 130201 | Creative Arts, Media and Communication Curriculum and Pedagogy |
159999 | Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services not elsewhere classified | 190402 | Creative Writing (incl. Playwriting) |
180105 | Commercial and Contract Law | 160504 | Crime Policy |
150499 | Commercial Services not elsewhere classified | 180110 | Criminal Law and Procedure |
200199 | Communication and Media Studies not elsewhere classified | 160204 | Criminological Theories |
200101 | Communication Studies | 160299 | Criminology not elsewhere classified |
200102 | Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies | 070303 | Crop and Pasture Biochemistry and Physiology |
160503 | Communications and Media Policy | 070304 | Crop and Pasture Biomass and Bioproducts |
100599 | Communications Technologies not elsewhere classified | 070305 | Crop and Pasture Improvement (Selection and Breeding) |
111704 | Community Child Health | 070306 | Crop and Pasture Nutrition |
060202 | Community Ecology (excl. Invasive Species Ecology) | 070307 | Crop and Pasture Post Harvest Technologies (incl. Transportation and Storage) |
120501 | Community Planning | 070399 | Crop and Pasture Production not elsewhere classified |
130302 | Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education | 070308 | Crop and Pasture Protection (Pests, Diseases and Weeds) |
149901 | Comparative Economic Systems | 140301 | Cross-Sectional Analysis |
160603 | Comparative Government and Politics | 200299 | Cultural Studies not elsewhere classified |
200322 | Comparative Language Studies | 200204 | Cultural Theory |
180106 | Comparative Law | 200205 | Culture, Gender, Sexuality |
200524 | Comparative Literature Studies | 210299 | Curatorial and Related Studies not elsewhere classified |
060604 | Comparative Physiology | 130299 | Curriculum and Pedagogy not elsewhere classified |
220402 | Comparative Religious Studies | 130202 | Curriculum and Pedagogy Theory and Development |
110499 | Complementary and Alternative Medicine not elsewhere classified |  | D |
029902 | Complex Physical Systems | 190403 | Dance |
091202 | Composite and Hybrid Materials | 100504 | Data Communications |
091203 | Compound Semiconductors | 080402 | Data Encryption |
080299 | Computation Theory and Mathematics not elsewhere classified | 080499 | Data Format not elsewhere classified |
091501 | Computational Fluid Dynamics | 080403 | Data Structures |
091502 | Computational Heat Transfer | 080604 | Database Management |
200402 | Computational Linguistics | 170202 | Decision Making |
080203 | Computational Logic and Formal Languages | 080605 | Decision Support and Group Support Systems |
100503 | Computer Communications Networks | 220302 | Decision Theory |
190202 | Computer Gaming and Animation | 160604 | Defence Studies |
080103 | Computer Graphics | 020601 | Degenerate Quantum Gases and Atom Optics |
100699 | Computer Hardware not elsewhere classified | 160399 | Demography not elsewhere classified |
170201 | Computer Perception, Memory and Attention | 110501 | Dental Materials and Equipment |
080399 | Computer Software not elsewhere classified | 110502 | Dental Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Toxicology |
080302 | Computer System Architecture | 110599 | Dentistry not elsewhere classified |
080303 | Computer System Security | 110304 | Dermatology |
080104 | Computer Vision | 120301 | Design History and Theory |
080602 | Computer-Human Interaction | 120302 | Design Innovation |
080603 | Conceptual Modelling | 120303 | Design Management and Studio and Professional Practice |
080304 | Concurrent Programming | 120399 | Design Practice and Management not elsewhere classified |
020401 | Condensed Matter Characterisation Technique Development | 060403 | Developmental Genetics (incl. Sex Determination) |
020402 | Condensed Matter Imaging | 170102 | Developmental Psychology and Ageing |
020403 | Condensed Matter Modelling and Density Functional Theory | 111102 | Dietetics and Nutrigenomics |
020499 | Condensed Matter Physics not elsewhere classified | 120304 | Digital and Interaction Design |
180107 | Conflict of Laws (Private International Law) | 200403 | Discourse and Pragmatics |
080501 | Distributed and Grid Systems | 180111 | Environmental and Natural Resources Law |
080599 | Distributed Computing not elsewhere classified | 111705 | Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety |
190404 | Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies | 100204 | Environmental Biotechnology Diagnostics (incl. Biosensors) |
010204 | Dynamical Systems in Applications | 100299 | Environmental Biotechnology not elsewhere classified |
091304 | Dynamics, Vibration and Vibration Control | 039901 | Environmental Chemistry (incl. Atmospheric Chemistry) |
 | E | 050203 | Environmental Education and Extension |
130102 | Early Childhood Education (excl. Maori) | 090701 | Environmental Engineering Design |
200301 | Early English Languages | 090702 | Environmental Engineering Modelling |
049999 | Earth Sciences not elsewhere classified | 090799 | Environmental Engineering not elsewhere classified |
090504 | Earthquake Engineering | 050204 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
050199 | Ecological Applications not elsewhere classified | 050205 | Environmental Management |
149902 | Ecological Economics | 100205 | Environmental Marine Biotechnology |
050101 | Ecological Impacts of Climate Change | 100206 | Environmental Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins |
060203 | Ecological Physiology | 050206 | Environmental Monitoring |
060299 | Ecology not elsewhere classified | 100701 | Environmental Nanotechnology |
140302 | Econometric and Statistical Methods | 220303 | Environmental Philosophy |
140399 | Econometrics not elsewhere classified | 160605 | Environmental Politics |
140202 | Economic Development and Growth | 050207 | Environmental Rehabilitation (excl. Bioremediation) |
160505 | Economic Development Policy | 050299 | Environmental Science and Management not elsewhere classified |
160401 | Economic Geography | 059999 | Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified |
140203 | Economic History | 160802 | Environmental Sociology |
140303 | Economic Models and Forecasting | 090703 | Environmental Technologies |
140199 | Economic Theory not elsewhere classified | 060107 | Enzymes |
149999 | Economics not elsewhere classified | 111706 | Epidemiology |
140204 | Economics of Education | 060404 | Epigenetics (incl. Genome Methylation and Epigenomics) |
130203 | Economics, Business and Management Curriculum and Pedagogy | 220304 | Epistemology |
050102 | Ecosystem Function | 180112 | Equity and Trusts Law |
130303 | Education Assessment and Evaluation | 220305 | Ethical Theory |
139999 | Education not elsewhere classified | 220103 | Ethical Use of New Technology (e.g. Nanotechnology, Biotechnology) |
160506 | Education Policy | 130307 | Ethnic Education (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Maori and Pacific Peoples) |
130199 | Education Systems not elsewhere classified | 060304 | Ethology and Sociobiology |
130304 | Educational Administration, Management and Leadership | 210307 | European History (excl. British, Classical Greek and Roman) |
130305 | Educational Counselling | 060305 | Evolution of Developmental Systems |
170103 | Educational Psychology | 060399 | Evolutionary Biology not elsewhere classified |
130306 | Educational Technology and Computing | 060306 | Evolutionary Impacts of Climate Change |
040401 | Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods in Geophysics | 110602 | Exercise Physiology |
090699 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering not elsewhere classified | 140206 | Experimental Economics |
030102 | Electroanalytical Chemistry | 080105 | Expert Systems |
030604 | Electrochemistry | 040201 | Exploration Geochemistry |
091401 | Electrometallurgy | 040302 | Extraterrestrial Geology |
020404 | Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity |  | F |
190203 | Electronic Media Art | 160301 | Family and Household Studies |
020302 | Electrostatics and Electrodynamics | 111707 | Family Care |
091204 | Elemental Semiconductors | 180113 | Family Law |
110305 | Emergency Medicine | 070106 | Farm Management, Rural Management and Agribusiness |
110306 | Endocrinology | 070107 | Farming Systems Research |
110503 | Endodontics | 030202 | f-Block Chemistry |
091305 | Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage Engineering | 220306 | Feminist Theory |
120401 | Engineering Design Empirical Studies | 100303 | Fermentation |
120402 | Engineering Design Knowledge | 079902 | Fertilisers and Agrochemicals (incl. Application) |
120403 | Engineering Design Methods | 160302 | Fertility |
120499 | Engineering Design not elsewhere classified | 020602 | Field Theory and String Theory |
099902 | Engineering Instrumentation | 190204 | Film and Television |
099999 | Engineering not elsewhere classified | 190299 | Film, Television and Digital Media not elsewhere classified |
091503 | Engineering Practice | 150201 | Finance |
120404 | Engineering Systems Design | 150103 | Financial Accounting |
130204 | English and Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. LOTE, ESL and TESOL) | 150202 | Financial Econometrics |
200303 | English as a Second Language | 140207 | Financial Economics |
200302 | English Language | 150203 | Financial Institutions (incl. Banking) |
150304 | Entrepreneurship | 010205 | Financial Mathematics |
140205 | Environment and Resource Economics | 190502 | Fine Arts (incl. Sculpture and Painting) |
160507 | Environment Policy | 070404 | Fish Pests and Diseases |
070405 | Fish Physiology and Genetics | 069902 | Global Change Biology |
070403 | Fisheries Management | 080606 | Global Information Systems |
070499 | Fisheries Sciences not elsewhere classified | 200206 | Globalisation and Culture |
091002 | Flexible Manufacturing Systems | 160606 | Government and Politics of Asia and the Pacific |
090106 | Flight Dynamics | 040405 | Gravimetrics |
030103 | Flow Analysis | 010105 | Group Theory and Generalisations |
020303 | Fluid Physics |  | H |
091504 | Fluidisation and Fluid Mechanics | 111206 | Haematological Tumours |
111401 | Foetal Development and Medicine | 110202 | Haematology |
150401 | Food and Hospitality Services | 111708 | Health and Community Services |
090801 | Food Chemistry and Molecular Gastronomy (excl. Wine) | 111709 | Health Care Administration |
090802 | Food Engineering | 111710 | Health Counselling |
090803 | Food Nutritional Balance | 140208 | Health Economics |
090804 | Food Packaging, Preservation and Safety | 080702 | Health Informatics |
090805 | Food Processing | 111711 | Health Information Systems (incl. Surveillance) |
090899 | Food Sciences not elsewhere classified | 160508 | Health Policy |