For the 2006 Census the ABS will be developing a new way of looking at Census data that will add value to it by combining information from a sample of individual records over time between successive Censuses. This information will also be used with information on specified events such as birth and death registrations, cancer registrations, and permanent settlement and departure information, for that sample.
This will help to paint a picture of how different situations impact on outcomes for people by expanding the range of statistical information available from the Census. It will help answer questions such as ‘why are people where they are today?', 'how did they get to where they are?' and 'what can be done to improve people's situation?’
The sample of records will be brought together for successive Censuses and events using variables such as age or date of birth, sex, country of birth and geographic area. This will not involve the ABS keeping name and address information for the Census, and by law no data that is likely to enable the identification of a person can be released from the ABS.
For more information on this, go to or call 1300 362 883