080199 | Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing not elsewhere classified | 080605 | Decision Support and Group Support Systems |  |  |  |
 | 0802 COMPUTATION THEORY AND MATHEMATICS | 080606 | Global Information Systems |  |  |  |
080201 | Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity | 080607 | Information Engineering and Theory |  |  |  |
080202 | Applied Discrete Mathematics | 080608 | Information Systems Development Methodologies |  |  |  |
080203 | Computational Logic and Formal Languages | 080609 | Information Systems Management |  |  |  |
080204 | Mathematical Software | 080610 | Information Systems Organisation |  |  |  |
080205 | Numerical Computation | 080611 | Information Systems Theory |  |  |  |
080299 | Computation Theory and Mathematics not elsewhere classified | 080612 | Interorganisational Information Systems and Web Services |  |  |  |
 | 0803 COMPUTER SOFTWARE | 080613 | Maori Information and Knowledge Systems |  |  |  |
080301 | Bioinformatics Software | 080614 | Pacific Peoples Information and Knowledge Systems |  |  |  |
080302 | Computer System Architecture | 080699 | Information Systems not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
080303 | Computer System Security |  | 0807 LIBRARY AND INFORMATION STUDIES |  |  |  |
080304 | Concurrent Programming | 080701 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge Management |  |  |  |
080305 | Multimedia Programming | 080702 | Health Informatics |  |  |  |
080306 | Open Software | 080703 | Human Information Behaviour |  |  |  |
080307 | Operating Systems | 080704 | Information Retrieval and Web Search |  |  |  |
080308 | Programming Languages | 080705 | Informetrics |  |  |  |
080309 | Software Engineering | 080706 | Librarianship |  |  |  |
080399 | Computer Software not elsewhere classified | 080707 | Organisation of Information and Knowledge Resources |  |  |  |
 | 0804 DATA FORMAT | 080708 | Records and Information Management (excl. Business Records and Information Management) |  |  |  |
080401 | Coding and Information Theory | 080709 | Social and Community Informatics |  |  |  |
080402 | Data Encryption | 080799 | Library and Information Studies not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
080403 | Data Structures |  | 0899 OTHER INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES |  |  |  |
080404 | Markup Languages | 089999 | Information and Computing Sciences not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
080499 | Data Format not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
09 ENGINEERING |  |  |  |
090101 | Aerodynamics (excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics) | 090701 | Environmental Engineering Design |  |  |  |
090102 | Aerospace Materials | 090702 | Environmental Engineering Modelling |  |  |  |
090103 | Aerospace Structures | 090703 | Environmental Technologies |  |  |  |
090104 | Aircraft Performance and Flight Control Systems | 090799 | Environmental Engineering not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
090105 | Avionics |  | 0908 FOOD SCIENCES |  |  |  |
090106 | Flight Dynamics | 090801 | Food Chemistry and Molecular Gastronomy (excl. Wine) |  |  |  |
090107 | Hypersonic Propulsion and Hypersonic Aerodynamics | 090802 | Food Engineering |  |  |  |
090108 | Satellite, Space Vehicle and Missile Design and Testing | 090803 | Food Nutritional Balance |  |  |  |
090199 | Aerospace Engineering not elsewhere classified | 090804 | Food Packaging, Preservation and Safety |  |  |  |
 | 0902 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING | 090805 | Food Processing |  |  |  |
090201 | Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering (incl. Alternative/Renewable Fuels) | 090806 | Wine Chemistry and Wine Sensory Science |  |  |  |
090202 | Automotive Engineering Materials | 090899 | Food Sciences not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
090203 | Automotive Mechatronics |  | 0909 GEOMATIC ENGINEERING |  |  |  |
090204 | Automotive Safety Engineering | 090901 | Cartography |  |  |  |
090205 | Hybrid Vehicles and Powertrains | 090902 | Geodesy |  |  |  |
090299 | Automotive Engineering not elsewhere classified | 090903 | Geospatial Information Systems |  |  |  |
 | 0903 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING | 090904 | Navigation and Position Fixing |  |  |  |
090301 | Biomaterials | 090905 | Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |  |  |  |
090302 | Biomechanical Engineering | 090906 | Surveying (incl. Hydrographic Surveying) |  |  |  |
090303 | Biomedical Instrumentation | 090999 | Geomatic Engineering not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
090304 | Medical Devices |  | 0910 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING |  |  |  |
090305 | Rehabilitation Engineering | 091001 | CAD/CAM Systems |  |  |  |
090399 | Biomedical Engineering not elsewhere classified | 091002 | Flexible Manufacturing Systems |  |  |  |
 | 0904 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | 091003 | Machine Tools |  |  |  |
090401 | Carbon Capture Engineering (excl. Sequestration) | 091004 | Machining |  |  |  |
090402 | Catalytic Process Engineering | 091005 | Manufacturing Management |  |  |  |
090403 | Chemical Engineering Design | 091006 | Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (excl. Textiles) |  |  |  |
090404 | Membrane and Separation Technologies | 091007 | Manufacturing Robotics and Mechatronics (excl. Automotive Mechatronics) |  |  |  |
090405 | Non-automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering (incl. Alternative/Renewable Fuels) | 091008 | Manufacturing Safety and Quality |  |  |  |
090406 | Powder and Particle Technology | 091009 | Microtechnology |  |  |  |
090407 | Process Control and Simulation | 091010 | Packaging, Storage and Transportation (excl. Food and Agricultural Products) |  |  |  |
090408 | Rheology | 091011 | Precision Engineering |  |  |  |
090409 | Wastewater Treatment Processes | 091012 | Textile Technology |  |  |  |
090410 | Water Treatment Processes | 091099 | Manufacturing Engineering not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
090499 | Chemical Engineering not elsewhere classified |  | 0911 MARITIME ENGINEERING |  |  |  |
 | 0905 CIVIL ENGINEERING | 091101 | Marine Engineering |  |  |  |
090501 | Civil Geotechnical Engineering | 091102 | Naval Architecture |  |  |  |
090502 | Construction Engineering | 091103 | Ocean Engineering |  |  |  |
090503 | Construction Materials | 091104 | Ship and Platform Hydrodynamics |  |  |  |
090504 | Earthquake Engineering | 091105 | Ship and Platform Structures |  |  |  |
090505 | Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management | 091106 | Special Vehicles |  |  |  |
090506 | Structural Engineering | 091199 | Maritime Engineering not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
090507 | Transport Engineering |  | 0912 MATERIALS ENGINEERING |  |  |  |
090508 | Water Quality Engineering | 091201 | Ceramics |  |  |  |
090509 | Water Resources Engineering | 091202 | Composite and Hybrid Materials |  |  |  |
090599 | Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified | 091203 | Compound Semiconductors |  |  |  |
 | 0906 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING | 091204 | Elemental Semiconductors |  |  |  |
090601 | Circuits and Systems | 091205 | Functional Materials |  |  |  |
090602 | Control Systems, Robotics and Automation | 091206 | Glass |  |  |  |
090603 | Industrial Electronics | 091207 | Metals and Alloy Materials |  |  |  |
090604 | Microelectronics and Integrated Circuits | 091208 | Organic Semiconductors |  |  |  |
090605 | Photodetectors, Optical Sensors and Solar Cells | 091209 | Polymers and Plastics |  |  |  |
090606 | Photonics and Electro-Optical Engineering (excl. Communications) | 091210 | Timber, Pulp and Paper |  |  |  |
090607 | Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Renewable Power) | 091299 | Materials Engineering not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
090608 | Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells) |  |  |  |  |  |
090609 | Signal Processing |  |  |  |  |  |
090699 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
09 ENGINEERING continued |  |  |  |
091301 | Acoustics and Noise Control (excl. Architectural Acoustics) | 091501 | Computational Fluid Dynamics |  |  |  |
091302 | Automation and Control Engineering | 091502 | Computational Heat Transfer |  |  |  |
091303 | Autonomous Vehicles | 091503 | Engineering Practice |  |  |  |
091304 | Dynamics, Vibration and Vibration Control | 091504 | Fluidisation and Fluid Mechanics |  |  |  |
091305 | Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage Engineering | 091505 | Heat and Mass Transfer Operations |  |  |  |
091306 | Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) | 091506 | Nuclear Engineering (incl. Fuel Enrichment and Waste Processing and Storage) |  |  |  |
091307 | Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation | 091507 | Risk Engineering (excl. Earthquake Engineering) |  |  |  |
091308 | Solid Mechanics | 091508 | Turbulent Flows |  |  |  |
091309 | Tribology | 091599 | Interdisciplinary Engineering not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
091399 | Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified |  | 0999 OTHER ENGINEERING |  |  |  |
 | 0914 RESOURCES ENGINEERING AND EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY | 099901 | Agricultural Engineering |  |  |  |
091401 | Electrometallurgy | 099902 | Engineering Instrumentation |  |  |  |
091402 | Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering | 099999 | Engineering not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
091403 | Hydrometallurgy |  |  |  |  |  |
091404 | Mineral Processing/Beneficiation |  |  |  |  |  |
091405 | Mining Engineering |  |  |  |  |  |
091406 | Petroleum and Reservoir Engineering |  |  |  |  |  |
091407 | Pyrometallurgy |  |  |  |  |  |
091499 | Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
10 TECHNOLOGY |  |  |  |
100101 | Agricultural Biotechnology Diagnostics (incl. Biosensors) | 100501 | Antennas and Propagation |  |  |  |
100102 | Agricultural Marine Biotechnology | 100502 | Broadband and Modem Technology |  |  |  |
100103 | Agricultural Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins | 100503 | Computer Communications Networks |  |  |  |
100104 | Genetically Modified Animals | 100504 | Data Communications |  |  |  |
100105 | Genetically Modified Field Crops and Pasture | 100505 | Microwave and Millimetrewave Theory and Technology |  |  |  |
100106 | Genetically Modified Horticulture Plants | 100506 | Optical Fibre Communications |  |  |  |
100107 | Genetically Modified Trees | 100507 | Optical Networks and Systems |  |  |  |
100108 | Livestock cloning | 100508 | Satellite Communications |  |  |  |
100109 | Transgenesis | 100509 | Video Communications |  |  |  |
100199 | Agricultural Biotechnology not elsewhere classified | 100510 | Wireless Communications |  |  |  |
 | 1002 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY | 100599 | Communications Technologies not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
100201 | Biodiscovery |  | 1006 COMPUTER HARDWARE |  |  |  |
100202 | Biological Control | 100601 | Arithmetic and Logic Structures |  |  |  |
100203 | Bioremediation | 100602 | Input, Output and Data Devices |  |  |  |
100204 | Environmental Biotechnology Diagnostics (incl. Biosensors) | 100603 | Logic Design |  |  |  |
100205 | Environmental Marine Biotechnology | 100604 | Memory Structures |  |  |  |
100206 | Environmental Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins | 100605 | Performance Evaluation; Testing and Simulation of Reliability |  |  |  |
100299 | Environmental Biotechnology not elsewhere classified | 100606 | Processor Architectures |  |  |  |
 | 1003 INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY | 100699 | Computer Hardware not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
100301 | Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology |  | 1007 NANOTECHNOLOGY |  |  |  |
100302 | Bioprocessing, Bioproduction and Bioproducts | 100701 | Environmental Nanotechnology |  |  |  |
100303 | Fermentation | 100702 | Molecular and Organic Electronics |  |  |  |
100304 | Industrial Biotechnology Diagnostics (incl. Biosensors) | 100703 | Nanobiotechnology |  |  |  |
100305 | Industrial Microbiology (incl. Biofeedstocks) | 100704 | Nanoelectromechanical Systems |  |  |  |
100306 | Industrial Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins | 100705 | Nanoelectronics |  |  |  |
100399 | Industrial Biotechnology not elsewhere classified | 100706 | Nanofabrication, Growth and Self Assembly |  |  |  |
 | 1004 MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY | 100707 | Nanomanufacturing |  |  |  |
100401 | Gene and Molecular Therapy | 100708 | Nanomaterials |  |  |  |
100402 | Medical Biotechnology Diagnostics (incl. Biosensors) | 100709 | Nanomedicine |  |  |  |
100403 | Medical Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins | 100710 | Nanometrology |  |  |  |
100404 | Regenerative Medicine (incl. Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering) | 100711 | Nanophotonics |  |  |  |
100499 | Medical Biotechnology not elsewhere classified | 100712 | Nanoscale Characterisation |  |  |  |
 |  | 100713 | Nanotoxicology, Health and Safety |  |  |  |
 |  | 100799 | Nanotechnology not elsewhere classified
1099 OTHER TECHNOLOGY |  |  |  |
 |  | 109999 | Technology not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
110101 | Medical Biochemistry: Amino Acids and Metabolites | 110601 | Biomechanics |  |  |  |
110102 | Medical Biochemistry: Carbohydrates | 110602 | Exercise Physiology |  |  |  |
110103 | Medical Biochemistry: Inorganic Elements and Compounds | 110603 | Motor Control |  |  |  |
110104 | Medical Biochemistry: Lipids | 110604 | Sports Medicine |  |  |  |
110105 | Medical Biochemistry: Nucleic Acids | 110699 | Human Movement and Sports Science not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
110106 | Medical Biochemistry: Proteins and Peptides (incl. Medical Proteomics) |  | 1107 IMMUNOLOGY |  |  |  |
110107 | Metabolic Medicine | 110701 | Allergy |  |  |  |
110199 | Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics not elsewhere classified | 110702 | Applied Immunology (incl. Antibody Engineering, Xenotransplantation and T-cell Therapies) |  |  |  |
 | 1102 CARDIORESPIRATORY MEDICINE AND HAEMATOLOGY | 110703 | Autoimmunity |  |  |  |
110201 | Cardiology (incl. Cardiovascular Diseases) | 110704 | Cellular Immunology |  |  |  |
110202 | Haematology | 110705 | Humoural Immunology and Immunochemistry |  |  |  |
110203 | Respiratory Diseases | 110706 | Immunogenetics (incl. Genetic Immunology) |  |  |  |
110299 | Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology not elsewhere classified | 110707 | Innate Immunity |  |  |  |
 | 1103 CLINICAL SCIENCES | 110708 | Transplantation Immunology |  |  |  |
110301 | Anaesthesiology | 110709 | Tumour Immunology |  |  |  |
110302 | Clinical Chemistry (diagnostics) | 110799 | Immunology not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
110303 | Clinical Microbiology |  | 1108 MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY |  |  |  |
110304 | Dermatology | 110801 | Medical Bacteriology |  |  |  |
110305 | Emergency Medicine | 110802 | Medical Infection Agents (incl. Prions) |  |  |  |
110306 | Endocrinology | 110803 | Medical Parasitology |  |  |  |
110307 | Gastroenterology and Hepatology | 110804 | Medical Virology |  |  |  |
110308 | Geriatrics and Gerontology | 110899 | Medical Microbiology not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
110309 | Infectious Diseases |  | 1109 NEUROSCIENCES |  |  |  |
110310 | Intensive Care | 110901 | Autonomic Nervous System |  |  |  |
110311 | Medical Genetics (excl. Cancer Genetics) | 110902 | Cellular Nervous System |  |  |  |
110312 | Nephrology and Urology | 110903 | Central Nervous System |  |  |  |
110313 | Nuclear Medicine | 110904 | Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases |  |  |  |
110314 | Orthopaedics | 110905 | Peripheral Nervous System |  |  |  |
110315 | Otorhinolaryngology | 110906 | Sensory Systems |  |  |  |
110316 | Pathology (excl. Oral Pathology) | 110999 | Neurosciences not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
110317 | Physiotherapy |  | 1110 NURSING |  |  |  |
110318 | Podiatry | 111001 | Aged Care Nursing |  |  |  |
110319 | Psychiatry (incl. Psychotherapy) | 111002 | Clinical Nursing: Primary (Preventative) |  |  |  |
110320 | Radiology and Organ Imaging | 111003 | Clinical Nursing: Secondary (Acute Care) |  |  |  |
110321 | Rehabilitation and Therapy (excl. Physiotherapy) | 111004 | Clinical Nursing: Tertiary (Rehabilitative) |  |  |  |
110322 | Rheumatology and Arthritis | 111005 | Mental Health Nursing |  |  |  |
110323 | Surgery | 111006 | Midwifery |  |  |  |
110324 | Venereology | 111099 | Nursing not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
110399 | Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified |  | 1111 NUTRITION AND DIETETICS |  |  |  |
 | 1104 COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | 111101 | Clinical and Sports Nutrition |  |  |  |
110401 | Chiropractic | 111102 | Dietetics and Nutrigenomics |  |  |  |
110402 | Naturopathy | 111103 | Nutritional Physiology |  |  |  |
110403 | Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medicine and Treatments | 111104 | Public Nutrition Intervention |  |  |  |
110404 | Traditional Chinese Medicine and Treatments | 111199 | Nutrition and Dietetics not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
110405 | Traditional Maori Medicine and Treatments |  | 1112 ONCOLOGY AND CARCINOGENESIS |  |  |  |
110499 | Complementary and Alternative Medicine not elsewhere classified | 111201 | Cancer Cell Biology |  |  |  |
 | 1105 DENTISTRY | 111202 | Cancer Diagnosis |  |  |  |
110501 | Dental Materials and Equipment | 111203 | Cancer Genetics |  |  |  |
110502 | Dental Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Toxicology | 111204 | Cancer Therapy (excl. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy) |  |  |  |
110503 | Endodontics | 111205 | Chemotherapy |  |  |  |
110504 | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 111206 | Haematological Tumours |  |  |  |
110505 | Oral Medicine and Pathology | 111207 | Molecular Targets |  |  |  |
110506 | Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics | 111208 | Radiation Therapy |  |  |  |
110507 | Paedodontics | 111209 | Solid Tumours |  |  |  |
110508 | Periodontics | 111299 | Oncology and Carcinogenesis not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
110509 | Special Needs Dentistry |  |  |  |  |  |
110599 | Dentistry not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |  |  |
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 |  |  |  |  |  |
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES continued |  |  |  |
111301 | Ophthalmology | 111701 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health |  |  |  |
111302 | Optical Technology | 111702 | Aged Health Care |  |  |  |
111303 | Vision Science | 111703 | Care for Disabled |  |  |  |
111399 | Ophthalmology and Optometry not elsewhere classified | 111704 | Community Child Health |  |  |  |
 | 1114 PAEDIATRICS AND REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE | 111705 | Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety |  |  |  |
111401 | Foetal Development and Medicine | 111706 | Epidemiology |  |  |  |
111402 | Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 111707 | Family Care |  |  |  |
111403 | Paediatrics | 111708 | Health and Community Services |  |  |  |
111404 | Reproduction | 111709 | Health Care Administration |  |  |  |
111499 | Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine not elsewhere classified | 111710 | Health Counselling |  |  |  |
 | 1115 PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES | 111711 | Health Information Systems (incl. Surveillance) |  |  |  |
111501 | Basic Pharmacology | 111712 | Health Promotion |  |  |  |
111502 | Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 111713 | Maori Health |  |  |  |
111503 | Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice | 111714 | Mental Health |  |  |  |
111504 | Pharmaceutical Sciences | 111715 | Pacific Peoples Health |  |  |  |
111505 | Pharmacogenomics | 111716 | Preventive Medicine |  |  |  |
111506 | Toxicology (incl. Clinical Toxicology) | 111717 | Primary Health Care |  |  |  |
111599 | Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences not elsewhere classified | 111718 | Residential Client Care |  |  |  |
 | 1116 MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY | 111799 | Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
111601 | Cell Physiology |  | 1199 OTHER MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES |  |  |  |
111602 | Human Biophysics | 119999 | Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
111603 | Systems Physiology |  |  |  |  |  |
111699 | Medical Physiology not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 1201 ARCHITECTURE |  | 1204 ENGINEERING DESIGN |  |  |  |
120101 | Architectural Design | 120401 | Engineering Design Empirical Studies |  |  |  |
120102 | Architectural Heritage and Conservation | 120402 | Engineering Design Knowledge |  |  |  |
120103 | Architectural History and Theory | 120403 | Engineering Design Methods |  |  |  |
120104 | Architectural Science and Technology (incl. Acoustics, Lighting, Structure and Ecologically Sustainable Design) | 120404 | Engineering Systems Design |  |  |  |
120105 | Architecture Management | 120405 | Models of Engineering Design |  |  |  |
120106 | Interior Design | 120499 | Engineering Design not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |
120107 | Landscape Architecture |  | 1205 URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING |  |  |  |
120199 | Architecture not elsewhere classified | 120501 | Community Planning |  |  |  |
 | 1202 BUILDING | 120502 | History and Theory of the Built Environment (excl. Architecture) |  |  |  |
120201 | Building Construction Management and Project Planning | 120503 | Housing Markets, Development, Management |  |  |  |
120202 | Building Science and Techniques | 120504 | Land Use and Environmental Planning |  |  |  |
120203 | Quantity Surveying | 120505 | Regional Analysis and Development |  |  |  |
120299 | Building not elsewhere classified | 120506 | Transport Planning |  |  |  |
 | 1203 DESIGN PRACTICE AND MANAGEMENT | 120507 | Urban Analysis and Development |  |  |  |
120301 | Design History and Theory | 120508 | Urban Design |  |  |  |
120302 | Design Innovation | 120599 | Urban and Regional Planning not elsewhere classified |  |  |  |