Business expenditure on R&D, summary statistics, 1992-93 to 2013-14 |
Business expenditure on R&D, by ANZSIC06 industry subdivision - by employment size |
Business expenditure on R&D, by ANZSIC06 industry subdivision - by type of expenditure |
Business expenditure on R&D, by ANZSIC06 industry subdivision - by source of funds |
Business expenditure on R&D, by ANZSIC06 industry subdivision - by location of expenditure |
Business expenditure on R&D, by ANZSIC06 industry subdivision - by type of activity |
Business expenditure on R&D, by fields of research, 1992-93 to 2013-14 |
Business expenditure on R&D, by socio-economic objective, 1992-93 to 2013-14 |
Business human resources devoted to R&D, summary statistics, 1992-93 to 2013-14 |
Business human resources devoted to R&D, by ANZSIC06 industry subdivision - by employment size |
Business human resources devoted to R&D, by ANZSIC06 industry subdivision - by type of resource |
Business resources devoted to R&D, by level of foreign ownership - summary statistics |
Relative Standard Error, Business resources devoted to R&D, 2013-14 |