Publications |
6427.0 - Producer Price Indexes, Australia |
Time Series Spreadsheets |
Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 24 and 25. Stage of Production, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes |
Tables 10 and 11. Articles Produced by manufacturing industries, division index numbers and percentage changes and index numbers for subdivisions, groups and classes  |
Tables 12 and 13. Materials used in manufacturing industries, division index numbers and percentage changes and index numbers for selected materials |
Table 14. Materials used in manufacturing industries, index numbers for subdivisions |
Table 15. Selected output of division E construction, group and class index numbers |
Tables 16 and 17. Materials used in house building, index numbers and percentage changes by state capital city |
Table 18. Materials used in coal mining, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 19. Selected output of division I transport, postal and warehousing, group and class index numbers |
Table 20. Selected output of divisions J (information media and telecommunications), O (public administration and safety) and S (other services), group and class index numbers |
Table 21. Selected output of division L rental, hiring and real estate services, subdivision, group and class index numbers |
Table 22. Selected output of division M professional, scientific and technical services, group and class index numbers |
Table 23. Selected output of division N administrative and support services, group and class index numbers |
Table 28. Indexes of metallic materials used in the fabricated metal products industry, index numbers |
Table 30. Copper materials used in the manufacture of electrical equipment, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 31. Asphalt supplied and placed, index numbers |
Data Cubes |
Stage of Production, Final commodities index points change: Final commodities index points change |
Stage of Production: Domestic final commodities index points change |
Stage of Production: Imported final commodities index points change |
Stage of Production Price Indexes: Intermediate commodities index points change |
Stage of Production Price Indexes: Preliminary commodities index points change |
Table 26 Price indexes of articles produced by manufacturing industries, contribution of subdivisions and groups |
Table 27 Price indexes of materials used in manufacturing industries, contribution of selected materials |
Table 29 Price indexes of materials used in house building, All groups index: contribution of major building materials—Groups: contribution to weighted average of six State capital cities index (index points) |