Publications |
6401.0 - Consumer Price Index, Australia |
Time Series Spreadsheets |
TABLE 1. CPI: All Groups, Index Numbers (Quarerly)(a) |
TABLE 2. CPI: All Groups, Percentage Changes (Quarter) |
TABLE 3. CPI: Groups, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities, Index Numbers (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 4. CPI: Groups, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities, Percentage Changes (Quarter) |
TABLE 5. CPI: Groups, Index Numbers (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6A. CPI: Food, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6B. CPI: Alcohol and Tobacco. Contribution to Chnage in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6C. CPI: Clothing and footwear, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6D. CPI: Housing, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6E. CPI: Household contents and services, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6F. CPI: Health, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6G. CPI: Transportation, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6H. CPI: Communication, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6I. CPI: Recreation, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6J. CPI: Education, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6K. CPI: Financial and insurance services, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 6L. CPI: All Groups, Contribution to Change in All Groups Indexes (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 7A. CPI: Food, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7B. CPI: Alcohol and tobacco, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7C. CPI: Clothing and footwear, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7D. CPI: Housing, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7E. CPI: Household contents and services, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7F. CPI: Health, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7G. CPI: Transportation, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7H. CPI: Communication, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7I. CPI: Recreation, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TAB:E 7J. CPI: Education, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7K. CPI: Financial and insurance services, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 7L. CPI: All Groups, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities |
TABLE 8. CPI: Special Series, Weighted Average of Eight Capital Cities (Quarter) |
TABLE 9. CPI: Analytical Series, Index Numbers (Quarter)(a) |
TABLE 10. CPI: Analytical Series, Percentage Changes |
TABLE 11. CPI: International Comparisons, All Groups Excluding Housing and Financial and insurance services, Index Numbers (Quarterly)(a) |
TABLE 12. CPI: International Comparisons, All Groups Excluding Housing and Financial and insurance services, Percentage Changes (Quarter) |