6342.0 - Working Time Arrangements, Australia |
Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job, Employment type and other working arrangements—By sex |
Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job, Full-time or part-time status in main job—By selected working arrangements—By sex |
Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job, Whether had paid leave entitlements—By selected working arrangements—By sex |
Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job, Whether had paid leave entitlements—By selected job characteristics—By sex |
Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job, Whether had any say in start and finish times—By age and industry, occupation and sector of main job—By sex |
Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job, Whether able to choose to work extra hours in order to take time off—By age and industry, occupation and sector of main job—By sex |
Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job, Whether usually worked shift work—By age and industry, occupation and sector of main job—By sex |
Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job, Whether earnings/income varied from one pay period to the next—By age and industry, occupation and sector of main job—By sex |
Employees in main job, Patterns of work in all jobs—By sex |
Populations, State or territory of usual residence—By sex |